"Little ghost, are you threatening the old man?"

Listening to the voice coming from the other end of the phone worm, Mo Long laughed, "Warring States old man, isn't this nonsense, I made it clear that I was threatening you, otherwise what do you think?" Am I really doing business with you? How dare I do such a illegal thing as selling naval soldiers!

Listening to Mo Long's words, Sengoku's face twitched, "Isn't the business you are doing with Lao Tzu now selling naval soldiers?" Three thousand six hundred sailors, you will sell thirty-six devil fruits! "

No, no, no, I won't do such a thing as selling naval soldiers, I'm selling warships, that's right, five warships, estimated at thirty-six devil fruits, as for thirty-six hundred navies, that's just a gift."

Mo Long retorted, "Okay, old man of the Warring States, don't talk nonsense, marshal of the dignified navy, can't you be refreshed at all?" You say, give it or not, a word of things, if you don't give it, I happen to be at sea now, kill and throw it directly into the sea to feed the fish, and also save the buried. "

Two Devil Fruits!"

After a moment of silence, Sengoku replied, "The old man exchanged two devil fruits with you!" "

Molong, "

Sengoku, do you look like a fool to me? Three thousand six hundred sailors, only worth two devil fruits? I just sell them as pork, and it's more than this price!

"Warring States old man, you know, I treated you as a friend, so I sold them to you, and if you do this, it will not be authentic, believe it or not, I will directly sell them to slave owners as slaves?"

"Bastards, they are naval soldiers, how dare you treat them like this?"

Hearing Mo Long's words, Warring States Qi smashed a punch on the wall behind him, directly smashing a big hole in the wall.

(Desk: ??? Am I already satisfied with you?

"What happened to the navy? Which law stated that naval soldiers could not be sold into slavery by slave owners?

Mo Long retorted.


Sengoku really replied to him, "According to the Constitution of the World Government, the Government Army Section, Volume III, Page 14, Article 9, which stipulates that no one has the right to trade slaves to the regular army under the World Government, and if discovered, someone who buys and sells government soldiers will be hanged!" "


he choked and had nothing to say.

Actually, is there really such a rule?

Well, it's my fault that I read less. (Reader: I don't blame you, we don't know!)

"Okay, Sengoku, you're right, I'm breaking the law, so what are you going to do?"

Mo Long had a showdown, "If you have the ability, you will arrest me back and continue to execute me!" If you don't have that ability, you will pay me honestly, no, it's the Devil Fruit!" "

Sengoku," ... You say so, what else can I do? Of course, it's according to your wishes, didn't the old man say it before? Two Devil Fruits, in exchange for those sailors!

"It's thirty-six!"

Mo Long was speechless, "Others haggle, that's waist chopping, you Warring States haggling, this is directly starting from the heel cut, do you think this is possible?" If you do business with people like this every time, the merchant will compensate your wife to you!

"Who wants a merchant's wife?" I have Karp... Ahhh, you bastard imp, look at you, the old man who hurt is starting to talk nonsense. Warring

States scolded, "Anyway, thirty-six is impossible, the navy does not have so many devil fruits at all, since it is a business, little ghost, how about you give a little discount?" "

Okay, seeing that you are so old and still insist on working, in line with the good virtue of respecting the old and loving the young, I will give you a discount of one devil fruit, thirty-five devil fruits, no less."

Mo Long, you see, how generous I am, I gave you a discount of 100 million at once, thank me well.

After Sengoku listened, his cheeks twitched, "Little ghost, why are you joking with your old husband?" Just one cheaper?

"Don't? Then forget it, just thirty-six, not one can be less!

Mo Long said with a straight face.

The Warring States were silent for a while before continuing to speak, "Little ghost, if this is the case, then we have nothing to talk about, those naval soldiers, you can deal with it as you like, my bottom line is three, a thousand naval soldiers for one, no more, the people above will not agree!"

"Originally, these navies did not protect the heavenly gold, that is, they were ineffective, and the navy could not spend more money to exchange these ineffective navies back."

Warring States can be regarded as telling the truth with Molong, "Moreover, once this opening is opened, in the future, a pirate will use naval soldiers to blackmail the naval headquarters, so will the naval headquarters still mess around on the sea?" "

Okay, okay, Warring States, you said so, I'll give you another discount, twenty, as long as twenty devil fruits, twenty devil fruits you can't buy a loss, twenty devil fruits you can't buy fooled, twenty devil fruits, but you can buy back three thousand six hundred sailors and five warships, Warring States, you really made a lot of money."

"According to the Devil Fruit of 100 million, twenty is only two billion Baileys, just five warships plus various weapons and ammunition, at least worth one billion Baileys, right? So the death pension for the remaining 3,600 sailors, isn't there a billion billion?

"If I kill these sailors, the death pension will also be a big expense, right?"

Mo Long and the Warring States made the stakes clear, "You see, these sailors were killed by me, you have to spend a large amount of death pension, and then you won't get anything." And now you only need to spend twenty devil fruits, you can exchange these navies and warships, the same spend, one spent is to lose water, and you will not get anything.

"The other one can be exchanged for a group of loyal naval soldiers, as a wise general, Warring States, do you still need me to teach you how to choose?"

Molong's words made the Warring States unable to refute them.

Indeed .

. If a naval soldier dies in battle, he will definitely have to pay a pension.

After all, most of those who joined the army came for money, and not some bullshit justice.

If you die and do not give a pension, I am afraid that in the future the Navy will be difficult to conscript.


Not to mention that the heavenly gold was robbed, he had to give Molong twenty devil fruits for nothing, he really couldn't swallow this breath.

He Warring States, when did he suffer such a loss?

"Molong, twenty is still too much, five, I can call the shots and give you five devil fruits."

The Warring States have released their bottom line, and at present, there are exactly five devil fruits in the warehouse of the naval headquarters, which were originally prepared to reward the navy soldiers who made the most meritorious contributions this year.

But now....

For the sake of these 3,600 sailors, they can only be given to Mo Long!



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