At the moment when Robin felt so much pressure that he even stopped breathing. Xia Yu suddenly raised his head and slashed at the terrifying three-masted sailboat with the watermelon knife in his hand!

“Uh-huh! ! !”

The dazzling slashing wave bloomed in the sky like a bright moon, and then carried the energy that destroyed the world and instantly tore the sea open, directly swaying a stream of light on the sea surface and instantly slashed to the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship at an astonishing speed.。


An explosion shook the night sky suddenly. Immediately afterwards, the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat collapsed, and the rising smoke instantly enveloped Moonlight Moria and others.。

at the same time。

The watermelon knife in Xia Yu’s hand also shattered silently, turning into nothingness and evaporating out of thin air!

Robin, who was standing on the side, was completely messed up. His beautiful eyes were wide open and he stared at the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat that was cut open by Xia Yu with a knife from the air. He couldn’t recover for a long time.。

Unimaginable! !

It’s hard to imagine that Xia Yu actually did it from such a long distance!

“Hey, it seems I need to find a good knife.。”

Glancing at the severed front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat, Xia Yu blinked slightly disappointedly and whispered softly: “If you can get Mihawk’s black knife, you should be able to cut off the terrifying three-masted sailboat from it.” Split it?!”


Robin almost fainted after hearing Xia Yu’s complaints.。

This guy is completely dissatisfied with his masterpiece. I used a watermelon knife to chop off the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat. What else do you want?

Robin couldn’t help himself and completely lost his bearings.。

Under normal circumstances, she is relatively stable and reserved. But since she got together with Xia Yu, she found that she could become another person at any time, which made her always feel like she would go crazy if she continued to follow Xia Yu!

The front door of the terrifying barque。

Moonlight Moria was also frightened。

He never dreamed that such a monster-level strongman would appear in the Kingdom of Illusia. Looking at the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat that was split open by a knife, Moonlight Moria stood up with lingering fear, and then looked at the port of Constantine City through the billowing smoke.。

“Hey, hey, who is that man?”

“Could it be Mihawk with such a terrifying slash?”

“! ! ! ! It’s really Mihawk!”

“What nonsense are you talking about…ahhhh, it’s really Mihawk! ! ! !”

In the billowing smoke, several pirates whose shadows had been taken away had not yet fully woken up. They almost jumped up because of a figure that appeared on the sea in front of them!

I saw a coffin-shaped boat approaching at an alarming speed on the sea not far from the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat.。

These pirates were right, the coffin-shaped boat was real, and so was Mihawk sitting on the boat, carrying the world’s most powerful black sword!

Mihawk has been wandering around the West Sea since he separated from Xia Yu last time!

After killing several pirate groups in succession, including men and ships, he wandered to the waters of the Kingdom of Illusia.。

Mihawk is familiar with this country. Although the Kingdom of Ilusia has a foolish and unscrupulous king, fortunately, the old king listens to the young queen, and the young queen does care for the people, so the Kingdom of Ilusia comes from the West Sea. It can be said to be a relatively stable and peaceful country!

Of course, these are not the reasons why Mihawk came to th

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What really made him come to Constantine City from Sig Town with a clear goal was that the traveler who drove him crazy seemed to have traveled here!

Mihawk still has an unforgettable memory of the fine wine on the Voyager。

Therefore, he wanted to ask Xia Yu for some wine to quench his thirst.。

Excuses, these are all excuses!

He came to Constantine City to find Xia Yu because he actually wanted to win in the game of rock, paper, scissors!

But Mihawk never expected that the legendary ghost ship in the West Sea would actually appear in the waters of Constantine City.。

Entering the waters of Constantine City and looking at the huge and eerie ghost ship, he frowned instantly!

No one would be happy if their way was blocked by such a big ghost ship, right? What’s more, Mihawk, a guy who likes to chop down people and ships at the same time?

So, the moment he frowned, the world’s strongest black knife also started to move!

But before he could pick up the knife and start slashing, a slashing wave appeared that shocked him!

The bright and dazzling slashing wave bloomed instantly like a bright moon, tearing open the sea surface like a tornado, rolling up a huge wave rising into the sky and hitting the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship unstoppably! ! !

This extremely unparalleled scene caused the fighting factor in Mihawk’s body to explode instantly。

Looking at the billowing smoke rising from the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat, Mihawk knew that the opponent he had been looking for finally appeared! !

Therefore, he went directly around the front door of the terrifying three-masted ship without stopping at all, and took his coffin boat straight to the port of Constantine City and flew away quickly!


It’s that figure! !

It must be him。

Mihawk, who had already stood up from the coffin boat, completely ignored the sluggish pirates in the direction of the front door of the terrifying three-masted ship. His eyes flashed with a soul-stirring light, and he stared unblinkingly at the blurry figure in the port.。

The long-lost fighting spirit made Mihawk a little helpless!

His lips were trembling with excitement and excitement!

When the coffin boat completely bypassed the terrifying three-masted sailboat and saw the figure that gradually became clearer, Mihawk subconsciously took a heavier breath!

He could be sure that the world wave slash just now that was not inferior to him at all came from that man!

Moonlight Moriah, standing in the direction of the front door of the terrifying three-masted sailboat, was a little confused.。

After seeing Mihawk completely ignoring his presence and heading straight to the port, he blinked blankly, then turned around and simply ordered: “Quick, let’s get out of here!”

The man with the watermelon knife at the port was already terrifying, and now here comes the world’s greatest swordsman. He is really worried that the terrifying three-masted sailboat will be broken into pieces!

It was okay that Moria didn’t speak. When he spoke, he immediately attracted the attention of Mihawk, who was highly concentrated.。

Immediately afterwards, Mihawk, who had already bypassed the terrifying three-masted sailing ship in the coffin boat, suddenly drew his knife, turned around and slashed at the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.。

“Damn it…”

Moriah, who never expected Mihawk to suddenly draw his sword and strike at him, suddenly looked horrified and his eyes widened.。

At the same time, the terrifying three-masted ship suddenly accelerated and floated out, allowing Moria to escape danger again.。

“What a risk, what a risk!”

Moriah wiped his sweat secretly, turned around and dived into the terrifying three-masted sailboat.。


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