Of course Mihawk won’t cheat。

After all, he is usually self-sufficient. Farming is no challenge to him at all.。

In the yard in front of the mushroom house, a dining table made by Xia Yu with wooden pillars was piled with various delicacies.。

As soon as Xia Yu and Mihawk returned to the mushroom house, they were attracted by the delicious food in front of them. Without any explanation, they jumped over and each grabbed a grilled fish and started to eat it!

“You two started eating without even calling us!”

At this moment, Perona and Robin walked out with two bottles of wine each. Seeing that Xia Yu and Mihawk had come back and started eating directly, Perona pouted her lips and said dissatisfied: “Robin-chan and I have been waiting for you hungry!”

“hurry up,”

Seeing Robin and Perona coming out with wine, Xia Yu shouted inarticulately while nibbling on the grilled fish: “Wine, wine!”

Seeing this, Robin smiled and came to sit next to Xia Yu, and then poured the wine for Xia Yu himself。

Mihawk, who was sitting on the side, saw this and quickly handed over his wine bowl. However, Robin stopped after filling Xia Yu’s mouth, and then smiled and said to Perona, who was standing aside with her little mouth pouting angrily, “If you don’t come over to eat, they will eat it up.”~”


Seeing Robin completely ignoring his existence, Mihawk blinked awkwardly, then turned his head to look at Perona。

He originally thought that Perona would pass him the wine, but like Robin, Perona pouted and angrily came to sit on the other side of Xia Yu, then picked up a pancake and started eating.。

Seeing this, Mihawk was completely confused, and the expression on his face was even more wonderful!

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Xia Yu, who saw this scene in his eyes, couldn’t help it anymore and laughed loudly: “Mihawk, it seems that you, the world’s greatest swordsman, are not welcome here!”

With that said, Xia Yu threw a bottle of wine over, then picked up his own wine bowl and started drinking.。


Hearing Xia Yu’s words, Perona’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then she came close to Xia Yu and asked with a serious expression, “You two compete, who wins in the end? Wait, let me guess.…!”

Mihawk caught the wine bottle thrown by Xia Yu, and without giving Perona a chance to guess, simply said: “I lost!”

“Sure enough, Xia Yu is the strongest!”

After hearing Mihawk’s words, Perona immediately stopped being angry and handed the two bottles of fine wine in her hand to Xia Yu with a look of admiration in her eyes. “Here, it’s all for you!!”

“This is too much!”

Seeing that Perona only ignored Xia Yu, Mihawk couldn’t help but roared: “You guys treat guests like this, it’s very rude, you know? Come on, give me a bottle too!”


Perona reacted quickly and hugged the wine bottle, looking at Mihawk with a smile, “Today’s wine is prepared to celebrate Xia Yu becoming the world’s number one swordsman, and it’s not your share!!”


There was nothing wrong with what Perona said, but Mihawk still said with a fierce expression: “Don’t forget that I am your savior. And the person sitting next to you is the real culprit who cut you into the sea!”

“It doesn’t matter, I like Xia Yu!~”

Perona turned her head and glanced at Xia Yu arrogantly, then handed one of the bottles of wine to Mihawk, “I won’t tease you anymore, here you go!”

Don’t you want to tease me anymore?

Mihawk had a bl

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ack streak on his head. Are all women, regardless of size, so scary?


After waking up early the next morning and eating the breakfast prepared by Robin, Xia Yu took Mihawk and started his land reclamation plan!

Clearing wasteland is hard work。

But Xia Yu was very good at having fun and decided to compete with Mihawk again!

This competition is very simple. One person has ten acres of land, and see who can open up the land first!

Mihawk has done this kind of thing a lot, so he appreciates it and accepts this challenge.。

As a result, the two strong men who stood at the pinnacle of the world’s kendo transformed into pragmatic farmers carrying hoes on their shoulders and wearing straw hats, and began a new round of their competition on O’Hara, a small island that disappeared from the map.。

On the first day, Xia Yu opened up three points of land, while Mihawk completed one acre. Xia Yu was defeated!

The next day, Xia Yu completed the reclamation of one acre of land, while Mihawk was already heading towards the third acre of land. Xia Yu was completely defeated!

On the third day, Xia Yu finally opened up two acres of land, but Mihawk had already started developing the sixth acres. Xia Yu was defeated miserably!


On the fifth day, Xia Yu stood on the edge of the ten acres of land cleared by Mihawk, and said with a look of despair: “I didn’t expect Mihawk to be a master of land reclamation. I made a mistake! This time it’s my fault. Lost!”

Hearing Xia Yu’s words, Mihawk’s mouth twitched.。

Although he did win this competition, he always felt like something was wrong!

When he saw the land cleared by Xia Yu, he finally knew what was wrong!

In five days, Xia Yu didn’t even have one-third of the land he cleared. How could this be considered a defeat? It was just laziness!

However, Mihawk didn’t care. There is no point in competing for this kind of thing. The reason why he agreed to compete with Xia Yu is because he prefers farming and working!

From this point of view, he and Xia Yu really have something in common!

Because he could see that Xia Yu didn’t just have a whim out of boredom, but really wanted to grow fruits and vegetables here.。

Thinking of this, Mihawk came to Xia Yu with a hoe and asked curiously: “How long do you plan to live here? Don’t tell you that you want to stay here for a long time, because I don’t believe it!”

“who cares!”

Xia Yu sat down on the ground, then turned sideways and squinted his eyes to look at the sky, “First plant an orchard and vegetable base here and enjoy life!”

“It’s really whatever you want。”

Mihawk also rolled up his sleeves and sat down opposite Xia Yu, then magically took out a bottle of whiskey from his bag and said seriously: “But this is O’Hara after all, you have to be careful!”

“Is this a reminder from a good friend?”

Xia Yu smiled and then said: “Don’t worry, I observed when I landed on the island that no one has been here for at least seven or eight years! Okay! You are a different kind! Apart from you, I’m afraid no one has been here. No one would just float on the sea with nothing to do!”

“not necessarily。”

Mihawk shook his head and said: “There is another person who likes to float in the four seas and the Grand Route as much as I do! And recently she is in the Western Sea!”


Xia Yu’s eyes tightened slightly, “You mean the woman with red eyes who has the same rippled eyes as you?”


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