Xia Yu looked at the tense Hawkins Pirates and the navy led by Drake, then nodded to Perona and Robin beside him, and said: “Let’s go!”

Just as Xia Yu left with Robin and Perona, the battle started behind him.。

“Xia Yu,…”

Looking at the sudden battle behind her, Perona asked with a hint of confusion: “The marine just now didn’t seem to recognize Robin-chan!!”

“It’s normal for the Marine not to recognize Robin.。”

Xia Yu smiled slightly and said: “Because Robin’s bounty appeared when she was eight years old, and her bounty has not increased so far. The most important thing is that Robin has been in the Xihai underground society these years. Therefore, many people’s knowledge of Robin is limited to photos of her when she was eight years old. Now that Robin has turned 18, it is normal for them not to recognize her. Of course, the biggest reason is because this is the North Sea, not the West Sea!”

After a slight pause, Xia Yu suddenly turned his head to look at Robin and asked, “Is that so? Robin, the eighteenth-year-old girl!””

Robin, who followed Xia Yu quietly, blinked his beautiful eyes, and then nodded silently. Her face gradually turned red because of Xia Yu’s words about female major changes.。

“I really want to see what Robin’s reward list looks like! By the way, Xia Yu, will I also become a woman in the future?”

Xia Yu and the others turned a deaf ear to the fierce battle on the street behind them, and walked toward the port while talking and laughing.。

Soon, the three of them boarded the Voyager and set sail back towards Yanzi Island.。

The Voyager had just left the port of Happy Town, and Hawkins, who did not want to get entangled with Hawkins, also led his pirate group members to begin a strategic retreat.。

Faced with the strategic retreat of the Hawkins Pirates, Drake could only act anxiously.。

Although he was able to contain Hawkins, the navy he led was unable to prevent the members of the Hawkins Pirates from breaking out. After his crew retreated, Hawkins decisively gave up fighting with Drake and quickly left Happy Town.。

Of course, Drake would not let Hawkins leave so easily. After seeing Hawkins retreat, Drake, who transformed into the form of an Allosaurus, followed behind in a very cute way!

However, when he chased him to the port, all members of the Hawkins Pirates had boarded the warship and quickly left the port.。

Seeing this, Drake did not hesitate, decisively restored his original appearance, jumped onto the warship, and launched a pursuit.。

Soon, the Hawkins Pirates’ warship caught up with Xia Yu’s Traveler。

Hawkins, who was standing on the deck, immediately took a step forward after seeing Xia Yu and shouted, “Mr. Xia Yu, my name is Basil Hawkins. Goodbye!””

Before Xia Yu could say anything, the warships that followed came with full firepower, bombarding Hawkins’ pirate ship indiscriminately!

In desperation, Hawkins could only speed up to keep a distance between his pirate ship and Xia Yu to prevent Drake’s warship cannon from affecting Xia Yu’s Traveler.。

After a while, the warship also caught up and sailed alongside the Voyager.。

After Drake, who was standing on the warship, saw Xia Yu on the deck of the Traveler, he quickly waved to Xia Yu, “Mr. Xia Yu, it didn’t affect you just now, did it?”

“No no!”

Xia Yu waved his hands a little sluggishly, and then said: “Come on~”

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“Haha, they can’t escape today!”

Drake laughed boldly, then waved to Xia Yu, “If we meet again by chance, I’ll treat Mr. Xia Yu to a drink!! I’ll hunt down the Hawkins Pirates first. Goodbye, Mr. Xia Yu!”

“Okay, keep up the good work~”


After saying goodbye to Xia Yu, Drake also ordered the warship to speed up and quickly chased the Hawkins pirate ship.。

Perona, who was standing next to Xia Yu, looked at the pirates and navy who were leaving one after another. Her delicate face was filled with confusion, “Xia Yu, these, these pirates and navy are having fun. Also, what are they doing? Do they all call you Mr. Xia Yu? Are they all your friends?”

“I don’t know either!”

Xia Yu shrugged slightly and said with a smile: “Maybe it’s because of his temperament!”

Xia Yu really didn’t know what was going on with these two guys. Perhaps Drake was polite to him because of the bad old man Garp’s propaganda at Navy Headquarters, and because he had just paid for Drake at the bar. But what happened when Hawkins knelt down and called him Mr. Xia Yu?

Could it be that the results of Hawkins’ tarot card divination made Hawkins have to respect him? Is such metaphysics really good?

After a while, Hawkins’s pirate ship and Drake’s warship disappeared into the vast sea, and the Traveler also arrived in the waters of Yanzi Island.。

On Swallow Island, Trafalgar Law led Bebo, Pekin and Xia Qi to complete the restoration of Old Wolfe’s invention house.。

The four people sitting in a row in front of the invention house looked neatly towards the sea.。

“I made a decision!”

After a period of silence, Trafalgar Law suddenly withdrew his gaze and said firmly: “I want to become Mr. Xia Yu’s disciple!”

Hearing Luo’s abrupt words, Bebo and the three of them blinked slowly, and then they all said in unison: “Captain, we support you!”


Unexpectedly, the three people’s opinions were so unanimous. Luo couldn’t help but be stunned, then shook his head and said, “You all want me to become Mr. Xia Yu’s disciple, right?”

“Anyway, I feel that Mr. Xia Yu is not a bad person!”

Bebo stood up and said excitedly: “It would be better if Mr. Xia Yu could find me a female bear!”

Hearing this, Peijin put one hand on his forehead and said helplessly: “Bebo. Besides the she-bear, can you think of anything else?”

“Yes, sorry! Bebo quickly lowered his head and said anxiously: “I shouldn’t think about the female bear at this time, I’m sorry!””

“Hey, it’s the Voyager!”

Suddenly, Xia Qi also stood up, looked towards the sea and said excitedly: “It’s Mr. Xia Yu and the others who are back!”

“Let’s go!”

Trafalgar Law naturally also saw the Traveler slowly sailing into the bay of Yanzi Island. He had already made his decision without any hesitation, and quickly walked towards the bay against his nodachi!

When the group of four people came to the bay, the Traveler also stopped steadily.。

Looking at Xia Yu standing on the deck, Trafalgar Law took a deep breath, then took a step forward to face Xia Yu, then with a pop, he knelt on his knees and said seriously: “Mr. Xia Yu, Please accept me as your disciple. I want to become stronger and avenge my benefactor!”

Before Xia Yu, who was standing on the deck, could react, Bei Bo, Pei Jin and Xia Qi knelt down in unison and shouted in unison: “Mr. Xia Yu, please accept us too!”


Next there is =

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