Pirate Family

Chapter 981: Chapter 961: Charlie

"Big Sister Charlie!"

"Big Sister Charlie!"

"Oh no!"

Lorne saw Cammy rushing in anxiously, heading towards the back hall of the coffee shop. The dusty atmosphere has attracted the attention of many guests.

"After solving the Wano country, my mother's long-cherished wish has also been fulfilled."

In the back hall of the cafe, sat a woman with long cherry red hair and wearing a kimono. The woman said with a blank face.

"As a concubine, I also have a new pursuit of my own, which is to assist the lord and complete his unfinished vision. Be his sword, his shadow."

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that our most beautiful cherry blossom would be picked by someone."

Opposite Ying Gongli, a female mermaid with a fiery figure and long black hair was lying on the sofa. After listening to Ying Gongli's story, she giggled.

She picked up a roll of dry tobacco, lit it, and began to puff.

"Then he must be very handsome, otherwise you wouldn't like him."

After hearing the woman's words, even a person as indifferent as Ying Gongli, two red clouds could not help appearing on his cheeks.

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

She shook her head and said a little helplessly.

"Besides, the lord already has someone he likes. The concubine is just his sword and his shadow."

"Having someone you like means that he is excellent, and only excellent men need to fight for it."

The female mermaid nodded and looked at Sakura Miyagi, as if she had come here.

"Tell me, who is he, let me see what kind of magical power he has."

The speed of the female mermaid was too fast, Sakura Miyagi felt that she couldn't turn her head around.

At this moment, a girl mermaid rushed in, and after seeing the female mermaid, she jumped on her body.

"Big Sister Xia Li! Something is wrong!"

"What's wrong? Cammy."

The female mermaid named Xia Li touched the girl's head and said in a daze.

At this time, Kaimi was full of snot and tears, and told what he had just experienced.

"That is to say, your savior was taken away by the guards of Dragon Palace?"

Charlie caught the crux of Cammy's words.

"That's it!"

Cammy cried.

"Big Sister Charlie! It's all because of me that they had disputes with the Marcus family, so please help them."


Ying Gongli next to him was slightly stunned. She listened to Kemi's description just now, and these people seemed a little familiar.

Sakura Miyari patted Kaimi's shoulder lightly, and then asked in a questioning tone.

"Is there a young human with black hair among them?"


Cammy nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and Charlie also asked curiously.

"Could it be, do you know them? My Sakura Miyagi."

"It appears to be them,"

Ying Gongli showed a slight hint of understanding.

"He is exactly the lord I followed that I mentioned earlier."


"Isn't this the mermaid lady from before?"

Back in the coffee shop, Povar said in a little surprise when he saw Cammy rushing over just now.

"What is she doing here?"

It is not a short distance from the mermaid street where they were taken away. According to estimates, the girl should have trotted over immediately after they were taken away.

"Who knows."

Lorne smiled slightly. At this time, the mermaid waiter just brought up the coffee Lorne ordered, and Lorne gently touched Povar's head and said softly to her.

"You stay here for a while, I'll go and see what happened."

"Understood, brother-in-law!"

Povar said with some dissatisfaction that she actually hated people touching her head, which would make her look like a child.

And Lorne's tone of voice was exactly the same as that of his sister. Don't they know that they have grown up? !

Of course, Lorne didn't care about the little girl's temper. He smiled lightly, then left his seat and walked towards the back hall of the coffee shop. During this process, no waiter came out to stop him. he.

Twisted Visions.

This skill that Lorne had mastered early on accompanied Lorne in the sea. If Lorne didn't want to be seen by these people, the whole coffee shop would not notice that Lorne walked past them.

"You mean, the man who was taken away by the murloc soldiers is your lord?!"

Xia Li looked at Ying Gongli, her pupils shrank slightly.

She heard Ying Gongli say that her lord is a very famous big pirate in the new world. If there is any conflict between the fishman island and a big pirate in the new world because of this kind of thing, it is Very not worth it.

"King Neptune must be ruled quickly!"

Xia Li got up from the sofa and said to herself, but at this moment, Yinggong Li stopped her.

"no need?"

"What is unnecessary?"

Xia Li was a little startled, she didn't realize what Ying Gongli meant.

Didn't it mean that Sakura Miya respected her lord very much? Why stop yourself from saving him.

"Because he's back."

Ying Gongli raised her head, passed through Xia Li, and looked behind her.




Cammy and Xia Li suddenly turned their heads, and then roared out different words from their mouths at the same time.

Ying Gongli's tone was flat, because she knew very well that her master would not be caught by the murloc soldiers so easily.

Cammy's tone was one of surprise, while Xia Li at the end was full of shock.

Xia Li couldn't believe that Ying Gongli's lord was actually Lorne.

In fact, Lorne's reputation has long spread throughout the sea. If it wasn't for the fact that Murloc Island's geographical location is so special that few news reached this place, those Murloc soldiers and the Marcus family would also Not knowing Lorne. The reason why Xia Li knew Lorne was also because she ran this mermaid cafe, and often received pirate guests who came down from the paradise, and learned about the sea information through them.

Xia Li is very clear about what the word Lorne means in this sea, and she is also very clear about what will happen after offending Lorne.

And now Lorne doesn't seem to be angry with Murloc Island, so she is very thankful.

"There is work to be done."

Lorne looked at Yinggong Li and said lightly.

"The princess of Fishman Island is missing, and I just made a deal with the king of Fishman Island, Neptune."

"I helped him find the murloc princess Baixing, and he gave me clues to the historical text."

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