Pirate Family

Chapter 987 Murlocs and Humans

A person's talent is limited after all.

Lorne is a well-deserved genius in combat, otherwise it would be impossible to grow from a prisoner to one of the rulers of this sea in just ten years.

However, there is an essential difference between reconnaissance and combat after all, and it cannot be resolved by force.

Therefore, Shark Star was very pessimistic about whether Lorne could find Bai Xing.

After hearing his son's words, King Neptune was silent for a long time.

He is actually very clear about what Shark Star said, but in his heart, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Lorne has created countless miracles, what if this time, it's okay.

It's ironic to pin all your hopes on a notorious pirate, but King Neptune has nothing to do.

He had already lost a close relative once, and he didn't want to experience the feeling of losing a close relative again.

"Father! Father!"

At this time, a thin murloc rushed in from the outside, and said a little excitedly.

"Master Lorne, there is news! Emperor Xing, my child."

"Has he found Shirahoshi?"

King Neptune asked excitedly. His eyes, which had been dim, regained their brilliance.


But Huang Xing's next words made King Neptune's mood fall to the bottom.

"Lord Lorne did not find Shirahoshi."

Huang Xing swallowed his saliva, and then continued.

"However, he seemed to have found some information. He asked us to find a clue of a person!"

"one person?"

King Neptune repeated Huang Xing's words, a little puzzled.

"Yes, a murloc."

Huang Xing nodded seriously, and then continued.

"A murloc named Vander Daken IX. Lord Lorne said that Bai Xing's disappearance may be inseparable from this murloc."


Lorne woke up from his sleep, and then suddenly clutched his heart.

For some reason, he always felt uneasy, which made his heart beat violently.

"What the hell happened..."

He subconsciously wondered if something happened to Garrett who was staying in Sdio, because this kind of anxiety had happened before, that is, the last time he fought against Sengoku, and then fell into a coma, and the whole world thought he was dead time.

Garrett was alone, facing the pirates who were eyeing the new world, and then took great danger to go to the city of gold as promised by Gilder Tezzolo.

At that time, Lorne also felt great anxiety, and it was this anxiety that made him wake up from the coma.

So Lorne immediately thought of Garrett.

Just when he was about to pick up the phone bug and call to ask what happened to the family, reason woke him up.

The current family is no longer the weak force that it was back then, but a behemoth that plays an important role in the entire sea.

No matter what happened, Violet, as a secretary, would notify herself as soon as possible. Unless another force suddenly attacked all the territory of the family, annihilating all the family fighters including the guards of SKY, the city of sky, in an instant. Let them not even have the chance to inform themselves.

But there is no such force in this sea, even other pirates in the world, together with the navy, can't do it!

So, it couldn't be that something happened on the family side.

But Lorne felt that his uneasiness did not slow down at all, but became more and more violent. If he didn't do anything else, he would definitely miss something important.

So he sat up from the bed and looked at the sky outside. It was still early in the morning, and the first ray of sunlight had just passed through the sun tree Adam and shone on the land of Murloc Island.

The lazy residents hadn't woken up yet, and the entire Fishman Island was extremely silent.

"Something has to be done."

Lorne muttered to himself, he got dressed, and then gently pushed open the door of Coral Apartment. The light fish that illuminated the entire Murloc Island had just extinguished its lights, and some smiling sea creatures were wandering around the Murloc Island.

The salty sea breeze blew by, causing Lorne's long hair to become messy.

The street was extremely quiet, only a handful of early-rising murlocs were left, breathing the morning air.

And a woman in a cherry-colored kimono stood at the gate, as if meditating.

Ying Gongli has never had the habit of getting up late, she is like a precision instrument, and when the specified time comes, she will go back to do the specified things.

And every morning is the time for her to hone her sword intent.

The moment Lorne discovered Yinggong Li, this woman also discovered Lorne at the same time.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Ying Gongli suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Lorne with quiet eyes, and said with some doubts.

Unlike himself, Lorne has never had the habit of getting up early, or in other words, as the freest pirate on the sea, Lorne has never been bound by anything, not even a habit.

Ying Gongli had never seen Lorne like this before, his brows were tightly frowned, and he didn't say a word, as if extremely anxious.

Even when he was in Wano Country and was about to fight Kaido, Lorne seemed to have everything under control, and he didn't show such anxiety.

What happened, this quiet woman couldn't help her curiosity and looked at Lorne.

"Accompany me to Dragon Palace City."

And Lorne didn't have the slightest intention to hide his thoughts. He said slowly to Ying Gongli.

"I'm very disturbed right now."

Sakura Miyari was silent. She knew Lorne's ability, so she was very clear about one thing, that is, the uneasiness Lorne mentioned was not just perceived uneasiness, but something unfavorable might really happen.

Lorne quickly found a group of Dragon Palace soldiers who were patrolling the Fishman Island. After negotiating with King Neptune, these soldiers apparently received orders from above, knowing that the seemingly frail young human in front of them was definitely theirs. An existence that cannot be offended.

So after learning that Lorne wanted to go to Dragon Palace City, these murloc soldiers drove the seahorse carriage and sailed in the direction of Dragon Palace City without even thinking about it.

The Dragon Palace City in the early morning is still beautiful. The priceless pearls on the sea surface are dotted around the Dragon Palace City, and the colorful coral reefs are unobtrusively growing in the Dragon Palace City. Here, it is like a fairyland in a dream in those storybooks on the sea.

But Lorne had no intention of appreciating the beautiful scenery in front of him. All he wants to see now is King Neptune.

Intuition told him that the source of anxiety was here.

The gate of Dragon Palace City slowly opened, and Lorne entered the most sacred place of Murloc Island without any hindrance.

And at this time, there happened to be a group of murloc soldiers going out on patrol.

A tall murloc, sitting on the carriage, brushed past Lorne.

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