Pirate Family

Chapter 994: The Undersea Hideout

All the angry murlocs around fell down.

Only Lorne and Yinggong Li were left standing on the long street.

"let's go."

After finishing all this, Lorne just exhaled lightly, and then said slowly to Ying Gongli.

"I seem to have guessed where that Van der Daken is hiding."

Before, Lorne entered into a misunderstanding, that is, he took it for granted that Vander Daken IX would hide in a sparsely populated place, and King Neptune also thought so, so he sent a large number of troops to fight in various places. Look for traces of Shirahoshi in this rare place.

There is no gain for so long.

It's just that the pirate just inspired Lorne.

Because of the confrontation between murlocs and humans, many human pirate ships did not choose to dock at the port of murloc islands, but chose to park directly below murloc islands. And because it was covered by the Fishman Island and not covered by the sunlight from Adam the Yang Tree, that place happened to be in a dark zone all year round.

"Let's go find this well-hidden murloc."

Lorne said so.


"This time I got rich!"

A male pirate jumped out of Murloc Island, then took out a beautiful box from his arms, opened the box, and there was a huge pearl inside.

This kind of thing is quite rare even in Murloc Island, and once it can be smuggled into the sea, it will be sold for an astonishingly high price.

"What an idiot!"

At this time, he thought of the poor man who was implicated by him. Although the face of that man looked familiar, the pirate still didn't care. Anyway, my pirate ship will leave this ghost place soon, and the other party doesn't know my identity. The sea is so vast, there may be no chance for the two sides to meet again in the future.

Besides, whether he can escape from the group of angry murlocs is uncertain, maybe now he has been torn to pieces by the group of murlocs.

As for why he felt familiar, the pirate guessed that he had seen his reward list somewhere before.

And in this sea, there are countless famous pirates, who cares about a person who has nothing to do with him?

"Now, as long as we meet the boss and the others, we can leave this ghost place."

The pirate thought so, but when he raised his head, his expression suddenly froze.

Because, all the pirate ships that were supposed to be docked at this place disappeared, replaced by countless menacing murlocs.

Unknowingly, he fell into the siege of murlocs?

"What's going on? Why is this happening?"

Just when the pirate hesitated for a moment, several murlocs rushed towards him, waving the sharp halberd in their hands, as if to pierce it.

The other murlocs stood in the distance, smiling half-smiles, as if they were watching.

"Boss, where are they?" The pirate didn't have time to think, facing this group of menacing murlocs, he immediately took out his weapon.

A fine revolver.

bang bang!

Two bullets escaped, accurately hitting the chests of the two murlocs in front, and blood gushed out from their chests!

"damn it!"

The pirate cursed secretly, because in the high-pressure environment of the deep sea, the power of the bullets was greatly reduced, otherwise these two bullets would be enough to kill these murlocs.

A trace of disbelief flashed in the eyes of the murloc who was shot, and then he became furious.

They uttered a language that the pirate could not understand, and rushed towards the pirate. The pirate was at a loss and raised his pistol again.


But he only had time to pull the trigger once, and another murloc cut off his arm holding the gun with a sword. The pirate clutched his severed arm and wailed in pain.

All the murlocs gradually approached the pirate, with angry expressions in their eyes, and surrounded him.

That huge pearl rolled down on the soft sand, shining with soft light.

"about there."

In the distance, a man with black hair said lightly. This pirate actually caused him some trouble, so Lorne naturally wanted to "repay" him a little.

Therefore, he distorted this pirate's cognition, making him think that the human pirates stationed here are all murlocs.

"Everyone has to pay the corresponding price for what they have done."

Lorne said so, and then he didn't care about the blood that he had created by himself, and he walked over the chaotic crowd and walked forward.

And these pirates, as if they didn't see Lorne, were indifferent to Lorne and Sakura Miyari, and even silently gave way when Lorne walked in front of them.

Below the Fishman Island, it was extremely dark, only a few lantern fish illuminated the gloomy land.

"I didn't expect Vander Daken IX to hide in such a place."

Ying Gongli frowned. There are countless pirates who came down from the paradise stationed here. No one would have thought that Vander Daken IX would be so courageous to hide in such a place.

"Somewhere in the sea, there is an old saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place."

"It is precisely because none of us thought Vander Daken IX was so courageous that he was able to hide for so long without being discovered."

As Lorne said, an invisible halo centered on him and spread in all directions.

Lorne's perception ability enveloped the area, and he quickly found a place that fit Xiali's divination.

A ruin made up of the wreckage of countless ships.

"found it."

Lorne opened his eyes suddenly, and he noticed some traces of murlocs in that place. Although he hid well, he could still vaguely smell the fishy smell emanating from these murlocs.

"I hope you don't do anything excessive."

But Lorne said indifferently, if Vander Deken IX did something to hurt "her", then he would make Vander Deken regret his whole life.

He did what he said.

After passing through the area where the human pirates were stationed, the surrounding population gradually became thinner and darker.

Even with the lights of the lantern fish, they could only vaguely see a few meters ahead, and more, it was pitch black.

A piece of oppressive, almost suffocating darkness.

The wreckage of the ship next to it added a bit of a weird atmosphere to the darkness.

"right here."

Lorne raised his head, and a small hill made of stacked ships appeared in front of him.

One of the giant ships was docked on the ruins.

And here is the picture that Xia Li drew for her divination.

However, when Lorne swept across this place with his perception ability, his face suddenly darkened.

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