Pirate Family

Chapter 102 We Are Vinhill

A few days have passed since the Flower Sacrifice incident, and the residents who grew up in Adela did not expect that the glorious and long-established Jeffrey family was actually engaged in human trafficking.

This aroused heated discussions in Adela. From the rise of the Jeffrey family to the current patriarch Williams. These are the topics that people pay attention to.

However, when he noticed that the direction of people's discussions began to develop towards the hero of Adela, Wobo, Ackerman III ordered decisively. This topic is terminated.

Walbo was Adra's hero, and many of Adra's inhabitants had grown up hearing his stories. Ackerman III couldn't imagine what a blow it would be to the people of Adela if Wobo was involved in this matter.

Lorne, who personally pushed Williams down, was the biggest winner of this event. His subordinates had been prepared for a long time, and as soon as Williams fell, he quickly eroded the power of the Jeffrey family. Only some leftovers are left for the rest of the gangsters.

"I didn't expect the powerful Jeffrey family to fall like this." An old man sitting opposite Lorne sighed in Lorne's manor.

"Isn't this what you've been looking forward to?" Lorne took out a cigarette and lit it, and the smoke filled the air. "After the fall of this idiot Williams, no one can compete with you in Adela's slave business."

"Ahahaha, that's right." The old man laughed loudly. "I owe you a big favor this time, Brother Wayne."

"It's really not easy to make Mr. Raleigh, who is nicknamed the plucking iron rooster, owe you a favor." Agatha, who was sitting next to Lorne, teased. "Back then, in order to help Mr. Raleigh find that murderous drug ES, we almost fell out with Quite."

Zhou Shi was as thick-skinned as Raleigh, and couldn't help but blush at this moment. He smiled embarrassingly. "My fault, my fault, this matter is my fault, because I had a grudge with Quite back then, if I were to trade the evil drug ES with him, I'm afraid I would be scolded by him."

"Okay, okay, a deal, it's a matter of your choice. We have prepared the evil medicine, but we don't know what we want. Mr. Raleigh is ready."

Agatha didn't pay attention to Raleigh's words. This kind-hearted old man had a disgusting smell. If it wasn't for the family, she wouldn't even want to have any interaction with him!

"This, Father Wayne's requirements are quite demanding, and I haven't got them all right now." Old Raleigh said hesitantly. "It's easy to find a ship that can sail normally in the new world, but it's hard to get the crew together."

"I only have a few candidates in my hand. They are all slaves of the defeated pirates. Loyalty is not guaranteed, but they are all good players."

"As for the rest, I can't figure it out for a while."

"So, Mr. Raleigh is planning to give up on this deal?" Agatha couldn't help feeling a little angry when she heard what Raleigh said. The family worked hard for his affairs, but he was so perfunctory!

And Lorne sat aside silently, as if acquiescing to Agatha's actions. The scene suddenly became tense.

"Don't be angry. I know that your Wayne family has paid a lot for this matter, and I won't let you go away empty-handed." Raleigh took out a briefcase from his body. "This thing, plus a ship and a few helmsmen. Is it enough to exchange for your murderous drug ES?"

The box was slowly opened, and inside was a fruit with some pure white spiral patterns.

Another devil fruit!

The market price of a devil fruit is hundreds of millions of Baileys, plus a boat. Lorne really didn't suffer a loss, and even made some small profits.

"My slave ship got it by accident after defeating a pirate group. At that time, the pirate captain wanted to eat this fruit, but I stopped it." Old Raleigh explained.

"This is the legendary devil fruit. Those who eat it can gain wonderful abilities. The abilities are strong or weak. It's like gambling. It's amazing."

"So our deal can go ahead?"

Agatha was silent, unable to make a decision for a while, so she had to look at Lorne.

"As expected of old Raleigh." Lorne exhaled a smoke ring and stood up. "Then, happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation," Raleigh also got up and said with a smile. "It is said that there is a slave auction in Oghongmu, and there may be something you want in it. This is internal news, don't spread it outside."

After Old Raleigh walked by, the smile on Lorne's face gradually disappeared and turned gloomy.

"This old fox." Lorne snorted coldly.

"What's the matter? Little Lorne?" Agatha asked suspiciously with a captain's key in her hand. The ship promised by Old Raleigh is staying at the south pier. As for the helmsman slaves, he will send them over later.

Everyone bowed their heads and saw that they looked up. There's no need for him to cheat on this kind of thing, right?

"He obviously has what we want, but he defeated a pirate group just now, so he can't gather suitable manpower? Let's lie to the ghost." Lorne said. "What kind of slave auction? It's just that you don't want to give it to us cheaply."

"So that's the case, so what shall we do next?" Agatha suddenly realized, and then put away the captain's key, "Shall we still go to Oghongmu?"

"Go, why don't you go." Lorne crushed the cigarette, "I want to see what kind of treasure it is, even if he traded it for a devil fruit, he wouldn't let it go."

Putting this matter aside, Lorne carefully looked at the devil fruit in front of him.

In this sea, there are not many people who have read the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book. Even Lorne, who has read the original book in his previous life, can only distinguish the burning fruit, the thundering fruit, and the surgery fruit, which have obvious appearances.

But the pure white devil fruit in front of him was not within the scope of Lorne's knowledge.

"Is it really a devil fruit?" Agatha picked up the pure white fruit, her eyes full of curiosity. Including the one in Quite's hand, this is the second time she has seen this legendary thing.

"Do you like it?" Lorne looked at Agatha with tenderness in his eyes.

"Yeah." Agatha held the fruit in her hand, her eyes full of longing. She knows the power of those with fruit abilities.

Whether it's Lord Fat Tiger, Butler Kofir, or Lord Lorne. They are all capable!

If I had the power back then, my family wouldn't have suffered misfortune, right?

Agatha clenched her hand tightly. She has a great thirst for power.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you." Lorne said lightly.

"Ah?" Agatha didn't react for a while. "But I don't have much credit for the family, this will cause other people's dissatisfaction!"

"Dissatisfied?" Lorne turned around and walked to the gate, his thin back was domineering. "Who would be dissatisfied with what I gave away?"

"Whatever my people want, they will definitely get."

"Because we are Vinhill!"

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