Pirate Family

Chapter 1007 Encounter by chance

Xia Li was in a murloc team, a team formed by several strong murlocs in a gathering place of murloc survivors.

On the one hand, they are responsible for protecting other relatively weak companions in the gathering place, while on the other hand, they are patrolling the surrounding streets, looking for other survivors.

If it wasn't for the pirate's wild laughter just now, they might not have come to this place.

"You guys are safe now."

The strong murloc with a pistol said slowly. He looked at the corpse of the human pirate lying at his feet, with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

A trace of undisguised disgust.

Many years ago, Princess Otohime appealed to the residents of Fishman Island, hoping that the residents of Fishman Island could live in harmony with humans.

At that time, many murlocs also held objections, because they knew that human beings were greedy by nature, and they would betray their allies for their own benefit as long as they had the slightest chance. It's just that because of the prestige of Princess Otohime, many murlocs signed their names on Princess Otohime's autograph at that time with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

At that time, it was the most hopeful time for the murlocs and humans to coexist harmoniously. Even King Neptune was planning to attend the next World Conference.

But all of this disappeared with the death of Princess Otto.

Everyone knows that Princess Othime died at the hands of a group of humans. Although after Princess Otome was attacked, the angry murlocs rushed up and tore the human who attacked Princess Otome to pieces. However, Princess Othime's gradually passing life could not be saved.

The seeds of hatred had already been planted at that time.

And now, this seed has finally taken root. Under the irrigation of this attack, it grew into a towering tree.

"I will definitely kill those pirates!"

Another murloc looked at the devastated surroundings and said angrily.

"Now, let's not talk about this, let's go back to the gathering camp."

The murloc captain holding a pistol said calmly. Then he led the team and walked towards a street.

"Brother Lorne, where did he go?"

Kemi, who survived the catastrophe, scanned the crowd, but couldn't find the familiar figure from behind, so she looked at Xia Li and asked with some doubts.

"Don't talk about that just yet."

And Xia Li lowered her voice, and said solemnly to Cammy.

After scanning around, she found that no one noticed her, so she pulled Camille aside,

"Now, it's best not to let Lorne see these murlocs."

It turned out that some time ago, when Lorne followed his intuition and decided to go to Dragon Palace, Xia Li was by his side.

But later, after being attacked by several groups of pirates one after another, Xia Li chose to part ways with Lorne in order not to be Lorne's oil bottle, and found a place to hide by herself.

Later, she met a group of vicious pirates, and was rescued by the murloc guards who came out of the gathering place while being chased by the pirates.

Just as she was about to tell these compatriots for the rest of her life that she had the strongest force in the sea and one of the Pirate Emperors as an ally, she saw a scene that shocked her.

These murlocs captured some human tourists on Murloc Island and locked them in a huge cage.

During the battle, the murlocs dragged the humans out and acted as a shield against the pirates' attacks.

"How could they do this!"

Cammy's eyes widened in disbelief.

Although she is naive and a bit stupid, she still understands a truth, that is, human beings are human beings, and among human beings, there are good people and bad people.

Those tourists who travel in the fishman island are good people, and those pirates who attack the fishman island are bad people.

This is a very simple truth.

"Because of hatred, the eyes of the murlocs have been blinded."

Charlie sighed and said slowly.

"Their resentment towards human beings has been suppressed for too long. This catastrophe is just a fuse to ignite this resentment."

The murlocs have been accumulating anger for a long time and need a place to vent, and the humans who are the same clan as those pirates are their outlets.

However, it wasn't what shocked Xia Li the most. What made Xia Li feel a little hopeless was that she saw a familiar figure in the cage where humans were imprisoned.

Lorne's "sister" who was supposed to be hiding in the coral apartment.

That human girl named Povar!

Povar seemed to have been shot in the waist. She curled up in the corner of the cage, looking at everything around her with calm eyes that did not belong to her age.

Lorne's family is hurt! And it is still very likely to be injured in the hands of the residents of Murloc Island!

This is the second desperate news that Xia Li learned today. The first news is that Murloc Island was captured by pirates!

Therefore, she dare not face Lorne now. If Lorne knew about this, her anger might be much more terrifying than the pirates wreaking havoc on Fishman Island at this time.

Perhaps, the entire Fishman Island cannot bear his anger!

Cammy's eyes widened after hearing Xia Li's words.

She couldn't imagine what that big brother with a gentle smile would look like when he was angry, but for some reason, when thinking about it, Kaimi felt a chill down his back.

The murloc team slowly moved towards a certain street, and this place was where their survivors gathered.

But when he reached a corner, the captain who was walking in the front suddenly stopped his footsteps, and then clenched his weapon tightly.

It wasn't just the guards like them wandering around the Murloc Island, there were also some pirates hunting the Murlocs everywhere.

The pirates also formed large or small teams, roaming the streets of Murloc Island.

And they happened to meet one of them, a team formed by two pirate groups, at the corner of this street.

There was a whole lot of noise from behind, as if another group of forces was ambushing in the street next door.

ahead. It is the vicious pirates to deal with. The murloc captain frowned.

Already, there is no way out. Must fight!

But there was no fear on his face, he licked his tongue excitedly. Because the anger has been building up for a long time, it needs a place to vent.

And is there a better way of catharsis than killing?

The group of pirates also froze for a moment, and then became excited.

They haven't found the murlocs for a long time, and this murloc team is like a delicious meal delivered to their door.

They want to capture all of this group of murlocs!

The two sides are at war, and the battle is imminent.

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