Pirate Family

Chapter 1025 Murlocs and Humans

He had to admit that Huodi was quite a courageous person, and he planned this rebellion just after learning of the whereabouts of the attacked Princess Baixing.

If it wasn't because he was here, the rebellion might have succeeded, and he would naturally become the new ruler of the Fishman Island. The residents of the Fishman Island also hated humans as he wished.

However, the most regrettable thing in this world is that there is no if.

At this time, a murloc soldier walked in, glanced at Lorne, suppressed the fear in his eyes, and said slowly.

"Princess Baixing wants to see you."


On the ruins of Dragon Palace City, Bai Xing gently stroked his father's body, and a line of tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

If he had been a little bit stronger and hadn't been caught by Daken, none of this would have happened.

While the other princes fell silent together, none of them stepped forward to comfort the weeping Bai Xing. Because they all know that Bai Xing has always been a crybaby since he was a child, no matter what happens, he likes to cry.

She will cry when her head hits a bag, she will cry when she cannot find her own toy, she will cry when encountering a flash of lightning, and even if someone yells at her, she will also cry in fear.

At these times, several princes who are older brothers would step forward to comfort her and protect her.

This is the responsibility of the brothers.

But since they were young, there were only two times when they didn't do this and let Bai Xing cry.

Only by crying out, all the grievances will disappear together.

Once, a few years ago, when my mother was assassinated by humans,

And the other time is now.

Fortunately, after all this, Bai Xing matured a lot. After crying for a while, she stood up, wiped away her tears, and then turned to look at Lorne.

"Sorry, Lord Lorne."

Shirahoshi tried her best to put on a smiling face, even though the tears on her face hadn't been wiped off.

"It's okay, just cry."

Lorne comforted, while Bai Xing was slightly taken aback.

She didn't know how she should face this human being.

Is it to thank him for saving the entire Murloc Island, or to hate him for watching his father die without helping him despite his great strength?

Although she knew very well that Lorne had no obligation to save any murlocs in Murloc Island. But when she thought of her father's benevolent little face, she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart.

Bai Xing didn't know how to face Lorne, and he was at a loss. Fortunately, Domino walked in front of her at this time, and gently held her hand.

"do not be afraid."

Domino said softly.

As if she gave Shirahoshi strength, Shirahoshi cheered up and bowed to Lorne.

"Thank you. You saved Murloc Island."

Not only her, Sha Xing and other princes also bowed to Lorne.

They knew better than Shirahoshi what would happen to Murloc Island without Lorne.


And Lorne shook his head,

"It should be me, thank you."

"Thank you for saving my sister."

After finishing speaking, Lorne actually bowed slightly to Bai Xing.

If you are a pirate from the new world, you will be speechless after seeing this scene.

Lorne is the proudest person in this sea. No one can make him succumb, even if he is as strong as Sengoku and as tyrannical as Kaido, he has not made him fall.

But now, Lorne would actually apologize to a person, bow to a person, or to a delicate little girl.

This is something that no pirate in the new world can think of first.

"However, the residents of Fishman Island may not be so easy to accept."

Bai Xing looked at the residents who were still building the Fishman Island under his feet, and said with some embarrassment.

Because of Huodi's interference, almost all the residents of Murloc Island thought that Lorne had killed King Neptune, and in addition, Lorne defeated all opponents with overwhelming force in front of Yang Shu Adam, bringing The great fear of these murlocs and their hatred of Lorne's human identity.

It is quite difficult for these murlocs to accept the identity of Lorne's "savior".

"It's okay, it's not the first time I've been a villain."

Lorne smiled slightly,

"Also, I'm not interested in being enshrined. The purpose of my coming to this island is for that."

He paused, and then stated his purpose.

"About, the piece of historical text located in the deep sea and deep forest."

Bai Xing looked at Lorne with some doubts, but at this moment Shark Star coughed, then stood up and explained to Bai Xing.

"This is the agreement between my father and Lord Lorne before he was alive. As long as he finds you back, then my father will take Lord Lorne to the front of the historical text."

"I see."

Shirahoshi nodded. She looked at Lorne and said slowly.

"I'll take you there."

"For the will of the father."


Lorne shook his head.

"For, our friendship."

Bai Xing was stunned, she subconsciously glanced at Domino next to her, and found that the latter was encouraging her with a smile, so she took a deep breath and said timidly.

"For, our...friendship."


It is said that eight hundred years ago, long before the world government was established, murlocs and humans were still good friends. Later, for some reasons, the murlocs and humans became estranged.

It is the only long-cherished wish of Shirahoshi's mother, Princess Otohime, to bring the murlocs and humans back together.

But now, Shirahoshi felt the hatred of the residents of Murloc Island towards humans, and she became confused for the first time.

She didn't know if she could fulfill her mother's long-cherished wish now.


Great route, paradise.

It has been two months since the navy declared war on all pirates.

In the past two months, the navy has proved one thing with their own actions. They are not joking, but they really want to clean up all the pirates in the entire great route.

The flames of war ignited the paradise, and many pirates encountered the menacing naval fleet before they started their adventures, and then ended their journey.

In the past two months, the number of newly arrived pirates in the New World has been reduced by 90% compared to the past.

The entire great shipping route has rarely become depressed.

However, the navy did not slack off because of this. After cleaning up those newcomers, they set their sights on those famous heroes in the new world.

For a time, countless heroes fell, and countless heroes rose again.

And in this chaos, the news about a pirate being executed quietly spread.

It was a pirate named "House".

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