Pirate Family

Chapter 1026 Interest Division

Because the navy has declared war on the pirates all over the world, the whole sea, especially the pirates in Paradise, are a little dignified, lest they see the flag of the navy that symbolizes the dispute in the sea.

But unlike Paradise, the Pirates of the New World don't take these things seriously.

Because they firmly believe that the new world is, after all, the new world of pirates. The new world where several pirate emperors sit in command is simply not something the navy can touch.

So no matter how noisy the paradise is, it will not affect the pirates in the new world. At most, the number of pirates coming to the new world from the paradise has decreased a lot recently, and some forces cannot be supplemented by new forces. It has become a lot more restrained.

They try to avoid fighting with hostile forces and preserve their strength. Therefore, a very ironic situation has now been created. Due to the declaration of war by the navy, the new world, which was originally a never-ending war, has become strangely peaceful.

A new world, a small island.

A black flag was planted on the highest point of the island, with a drop of bright red blood on it.

This place belongs to a pirate force named "Dark Blood". Dark Blood's power in the New World is not that big, but as a veteran force, they still control several small islands.

Moreover, in the past few years, the boss of the dark blood has bet on the Vinhill family in advance. With the rapid rise of the Vinhill family, this force has also developed. A pirate force that was originally similar to himself.

Now the Dark Blood Pirates can be considered strong in the entire new world.

In the center of the island, the base of the Dark Blood Pirates, a pirate wearing a hood is drinking. Everyone else looked at the black hood in awe.

No one knows the hooded pirate's name, not even himself.

Since his debut, he has been wearing a blood-stained black headscarf. Over time, many people called him Black Turban.

At this time, the black turban was very happy.

Because some time ago, his old opponent, the pirate named "House", encountered a naval fleet while he was going to the four seas to mourn his subordinates.

At that time, the navy had just declared war on the pirates and needed the head of a famous pirate to boost morale, but House unfortunately bumped into them.

After half a day of fighting, House's ship was defeated. According to the confessions of some escaped pirates, House was shot several times and was arrested by the navy on the spot.

However, the "Lion" pirate group that lost House has no leader at this time, and has become a sweet bun in the eyes of many pirates in the new world. Countless pirates watched House's territory eagerly, ready to annex it at any time.

And the reason why the black turban is in a good mood is because the territory of the lion is just next to his own. If it is fully included under its command, if it is divided according to the size of the territory, the Dark Blood Pirates will suddenly become the top force in this sea, the first-rate force only under the few Pirate Emperors.

Several other pirate forces who are qualified to compete with him for the territory of House, have not chosen to do it for a long time because they are afraid of the Vinhill family behind them. And the black turban only needs to get the nod of the Vinhill family, and he can swallow the territory of House that he has been coveting for a long time in one fell swoop.

And now, the envoy of the Vinhill family, the woman with the "Chief Executive Officer", is also in this banquet.

"Miss Violet."

After the black scarf drank the wine in the glass, he wiped his mouth and said slowly.

"After House's death, his territory became a no-owner's land. Any pirate who occupies that place can become the master of that place. This is the iron law of the new world."

The new world is not a place where the weak should come, but a world that truly belongs to the strong.

The law of the jungle is the only truth in this sea area.

"I know."

A woman in a black suit nodded, looking calmly at the black turban.

Because Lorne is not in Sdio, and Garrett made it clear that she doesn't want to care about these trivial matters, so some of the family's chores are handled by her.

Among them, of course, the division of interests is included.

"So, what can you give?"

Violet spoke.

"Bailey, lots of Bailey."

The black scarf stretched out a finger seriously, and compared to Violet.

"House has three small islands under his command. As long as I take these three small islands, for each island, I will offer one billion Baileys to the family every year."

"Among them, all you need to do is to send a ship that can represent the family and stand behind us when we attack those islands."

After finishing speaking, he laughed out loud, and all the pirates also laughed.

From his point of view, this is a very easy task, and it hardly requires any energy from the family. You only need to stand in the team, and you can harvest so many Baileys.

With three billion Baileys, many forces have lost their fortunes and cannot afford so much money, and these are just the annual offering money for the black turbans.

He felt that Violet had no reason to reject him.

The black scarf looked at Violet with a smile, as if he was sure that Violet would agree to him.

And Violet also smiled, she blinked her pretty eyes, and didn't speak.

She is no longer the naive little girl she was back then. After helping Lorne run the family for so long, she knows a lot of things that ordinary people don't know.

For example, the value of a small island.

One billion Baileys may seem like a lot, but it is far from the true value of a small island.

He is too greedy, and greedy people often have no good end.

This is what Violet said of him. So she yawned, ready to find an excuse to leave the place.

As for the transaction between the two parties, let's continue after the black turban has a clear understanding.

Just when Violet was about to get up to say goodbye, a dark blood pirate rushed in. He looked at the black turban and said in awe.

"Report...boss! Not good!"

"What's wrong!?"

The black scarf said impatiently, the negotiation is at the most critical moment, and this subordinate of his dares to disturb him.

"There is a pirate attack!"

The pirate swallowed, raised his head to glance at the black hood, and continued.


Are they crazy? Black Turban thought so.

"who are they?"

The black turban asked coldly.

"According to the flag, it seems to be someone from House?"

This time, it was Black Hood's turn to be surprised.

And Violet raised her beautiful eyebrows at the same time.

She suddenly didn't want to leave.

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