Pirate Family

Chapter 1041 Competitors

"Has he been betrayed by his own companions?"

Bee Parker turned into a curious baby and continued to ask.


Oya chewed on the word, then shook her head.

"No one betrayed him. Rather than saying that someone betrayed him, it would be better to say that he betrayed everyone."

"Then he's a villain, damn it."

After hearing what Oya said, Bee Parker suddenly lost interest. He and such a person are destined not to be together.

Oya smiled, but didn't speak.

But a name gradually appeared in her mind.

That, the man who once single-handedly turned the entire ocean upside down.

Evil thoughts Huo.

If he hadn't seen Xie Nian Huo die in Sri Lanka with his own eyes, Oya would even think that Mr. Wolf was Xie Nian Huo.

"I'm going to find a place to live first, you take a stroll around this small island, and we'll meet again after I find a place."

Bi Parker said slowly, then squeezed into the endlessly flowing streets, and quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

But Oya stood where she was. But at this time, she saw a group of knights in police uniforms on horseback, leaving in a hurry on the street.

They looked dignified, as if they were about to deal with something important.

There seemed to be some chaos ahead, and many residents formed a circle. Oya pulled the clothes of a Golan Island resident on the edge and asked.

"May I ask what happened here, why is everyone standing here?"

"What are you doing..."

The resident was very angry at first, but after seeing that the person who asked him was a good-looking young woman, the anger on his face disappeared, and he said in a deep voice.

"An old man was shot dead on the street just now. It is said that the person who attacked him was a pirate who just came to this place."

"Old man, shot?"

Ao Ya secretly felt that this matter was not simple, so she continued to ask.


The resident had a look of pity on his face.

"I heard that it was an old man who lived in his nineties and escaped the most chaotic time of the pirates. He didn't expect that he was shot to death in this slightly less chaotic year."

"Those pirates are really bastards!"

The resident cursed, then looked at Oya warily.

"Aren't you a pirate too? Are you their companion?"


Oya didn't expect that she would be questioned like this one day, but soon, she put away her surprised expression and shook her head slowly.

"No, I'm not a pirate."

Oya quickly withdrew from the conversation, and walked towards the other side of the street.

No one noticed that when she turned around, her face became extremely cold.

"I hope you didn't do it,"

Oya said to herself, she stroked the knife hidden in her clothes lightly and dryly, and then continued.

"Bee Parker trusts you very much, I hope you don't let him down."


Ao Ya and Bi Pak stayed in a hotel on the edge of the island. In the hotel room, you can overlook the port of Golan Island. Through the telescope, one can even clearly see who came to this small island and when.

This place fits well with where they observe "those would-be competitors".

"It never occurred to me that a historical text, or even a historical text, but the possibility of being able to find clues to a historical text would attract so many people."

Bee Parker stood in front of the window and cursed viciously after seeing a strong man with a beard and a captain's cap walking down the road from the boat.

"These villains dare to show up here. Don't the navy care?"

"The Navy has been informed of the news for a long time,"

Aoya next to her sharpened her knife lightly, then said nonchalantly.

"They have even set up an ambush on this small island. Once the pirates enter the small island, the navy will close the net."

She has seen some strange faces appearing in the port more than once. Even though they were wearing casual clothes, Oya still smelled an unpleasant stench from them.

Unique to the Navy, the stench of justice.

"The headquarters of the navy is not far from here. After three days at most, the fleet of the headquarters of the navy should appear in this sea area. By then, the pirates who stay on this small island will be unable to escape."

Oya said lightly that the life and death of the pirates or the navy has nothing to do with her. She just wanted to get clues about the historical text and get out of this ghostly place.

"After three days, isn't it time for the Golan Island banquet?"

Bee Parker said in surprise, but what he got in return was just a blank stare from Oya.

This idiot, who doesn't know what he's doing these days, doesn't even know this kind of news.

"More than ten pirate groups have come to this island."

Oya picked up the binoculars again and looked towards the port.

"It seems that there are more people interested in historical texts than we imagined."

"After all, the only way for these people to leave Paradise alive is to contact the Vinhill family far away in the New World through this historical text."

Bee Parker snorted in agreement.

The actions of the navy during this period have almost driven the pirates in this paradise to a dead end.

All the key points have been sealed, and the navy's shrinking net keeps shrinking. If they don't leave the paradise quickly, it is only a matter of time before they are caught by the navy.

This is why, knowing that the navy will come to this place, they have to risk their lives to appear under the nose of the navy.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, the people in the room were knocked lightly a few times, opened the door, and saw a hotel waiter standing in front of the door politely holding a letter.

"Sir and Ma'am, here is a letter from you."

After closing the door, Bee Parker opened the envelope.

Inside are the reward lists of several men with fierce faces.

The poisonous hook Ur, with a bounty of 87,000,000 Baileys.


It's just that these reward lists were all marked with a big cross with a red pen, and at the end of the envelope was a wolf's head.

After reading it, Bee Parker casually put the envelope on the kerosene lamp beside him, watching the ashes of the paper fall, he said slowly to Oya,

"Time to work, Mr. Wolf wants us to get rid of these competitors."

These people are all one of the pirates who appeared in the paradise of Golan Island during this period of time, so Peter Parker knows what Mr. Wolf means.

"I see."

Oya yawned, but she didn't notice that when she just put down the binoculars, she was about four meters tall, with an unusually tall figure, with blond hair and earphones, who seemed indifferent to everything around her The man slowly got off the boat.

It's just that at the moment of getting off the boat, he seemed to notice something, and then looked towards a certain place.

And that place, just so right, was where Bee Parker and Oya were hiding.

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