Pirate Family

Chapter 1052 Answer

Even if some navy noticed the small boat, they let him go as if no one else was around.

"There may be some pirates hiding on this ship, why let him go like this."

After the boat completely left the sea area, a tall female naval officer with long blue hair picked up the phone bug and spoke dissatisfiedly to the other end of the phone bug.

She flicked her long hair, and the sky blue cloak fluttered in the wind, an astonishing sense of oppression came over her.

She was very angry, but none of the navy behind her dared to step forward to stop her.

For no other reason than that she was wearing the commodore's cape.

In the Navy Headquarters, there is only one young female Commodore Admiral like her, and that is Commodore Ain, who has a naval star.

"There are so many attacks on Golan Island, the mastermind may be hiding on that small boat!"

Ain said angrily, while the other end of the phone worm didn't say a word. After her anger dissipated a bit, the other end of the phone worm spoke slowly.

"Because this is an order from above."

An old and majestic voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"It's not the world government, but an order directly from the Five Old Stars, or even higher."

Ain was silent. Of course she understood the meaning of the old man's short sentence.

But she was also very puzzled, why Wu Laoxing paid attention to what happened in this small Golan Island.

It can be said unceremoniously that even if a hero of the new world dies, it is nothing more than a trivial matter in front of the five old stars who control the highest power in this world. It is not even necessary to convey to Wu Laoxing's table.

Why did they issue such an order?

"I know you are confused, but this is not something we can intervene in."

The old man's voice came again, he paused, and then continued.

"The pirates should have almost arrived, and it's time to collect the net."

"Next, I will notify all the navies staying in the mist of the sea. When my order is issued, the navies on all warships will immediately land on Golan Island."

"Catch all the pirates hiding in Golan Island!"

"For justice!"

Although the man's voice is old, it is still upright. Ain pouted his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

Finally, she said softly.


The phone bug fell into dormancy, the old man's voice gradually faded away, and Ain leaned on the edge of the deck alone, looking at the endless fog around him.

After a while, she beckoned, and a young female naval officer with long white hair in a navy captain's uniform stepped forward,

"Excuse me, what's the matter? Chief Ain?"

The girl saluted Ai Yin, then said softly.

Her voice was very soft and gentle, but no navy would despise this white-haired girl just because of this.

After all, she is one of the hottest figures in the young generation of the navy today!

Her prestige is even close to that of her chief, Ain.

"Sissy, wait a minute. I have an ominous feeling that you are bringing a team to log in from another port on Golan Island."

Ain said slowly.

"This kind of premonition is very strong. I always feel that something happened in Golan Island at this time that we don't know."

"I see."

The girl called Sissy said softly. Then retreated.

All the navies began to function, like parts, the most ferocious monster on the sea, the terrifying beast known as the Navy Headquarters, also gradually awakened with the operation of these parts.

Ain looked at the naval ships that started to move around, but couldn't calm down in his heart.

A doubt arose in her heart, a doubt that her previous teacher, the man with the title of "Black Wrist" had also had.

If justice becomes a tool for some people, is the degenerate justice still justice?

At this moment, Ain couldn't give an answer.


Golan Island, the richest area, the most luxurious small estate.

At this time, a banquet is being held here.

As the richest person in the entire Golan Island, Mr. Elson was also the organizer of the Golan Island event and the man who suggested that the envoys of each island hold a wine-making competition. Become the best person to receive these guests.

Looking at these long-lost old friends, Mr. Elson's face was not so happy.

Because not long ago, through the news of the sheriffs, he learned that his "new friend", Mr. Cassie, who speaks in a cadence, is always full of passion, and always has all kinds of novel stories, was killed not long ago In a certain alley.

Calculating the time, Mr. Cassie should have been attacked by those murderers shortly after leaving his place, and finally died.

"Damn it, I usually pay you so much tax, but when I need you, it's useless at all!"

And until now, the magistrates have not made an accurate judgment on the attack, which inevitably made Mr. Elson complain a little.

But of course he would not say these complaints to others. A gentleman in a black suit walked slowly towards Mr. Elson with a glass of wine.

"Old friend, long time no see!"

The man started by giving Mr. Elson a big hug.

"Why are you frowning, don't you want to see us?"

"How come, old Jack."

Mr. Elson smiled and patted the man in the suit on the shoulder.

"I miss the good wine you brewed all the time. Since I drank the last jar of good wine you left behind, counting the time, I haven't drunk the good wine you brewed for almost three or four years!"

"Hahahaha! If you want, you can send someone to Aoge Hongmu to inform me at any time!"

The middle-aged gentleman laughed out loud.

"It's just that it's probably not me who you want to see the most!"

He pointed to a middle-aged man in his forties who had been hiding in the corner, bald, with a tired and decadent expression, and then said slowly.

"After all, I wasn't the one who won the wine brewing competition back then!"

The middle-aged gentleman smiled slightly.

"At the beginning, I lost the game and returned to Oghongmu, but I was ridiculed a lot. This time, I must find my way back."

Aogehongmu is famous for its wine, so the loss of that wine-making competition made the man grieve for ten years.


A memory that had been buried in the depths of the memory for a long time slowly emerged. Mr. Elson looked at the decadent middle-aged man, and then slowly called out his name.

"Mr. Arakor."

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