Pirate Family

Chapter 111 The Angel with Broken Wings

"Do you believe in God?"

The host suddenly said seriously, the audience was completely silent, and the guests were bewildered, wondering what the host meant by saying such words suddenly.

"My mother is a believer in the Holy Truth, and I have been exposed to it since I was a child."

The host then said to himself.

"But I don't believe in gods. I think so-called beliefs are all lies."

"If there really is a god, then how can this sea be flooded with pirates? Thunder should come down from the sky and kill the wicked!"

When he said this, Cofell glanced at Lorne.

His young master's current identity is, after all, a priest of the Holy Truth Church, and he seems to be addicted to this role.

However, after hearing the blasphemous words, Lorne didn't react. Instead, he waved his hand and signaled Kofir to continue listening.

"But!" The host changed his voice and became excited.

"I didn't know my worldview for the past thirty-one years was wrong until I saw this thing!"

"In this world, there really are angels!"

The curtain was suddenly lifted by the attendants, and a white-haired girl was imprisoned inside.

It seemed that she had never seen so many people before. She curled up in a corner and looked at the guests in fear.

The grown-ups were disappointed, because they had waited so long for nothing. The girl imprisoned in the cage has nothing special except for a slightly different hair color.

At most it's just kind of cute.

"If the guests just think that what I said is a gimmick, and just call a cute girl an angel, then it's a big mistake!" The host seemed to have guessed what the guests were thinking, and sneered.

He walked to the iron cage, and the girl seemed to be very afraid of this man, so she backed away.

But behind her is the cold iron cage, where is there any place to retreat?

The host grabbed the girl by the hair, turned her over, and turned her back to the audience.

The girl wore a special backless dress, revealing her smooth back. There were two slender wounds on her back, which looked particularly eye-catching.

"She used to be an angel with wings on her back, but because she violated the law of heaven, her wings were cut off and she fell to the world." The host began to make nonsense. However, considering the wound on the girl's back, many people were dubious.

"Anxi didn't commit a crime!" The little girl with long white hair was caught and shed tears in pain, but she mustered up courage to explain after hearing the host's nonsense.

But her voice was too low, and the hall was very noisy. No one present except Lorne could hear what she said clearly.

"The angel who has committed a crime must of course be punished!"

"You adults, you can take this little angel back and train it well. Maybe you can get the favor of the gods and go to heaven after death!"

The host tried his best to stir up the atmosphere, trying to draw out the evil thoughts in the hearts of the guests so that he could sell the little girl for a high price.

In fact, it was a coincidence that Red Dove could get this little girl. During the return of their ally Raleigh, they met a merchant ship.

Merchant ships with weak defenses are no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered in their eyes. Of course, Old Raleigh would not let go of this opportunity to make extra money.

After suppressing and arresting the guards, they accidentally discovered the little girl hiding in the warehouse.

"By the way, this little angel is also a doctor with excellent medical skills and a good navigator. He can use the stars to distinguish directions."

"Ladies and gentlemen, think about it, who in this sea has enjoyed the medical service of angels? Even those noble kings, I'm afraid it's not as good as you."

The host's words ignited the last sliver of reason among the guests, and the gentlemen in the audience looked at Anxi with red eyes, full of undisguised desire.

Seeing that the atmosphere was set in place, the host smiled with satisfaction.

"Now I announce that the finale product of this auction, the Angel with Broken Wings. The auction starts now, with a reserve price of 10,000,000 (ten million) Bailey. Let me see who is the lucky one who can get this Take the little angel home."

"I offer ten million Baileys!"

"I'll pay 20 million Baileys!"

"I offer fifty million Baileys!"


The guests raised the price crazily, as if they didn't care about Bailey at all. What they were thinking about now was how to get this little girl and take her home to make a good deal.

"100 million." Lorne raised his sign and said flatly. The thing that old Raleigh reluctantly gave him in exchange was probably this little girl.

He was unwilling to let go even in exchange for the devil fruit, because he had met Lorne's needs.

For a ship that can sail normally on the sea, it needs sufficient staffing.

Helmsman, combatant, cook, navigator, doctor... and so on.

In fact, the jobs of these people are fairly easy to find. There are not many people under Lorne who are competent for these duties, such as Kofir, who himself is an excellent navigator.

When they first came out of the city, they relied on a piece of wood to navigate the sea, relying on Kofir's ability to navigate.

But after all, there is only one Kofir, and Lorne needs him to help manage the family's affairs, and it is impossible for him to wander on the sea all year round.

This little girl just met what Lorne lacked. She was both a doctor and a navigator, and she was an indispensable and important person who went to sea.

Red Dove will not lie, they say that this slave has whatever ability, he must have it. Otherwise, the signboard that I have been running for many years will be smashed.

Besides, her status is also a plus.

Only the people of Kongdao, which is said to be located 10,000 meters above Qinghai, have wings on their backs. It is not surprising that the Qinghai people who never knew their legends regard them as angels.

For unknown reasons, the little girl's wings were cut off by life, and she was displaced from the empty island to Qinghai, where she was caught as a slave.

There are many secrets in her that can be unearthed, even evoking a plan that Lorne had long ago, a plan that he had almost forgotten.

All of these add up to make Lorne absolutely sure to win this little girl!

The high price of 100 million did not stop the dirty desire of the residents, they hesitated for a moment and then continued to raise the price.

"One hundred and thirty million!"

"One hundred and fifty million!"

"Two hundred million!"


Lorne frowned. He didn't expect the desire of this group of people to be so crazy. He looked at Kofir, who gave Lorne a seven.

In other words, the usable cash carried by the two of them is only about 700 million.

Just as Lorne was about to speak, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Three hundred million!"

Everyone followed the voice and looked over, only to see the middle-aged man who first bought ten girls stood up.

Looking lewdly at the little girl.

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