Pirate Family

Chapter 1092 Choice and Guess

A rumor spread in the new world.

That is why Aokiji, who has always been known for being lazy, still shows such a strong side when the navy is clearly at an absolute disadvantage.

It was because, after the time at the Navy's G-1 base, he was not as calm as he appeared, but was seriously injured. Showing such a strong side is just to deter the ambitious people in the new world and buy time for their own recovery.

Regardless of whether the news is correct or not, some careerists did have some crooked ideas.

Countless pirate ships quietly go to sea from the ports of various forces, and their destination is the G-2 branch of the navy located in the sea of ​​all nations.


In the command room of the Navy's G-2 branch, Lieutenant General Gumir looked at the information sent back by his subordinates and said angrily.

General Aokiji himself was still sitting in front of him, but it was reported that he was seriously injured and his life was dying.

Don't these pirates want to think about it, how could a dying person lead his troops to wipe out five or six powerful pirate forces in such a short period of time.

This is no ordinary pirate, but a big pirate that has gone through hardships and gained a firm foothold in the new world. Some of them even have decades of history.

Moreover, some time ago, General Aokiji personally took action to deal with the vicious big pirate Versaille Black Heart.

"Are they all crazy?"

Lieutenant General Gumir didn't understand why these pirates would come to die.

If there are no emperor-level pirates entering the arena, there is absolutely no possibility of the navy's G-2 branch being captured.

"There must be someone behind the scenes to push all this,"

The other Lieutenant General Mager saw it more thoroughly.

"Maybe it's time to prepare for the worst."

Someone has become a secret pusher, then they must want to get something from this incident.

If the Navy destroys two bases in succession, who will gain the most?

Everyone has an answer in their hearts.

Pirate Emperor.

"You mean, there is a possibility that the Pirate Emperor will end?"

Gumir said in shock that the G-2 branch base is solid, it is only for ordinary pirates, and it has no meaning for those pirate emperors who have terrible destructive power.


"I don't know, but I don't rule out such a possibility."

Magore showed a thoughtful look.

"Whitebeard has never made a move after the end of the Wano Country War, and with his character, he should disdain to do such a thing. So first of all, Whitebeard can be ruled out."

"And the remaining Vennhill Lorne and Charlotte Lingling may be behind this incident. The worst possibility is that the two of them are ready to enter."

The whole sea knows that Vennhill Lorne's fiancée is Charlotte Lingling's eighteenth daughter, and the two forces have always been in an alliance.

If they are really the ones behind this incident, then the incident will develop towards the worst.

"We all have to be prepared to die for our country."

Magor tapped the table lightly with his hand, and then said solemnly.

If the two Pirate Emperors decide to enter, then everyone in the G-2 branch will have no chance of surviving.

This was the most terrifying consequence, and after the initial shock, Gumir quickly recovered.

"Die in the service of justice...with no regrets."

He slapped his chest suddenly with his hand, and then said solemnly.

"You're all talking like you're going to die."

At this time, Aokiji, who had been sitting on the main seat, opened his sleepy eyes and said lazily.

"Master Aokiji!"

Mager stood up and gave a military salute.

"We have to think about the worst possible outcome!"

"so troublesome."

And Aokiji waved his hand, let out a breath of cold air, and a layer of frost condensed on the table.

"But it doesn't matter. If we don't get support from the Navy Headquarters for a long time, then sooner or later, we will be eaten up by the pirates in the new world."

Just like the situation of the pirates in Paradise, the situation of the Navy in the New World is not optimistic, or even worse.

It is difficult for pirates to reach the New World through the Chambord Islands, and it is difficult for the navy to return to Paradise.

Fortunately, there were several admirals on duty in turn, and several naval bases stood by to help each other. In addition, the pirates checked and balanced themselves and did not dare to act rashly, so the navy of the new world was given time to breathe.

But now, there is only one G-2 branch left in this sea area. If it does not get support, it will be eaten up by endless pirates sooner or later.

"The Empress has already appeared in this sea area, and should be able to arrive here within two days."

Fortunately, Gumir finally reported a piece of good news, which is the only good news they have so far.

"It's fine if she doesn't fall into trouble."

And Aokiji is obviously not optimistic about the Empress. He yawned and stood up from his seat.

"The discussion is fruitless. You guys continue to discuss. I'll go back and take a rest."

After finishing speaking, he pushed open the door of the command room and walked back to his bedroom.

"Master Aokiji is still as undisciplined as before..."

Gumir looked at Magore helplessly.

As friends for many years, the two of them certainly understood what the other meant.

"I will send an order to search for information on the Vinhill family and the Charlotte family immediately."

Magore thought for a while, then slowly opened his mouth.

"In particular, the whereabouts of the top fighters from the two families, and Vennhill Lorne and Charlotte Lingling during this time!"

"Hopefully, things don't go to the worst place."

After doing all this, Magore closed his eyes.

He can only do his best. As for whether he can fulfill his fate, it is beyond his control.

After Aokiji left the command room, he did not return directly to his dormitory, but came to the wall of the G-2 branch,

At this time, the sky was almost dusk, and the afterglow of the sunset dyed the sea red. He looked at the red sea, and then suddenly covered his chest.

There is a trace of thunder burns there, which was left by the man who controlled the thunder during the previous battle of Bisilan.

Still aching now.

"Are you coming?"

He looked at the sunset and said slowly.

No one responded to him.

In the evening, after the unremitting efforts of the intelligence department of the G-2 branch, they finally got an important piece of information.

But this information exploded among their senior management.

Vinhill Lorne, a few days ago, left Sdio on the famous Crimson Rose.

Accompanying them were Blood Queen Vennhill Garrett and others.

And the destination is exactly the direction of Wan Guo!

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