Pirate Family

Chapter 1110 There is no end

"You should know that traitors are what I hate the most."

Case directly grabbed Basefeto's neck next to him and lifted him up.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in such a mess, so you should die."

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Basefeto felt that it was extremely difficult for him to breathe. Even though Case was seriously injured, one hand was like a pair of iron clamps, firmly grasping Basefeto's neck, making him unable to break free at all.

In this state, Basefeto wanted to use his ability to protect himself with a protective cover, but he couldn't do it.

"Please...let me go."

"Oh?" Case couldn't help sneering when he heard that this guy had the courage to beg for mercy.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to convince me."

He wanted to see if Basefeto could afford enough money for his life.

"I can give you the treasure!"

Basefeto said with a look of horror that he has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, and the sum of these wealth is quite an astonishing amount.

But there was no fluctuation on Case's face. Things like wealth have long since ceased to impress him.

Money that cannot be converted into combat power is meaningless.

"Fifteen seconds left."

Case, on the other hand, counted down.

"I can be your cow and horse, my ability is very useful!"

Basefeto was even more anxious, he felt almost out of breath.

Case didn't lie to himself, he was really going to kill himself! The threat of death made Basefeto sober, he looked at Case,

"With the help of my ability, you will be much more relaxed when facing some enemies!"

"One of the things I hate the most is betrayal."

"Now I finally understand one thing, why I felt disgusted when I first saw you."

A cruel smile curled Case's mouth.

"Now I realize that your name is exactly the same as that bastard Jiabo who betrayed me!"

The war planner, Gyalpo's full name is Basefeto Gyalpo!

It is not uncommon for this sea to have the same name, but being betrayed by two people with the same name one after another inevitably made Case feel a sense of humiliation.

And this kind of humiliation can only be washed away slightly with the other party's blood.

"There are still five seconds left."

"four three.……"

Case began to count down, and he showed a smile, but this smile looked no different from the devil's smile to Basefeto!

"Two, one."

But at this moment, an arrogant female voice sounded in Case's ear.

He turned his head and saw that a small boat like a pink cake had docked on the shore of this small island at some point.

A woman with a height of nearly ten meters and long pink hair, about fifty years old, with a bloated and obese body, was lowering her head and looking at herself with excitement.

She opened her own mouth, and sticky and foul-smelling saliva flowed from her mouth to the ground.

It's like seeing a delicious food that has been hungry for a long time.

The countdown just now came from the woman's mouth.

And behind the woman, stood a few young men and women of different heights and shapes, and a powerful aura emanated from these young men and women.

They all looked at Case with solemn eyes.

"Charlotte Lingling!"

Case looked at the middle-aged woman and said her name with an ugly expression.

Of course he knew that Charlotte Lingling was looking for him, but because of his ability, the previous Case had never worried that he would fall into the opponent's hands.

Even if he attacked Aokiji under Charlotte Lingling's nose this time, Case was confident that he could escape.

But he didn't expect that his plan this time failed, and he had to pay a huge price to escape from Aokiji and Garp's hands.

Blessings are unparalleled, misfortunes never come singly, and when Case was at his weakest, he met the woman he least wanted to meet.

"Well, well! I didn't expect to meet you here."

Charlotte Lingling shook her shoulders, stood up slowly, then wiped the drool from the corners of her mouth, and looked down at Case.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to hand over pure gold."

The identities of prey and hunter are reversed again!


Back in the Glacier Continent, Garp blasted the entire Glacier Continent into countless fragments with one punch, then slowly stood up, and then looked in one direction.

"Don't stare at me like this. This incident has nothing to do with me."

Facing Garp's gaze, Lorne could only shake his shoulders, and then said helplessly.

"I just want to come and watch the fun."

"You should be glad you didn't do anything!"

Garp said coldly, even though he wanted to make a move very much now, and keep Lorne here.

After all, what a Lorne represents is much more terrifying than Case.

If the biggest source of chaos in this sea is extinguished here, then, whether it is fighting other pirates or entering the new world, the navy will be much more relaxed.

"So, get out! When I don't see you!"

Garp snorted coldly and said so.

Unlike the seriously injured Keyes, Lorne had little to lose and was in his prime.

And after the previous battle with the green pheasant, most of the physical strength has been consumed.

It is not a wise choice to fight a Pirate Emperor after just fighting a peak Pirate.

Moreover, Garp had to admit that he was not absolutely sure of keeping Lorne here.

After all, Lorne was the man who killed the two legendary pirates, Shiji the Golden Lion and Kaido the Beast, head-on. In the internal files of the navy, Lorne was even stronger than the man who claimed to be the most powerful man in the world. Pirate Whitebeard is much scarier.

If Lorne is allowed to escape after the war, it means that the Vinhill family will directly enter this war. At this time, the navy is not ready to face a pirate emperor head-on, even Preparations for more pirates.

Therefore, even though he was very unwilling, Garp decided to let Lorne leave here.

"You let me go like this, are you afraid of me?"

But Lorne didn't want to show Garp the appearance of stepping down the steps, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"But what if I don't want to just leave?"

He smiled,

"I have never experienced the fist of a naval hero."

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