Pirate Family

Chapter 1125 The Madman

Barrett put down the wine glass, looked into the other person's eyes, and said slowly. "Case really wants me to get rid of the traitors. After all, you should know his character. He absolutely does not allow anyone to betray him."

"And what do you think?"

The man sat up and said playfully.

Now that Barrett has said so, it means that he has no intention of doing anything.

"But I don't want to listen to him."

Barrett shook his head.

"The reason why I joined the Grudge Trial was just to add a little fun to my boring life."

"This sea is really too weak. With him, maybe we can find some interesting opponents."

The man was silent, of course he knew this man named Barrett.

Barrett, who used to be the crew of Roger of One Piece, lost to Roger when he was young, so he chose to join Roger and kept challenging this man.

Later, after Roger voluntarily surrendered to the navy, Barrett also angrily declared war on the navy, and finally fell under the continuous attack of the navy.

This man was rebellious, supercilious, and ignored everyone. Even Roger's right and left lieutenants, the two men who also had legendary names, couldn't make Barrett surrender.

On the sea, Barrett has a nickname called "Devil's Descendant", or "Devil's Successor".

Because in the eyes of those opponents who were defeated by him, Barrett's strength was as terrifying as that of a devil.

And the man who is called the devil by all the pirates is the legendary Pirate King Roger.

But the men knew that they underestimated Barrett, and the whole sea underestimated Barrett.

Barrett was less than twenty years old when he challenged Roger. At that time, he was still in the rising stage of strength.

If Barrett was born 20 years earlier, it would not be impossible to participate in the war for the title of One Piece in the previous era.

How could such a proud man submit to Case?

But each takes what he needs.

"but now,"

Barrett paused, then continued.

"This sea has eliminated him."


The man was a little puzzled, he knew that Barrett would definitely part ways with Case, but it shouldn't be now, but after they conquered this sea, at the end of the new world, when Ralph Drew decides the belonging of this era .

"The news was blocked, and it has not been released yet."

Barrett said slowly.

"But you should know what happened in the new world some time ago."

"You mean, the navy was ambushed, the G-1 base was lost, and even Admiral Aokiji was seriously injured?"

The man tentatively asked, at this moment, the sea was raging, countless heroes fell, and countless heroes rose again, but this was the only thing that could really attract his attention.


Barrett nodded.

"And this matter is planned by Case."


The man was a little surprised. He really didn't know about this kind of thing. But think about it, if there is no powerful existence standing behind them, how dare the group of pirates dare to attack the naval base with the admiral sitting in it?

He originally thought that the person standing behind them would be one of Lorne or Charlotte Lingling, but hearing Barrett's words, that person was Case?

"He wants to use the fruit of death to weaken the navy's high-end combat power."

Barrett said,

"But he failed,"

No one cares about the process, he only cares about the result.

No matter what happened in it, since Case failed, then he must bear the consequences of failure.

"Case was seriously injured and fled back to the base of the Grudge Trial, but at that time, his strength was completely unable to suppress the group of unruly pirates."

"There was a rebellion within the Grudge Trial, some people died, and Case, who was wounded and fled without a trace."

Barrett told the inside information in a flat tone, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

"Probably, I can guess."

The man smiled and said that the interior of the Grudge Trial is not monolithic, they are peak pirates with their own goals, and they are temporarily united together.

In the past, the reason why they praised Keith as their leader was only because of Keith's strength, and people like Barrett who had the strength to compete with him did not have this idea.

And after Keith came to power, he showed unprecedented strength. Anyone who wanted to escape the grievance trial, such as the silent swordsman, would be chased and killed by Keith.

Therefore, in fact, many people in the Grudge Trial had complaints against Case.

But now that Case showed signs of decline, it was only natural that everyone would push the wall down.

"So, now, you also plan to abandon Case?"

The man looked at Barrett, as if he understood what he was thinking.

"The sea in the new world is extremely vast. Anyone wants to occupy this world, but how many people can do it?"

At this moment, Barrett stood up, looked at the man sitting in front of him, and opened his hands, as if he wanted to embrace the whole world.

"It's such a pity that such a beautiful world falls into the hands of the weak."

"Case's ambition, in my opinion, is still too small."

"Just dominating an era can satisfy him."


The man showed doubts on his face, and the pirate who dominated an era was a character at the level of Roger and Rocks. And Barrett's ambition is still higher than theirs?

"Join me."

Barrett held out his hand to the man.

"Together, we will turn this world upside down!"

"I want no history to bypass my name, Barrett!"

Barrett said so loudly!

The man was silent. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world fell silent, waiting for his answer.

After a while, he smiled.

"I originally planned to withdraw from the sea disputes. After all, I am old. This sea belongs to those young people."

"It's actually pretty good to watch Lorne, or some other pirate dominate the sea."

Listening to the other party's words, Barrett remained expressionless, as if he was certain that the other party would agree to him.

Sure enough, after a short pause, the man smiled.

"However, your words made my blood, which has not been burned for a long time, slightly boil."

"I feel like I'm twenty years younger."

The man stood up and slowly extended his hand to Case.

"I, Basefeto Giapo, war planner, war fanatic, chaos maker. Willing to serve you."

The two hands were slowly held together.

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