Pirate Family

Chapter 1130 Shadow

Two men with long swords on their waists, covered their faces with a black scarf, and murderous eyes.

"It shouldn't be a coincidence that you have followed me for so long."

The woman turned around slowly, looked at the two people, and said lightly.

People dressed in this way have only two identities in the new world, either pirates or bounty hunters.

And no matter which one it is, it is not a good thing for women.

"It is confirmed that there is a bounty of 330 million pirates, lone walkers, avengers, and Nana."

The two men looked at each other, and after exchanging information, they said coldly.

"Now, your head belongs to me."

A man licked his lips, then looked at Nana, and said excitedly.

This is a pirate who has just risen recently. Although she is powerful, she has always been alone. That is to say, if she encounters danger, no companion will help her.

There are not many pirates like her with a rich bounty and no corresponding reputation in the New World, so the two men feel lucky after confirming each other's identity.

"In this way, you are members of the Bounty Hunter Alliance."

And the woman called Nana also learned the identity of the other party through the other party's dialogue.

The Bounty Hunter Alliance, when they were in Paradise, might be regarded as a force that everyone talked about, but the new world where the strong are everywhere, especially after the three ace bounty hunters of the Bounty Hunter Alliance have fallen one after another, this A power has gradually become a joke.

Nana didn't expect that they would stare at her and then attack her. So lightly smiled.

"It seems that my reputation is not loud enough in this sea. If I go back like this, I'm afraid I will be ridiculed by that guy."

The two bounty hunters looked at the woman in front of them, knowing what to do, but they didn't dare to be careless.

No matter how unknown this pirate is, she is still a big pirate with a bounty of more than 300 million. To some extent, this sky-high bounty is enough to prove her strength.

"Do it!"

Not wanting to make accidents on the way, the two bounty hunters looked at each other and decided to attack directly.

They have been cooperating for more than ten years, and they have a tacit understanding. Just one look is enough to know what the other is thinking.

Many pirates who underestimated them fell under their flawless cooperation for this reason, which is why they dared to regard Nana as their prey.

The two moved very quickly. The heavy rain hit them, and countless water mist was thrown out. Almost instantly, they rushed to Nana, one left and one right.

At this time, Nana didn't even react, but opened her hand slightly.

"Have the opportunity!"

The two bounty hunters immediately became excited. If they could behead the 300 million pirates, their evaluation within the bounty hunter alliance would increase a lot, and even replace the three major rewards that had disappeared one after another. The title of Gold Hunter Ace is not impossible!

But at this time, Nana suddenly chuckled.

She suddenly raised her right hand,

"I'm actually not interested in your lives, but since you are determined to die, then don't blame me."

Countless black metal balls flew out of Nana's clothes, and then turned into some liquid, wrapping in front of the two bounty hunters.

Then, she clenched her right hand slightly.

The next moment, the metal liquid completely enveloped the two bounty hunters. Then. Sudden contraction.


The two bounty hunters let out inhuman screams, but the screams stopped suddenly.

Because, two small metal balls about ten centimeters fell to the ground.

Blood seeped out from the metal ball and mixed with the rainwater.

And the woman, as if she just did a trivial thing, didn't even look at the two metal balls, turned around and walked outside.

She is going to continue her journey.

Perhaps, as Lorne said, the Bounty Hunter Alliance has long since withdrawn from the stage of history.

This sea belongs to pirates, and it belongs to pirates after all.

No matter, past, present, or... the future.

And at this moment, Nana seemed to feel something, and suddenly widened her eyes.

Cold sweat kept rolling down her forehead.

At this moment, a small boat appeared on the coastline of the island.

No, it should not be said to be a small boat, but a small boat that can only take one person.

A person who covered himself in a black robe sat in the very center of the boat, looking ahead with a blank expression.

The turbulent waves hit the small boat, but it was as if it was shot on a mountain, and it couldn't shake the small boat.

If a pirate saw this scene, he would definitely let go of everything in his hands and run away desperately.

Because, this pirate. called, "Shadow"



In the giant whale sea area, on a giant ship that looks like a giant whale sailing in the sea, a tall man with all kinds of infusion bottles stuck in his body is holding a jug of wine and pouring it into his mouth. irrigation.

At the corner of the man's mouth, there was a white beard that was curved like a crescent moon.

After finishing the jug of wine, he wiped his mouth and said with some insatiable meaning.

"You kid, you're about to have a decisive battle with that guy, but you don't seem to be panicking at all."

"Fighting against a strong man like Lorne, superfluous thoughts, except that it will drag yourself down, have no meaning."

Sitting in front of the tall man was a red-haired man with a somewhat unruly appearance. The right hand of the red-haired man seemed to be bitten off by something. He used the only remaining one With his left hand, he picked up a wine bowl that was bigger than his body, and poured wine into his mouth.

"It's better to drink with you!"


Listening to the red-haired man's words, the white beard seemed to be very useful, and he laughed.

"I like you guy, you look much more pleasing to the eye than that kid Lorne."

"It's because Lorne never brings you a bar."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

After finishing speaking, the two strong men looked at each other and laughed loudly.

After laughing out loud, Whitebeard patted his chest to let himself breathe a sigh of relief.

"Despite this, don't underestimate that guy Lorne. After all, he is the craziest pirate I've ever seen."

White Beard seemed to think of something, and said solemnly.

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