Pirate Family

Chapter 1132

Enilu was silent, and only at their level did he understand how difficult these seemingly simple words were.

Throughout the ages, there have been many pirate overlords who have ruled the world and ruled the world in this sea.

Enel doesn't know.

Pirate overlords like Roger and Lockes have only appeared on the sea in the last few decades. Then push forward, in the longer history, has there been a big pirate like Roger?

That is inevitable.

However, just ask anyone, even a pirate, who is the most famous pirate in this sea.

Some people will give Roger, some people will give White Beard, and so on. But if you push it further, you can only push it to Rocks at most.

Those, the Rocks a little earlier, have long been forgotten.

Or, hundreds of years later, the pirates of his own era will also be forgotten by the people behind.

And Lorne didn't want to be forgotten, he wanted his name to become something that everyone couldn't avoid.

This is such a difficult thing, even Roger has never done it.

"The person above Mary Joa should be laughing at us now."

Lorne said suddenly.

"Because, no matter how violent we are in the ocean, or how troubled the world government is, in His eyes, we are just a little bit of a wave in the long river of history."

"It's an insignificant condiment in his long years."

Now, Lorne suddenly understood why he hated the man in black robe so much, because to him who had eternal life, he was just a toy.

He can slowly wait for himself to die of old age, and then wantonly change history and erase himself from history.

No one remembers their own name.

Lorne didn't like the feeling of being forgotten.

So, he wants to change.

Like...replacing that man.

Once this idea sprouted in Lorne's heart, it blossomed and bore fruit in an instant, growing into a towering tree.

"Let's make a complete disturbance in this sea."

Lorne looked at Enilo and said slowly.

The latter was silent for a while, and then the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

He smiled and bowed slightly to Lorne.

"Willing to serve you, my king of the world!"


During this period of time, the weather in the Rocks sea area was not good, and dark clouds floated over Vermejo, completely covering up the sun.

But this dull atmosphere did not dampen the enthusiasm of the pirates who swarmed from all over the new world.

They gathered near Virmejo Island, waiting for that legendary battle to come.

The reason why they didn't board Wilmaeu to find a suitable place to watch it was because these pirates were afraid of the power of the Vinhill family.

If, without their permission, they rashly boarded their territory, they would be regarded as intruders and wiped out, which would not be worth the loss.

Therefore, even though the Vinhill family didn't speak, no one was willing to be this early bird.

To be precise, no "smart person" is willing to be this early bird.

However, there are always some "stupid" people in this sea.

A gray-white three-masted sailing ship approached from a distance. After seeing the pirate ship drifting near Vermejo, they didn't have the slightest intention to stop. Instead, they passed by these onlookers and headed Pick it up with Vermeil.

"Since you are so modest, then give me the best position to watch the battle of legends!"

One was wearing a black turban and a white cloth. The swordsman with two long swords on his waist sat on the ramming corner of the gray-white boat, and waved to the startled pirate behind him.

"This lifeless bastard!"

Some pirates recognized this man as the recently famous white swordsman Jeno, and said through gritted teeth.

"Isn't he afraid of death?"

A thin pirate looked at Jeno's receding figure and cursed viciously.

"I don't know how to live or die, you will be blasted to pieces by the cannon fire of the Vinhill family before you get close to Vermaeu!"

But what is surprising is that the fleet of the Vinhill family did not intend to make a move at all, allowing Jeno's ship to sail to the shore of Vermejo, and then this group of shocked pirates watched helplessly. Leading Jeno and his companions, he found an excellent location.

"The Vinhill family doesn't seem to care about people watching the battle?!"

For a moment, all the pirates realized something, and then they tentatively sailed towards Vermejo, but none of the pirate ships were attacked by the Vinhill family.

Even the Vinhill family gave up a channel, allowing the group of pirates to find a slightly flatter shore to log in.

"Has the audience started to enter?"

Vermejo, on the top of the central mountain, next to the tomb of the golden lion Shiki.

Lorne sat alone, feeling the gradually bustling island, and slightly opened his eyes.

Then he said with some disappointment.

"So, is the actor late?"

Now is the appointed time, but Shanks' ship did not appear in Lorne's sight.

Is he timid?

Lorne thought for a while, and then denied this guess. He was more willing to believe that Shanks was dead than Shanks was timid.

So, he decided to keep waiting.

The other pirates didn't have such patience as Lorne.

They quickly realized that it was the appointed day for the decisive battle, but the ships of the red-haired pirates had not appeared in sight for a long time.

For a while, among the pirates watching the battle, rumors gradually spread that Shanks was afraid of Lorne and then fled without fighting.

The time lasted from early morning to noon, the dark clouds dispersed, and a ray of sunlight shone on Vermeur.

The red-haired pirates still didn't show up. At this time, the group of watching pirates became a little dissatisfied.

After all, they traveled thousands of miles just to watch the battle between these two legends, but the other legend didn't show up for a long time.

Gradually, in the eyes of these pirates, Shanks also changed from a hero with a reputation comparable to Lorne to a cowardly villain.

However, Lorne did not hear all of this.

He is still waiting.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that he suddenly opened his eyes again, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A pirate ship appeared on the sea level.

A red-haired, one-armed man stood at the front of the pirate ship, looking at Wilmejo from afar.

However, what is shocking is that behind the ship, there are several corpses of giant sea kings that are hundreds of meters long and several times larger than the entire ship.

"I met a group of sea kings on the road, and it took a little time to solve them. You won't mind it."

With one hand, Shanks directly lifted the corpses of these sea kings, and then smashed them heavily on the shore of Vermaeu. said with a smile.

The pirates who were talking a lot, at this moment,


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