Pirate Family

Chapter 1134 Lorne and Shanks

Unless the knowledge-colored arrogance is cultivated to the point where it can detect the future, otherwise the higher the level, the lesser the effect of the knowledge-colored domineering.

Being able to be so fast that the domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge can't be caught, or to suppress the domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge of the opponent, this is the basic skill of the peak powerhouse.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the move is, if it cannot hit the enemy, it will be meaningless.

From Lorne's perspective, Shanks just made a stabbing action, and then his sight disappeared completely from Lorne's vision.

too fast! Lorne had never fought against such a fast and strong man.

Whether it is the previous Golden Lion or Kaido, they are not famous for their speed. Even Case can only suppress the enemy in speed by virtue of his own ability.

And Shanks is obviously not a capable person, he completely suppressed Lorne's knowledgeable arrogance just by relying on his own body!

But Lorne is not helpless, although he doesn't know where Shanks' sword will stab him, and from what angle the sword will be stabbed, but he knows one thing very well.

That is, it is absolutely impossible for Shanks to cross his body and appear behind him.

So, Lorne gave up his defense directly, and the jet-black armed domineering instantly covered his whole body, then he raised his hand and punched in front of him.


Shanks went up with a sword, passed Lorne's arm, and stabbed Lorne's heart.

The long sword wrapped around Armed Domineering directly pierced Lorne's chest covered with Armed Domineering, and the Armed Domineering on both sides rubbed against each other crazily, making metallic shrill sounds.

However, Lorne's punch hit Shanks in the chest.


The armed domineering energy entangled and collided, and finally exploded with a bang. The sword energy rose towards the sky, and the clouds dissipated, as if poking a hole in the sky!

And the mountain peak under their feet seemed unable to withstand the strength of both sides, and countless cracks began to spread.

Then, the mountain, split in two, collapsed towards both sides.

The gravel pierced through the air, and countless boulders slid down from the mountain.

The pirates at the bottom of the mountain ran away one after another. They didn't expect that the fight between two legendary pirates would be so terrifying. Just the simplest collision destroyed a mountain.

At this time, they suddenly understood why the Vinhill family didn't stop them from landing on the island.

Just like humans fighting, they don't mind ants peeping at the side.

After the entire island turned into a battlefield for the two of them, no place on the entire island is safe!

Lorne stood firm among the rocks, retracted his arms, his fists were faintly stained with blood.

His punch hit Shanks firmly in the chest, and even though the latter defended the attack in time with his armed arrogance, he was still seriously injured.

But Lorne didn't feel the slightest joy of succeeding with one blow, because a very slight stab wound appeared on his chest.

Blood flowed out slowly.

If, his armed color domineering cover is a little later, if, he is at a disadvantage in the armed color domineering collision. Even, this sword will definitely penetrate his body.

Lorne had no doubts about that.

Is this the strength of the world's top swordsman? Sure enough, the swords in their hands cannot be underestimated!

Lorne took a deep breath, his legs suddenly exerted strength, stepped on a boulder falling from the air, and rushed towards Shanks.

He can't give Shanks time to take a breath. Only by dragging Shanks into a close fight can he have a chance of winning, otherwise once he pulls him out of the distance, he is just Shanks practicing swordsmanship It's just sandbags!

But Shanks had the same idea as Lorne!

A huge slash cut through the mountain, and rushed towards Lorne. While Lorne was avoiding the slash, Shanks had already rushed in front of Lorne.

"You and Mihawk are completely different opponents!"

A terrifying aura was released from Shanks' body.

Travel like a tyrant, coercing the world!

Shanks actually directly opened the "Territory of Overlords"!

Speaking of which, this belongs to the skills possessed by the overlord color, and it was taught to Lorne by Shanks. Different overlord color owners can use the overlord color domineering to strengthen their own advantages, so as to exert a crushing level of combat power.

For example, Lorne once combined the "overlord look and arrogance" with the "ROMM" space of "Surgery Fruit" to develop "Hell". The object of harvesting.

And, combine the "overlord look domineering" with the "perception fruit" to develop the "Reaper" state that can exert the ultimate combat power of the human body. In this state, Lorne will lose a certain amount of sanity and move completely. Leave it to your body to judge.

He will definitely be able to dodge attacks that can be avoided in theory, and he will definitely hit attacks that can be hit in theory.

This is the true usage of domineering color.

The function of Shanks' "Territory of Overlords" is to suppress anyone in this domain with a terrifying domineering aura at all times, and, in this state, Shanks' Physical strength is almost unlimited.

"Did you directly use the big move?"

And Lorne was not surprised at all, he raised his hand, wrapped his domineering fist directly at Shanks' head and blasted it.

Shanks didn't speak, and what responded to Lorne was just another massive slash.

In this state, he doesn't have to worry about exhausting his physical strength at all, every time he strikes, it's a blow with all his strength!

And the full blow of a peak pirate, in today's sea, I am afraid that no one can underestimate it.

Lorne, no way!

Sure enough, Lorne quickly withdrew his fist, barely dodging the slash.

However, what responded to Lorne was Shanks' continuous slash!

Boom boom boom boom!

The slash spreads, trees, rocks, rivers, and even small islands under the feet, everything, once touched by the slash, will be cut in half instantly.

Wilmeyou, who was already somewhat overwhelmed, was finally torn apart under the battle between the two of them, turning into countless fragments of islands floating in the sea.

The tsunami roared like a doomsday.

The pirates on the island tried their best to survive this natural disaster.

At this moment, they finally understood why legends are called legendary pirates, and why there are countless powerful and ambitious pirates in this sea, but very few dare to challenge legends.

The so-called legend is a natural disaster with every gesture!

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