Pirate Family

Chapter 1155 Target

And the ability of the head baker, who can make food at will and replenish energy, is exactly what Lorne needs now.

Although Tun Tun Guo can eat anything, but compared with trees and steel, the prepared food is undoubtedly more capable of replenishing energy.

As for the "gluttonous girl" Joelie Bonnie, Lorne didn't know her ability, but through her display, she could instantly turn a soldier in his prime into an old man, or a newborn baby. Ability should be related to time.

Lorne wanted to use her ability to study the ability of the woman above Mary Joa.

It's just a pity that the head baker is now under his ally, the Charlotte family, and the "gluttonous girl" Joelle Bonney has never shown up, and Lorne has no chance to capture her.

So these two things can only be reduced to empty talk.

After going around and around, the current top priority has returned to finding all kinds of devil fruits.

"After several rounds of hunting, the ability users in the sea are very afraid of us and dare not show up easily, especially those who have powerful fruit abilities but are not strong themselves."

Violet sighed and said so.

This is not the first time that the Vinhill family has hunted ability users. Those ability users have long been prepared, especially now that the situation in the sea is chaotic. Those ability users are like a group of mice, only hiding in dark corners. Will not show up easily at all.

So even if the family's situation is strong, there is no suitable goal for a while.

"Then let go of other things first, and search for Keith's trace with all your strength."

Lorne thought about it. Compared with other fruit abilities, Case's "space fruit" ability is undoubtedly what Lorne needs most at this time.

Only by obtaining this ability, Lorne will have the confidence to face the woman above Mary Joa head-on.


Violet nodded. She was silent for a moment, then suddenly spoke.

"By the way, there is one more thing that must be reported to the young master."


"Yesterday, Pope Ariel sent a message that someone contacted the Church of the Holy Truth, claiming to have clues related to the historical text."

"Master Pope Ariel is sending someone to contact that person to verify the authenticity."

"Is that so?"

Lorne showed a thoughtful expression. He had indeed issued a reward for the text of the history in the underground world before. In order to prevent those who were hostile to the family from deliberately disgusting him, Lorne even set up several false identities.

Among them, the Church of Holy Truth under Ariel's command also helped Lorne to collect information.

However, after the clues of the last historical text were cut off on Golan Island, Lorne had given up the idea of ​​finding Ralph Drew by translating the historical text. The location of Ralph Drew.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, this matter that was almost forgotten by Lorne surfaced again.

"Then send someone to contact and assist Ariel. Once you get any valuable clues, report them to me immediately."

Lorne said so. He would not let go of any clues, after all, he had reasons to go to Ralph Drew.

All my doubts, I need to go to that place to get answers.

"I see."

Violet nodded respectfully, then stepped back, hiding in the darkness.

Lorne was the only one left to watch the entire Black Iron Castle.

The sea stretches as far as the eye can see. From ancient times to the present, no one can truly control this sea.

But Lorne is confident that he will be the first person.

Because he has become a "god".

If you can't even become a god yourself, then no one in this world can do it either.

But suddenly, Lorne's expression gradually became cold.

He looked towards a certain place in the sea, and a murderous intent gradually flashed in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, is there really a lunatic who came to trouble me?"


"According to the information, if there is no change in the shadow's route, he should arrive in Sdio in five hours!"

At the same time, the naval think tanks located in Marin Vanduo began to operate, and Sengoku looked at a small screen in front of him with a dignified expression.

The navy, at the risk of their lives, set up spies and agents in the territories of several pirate emperors, in order to transmit back the movements of several pirate emperors at the first time.

But now, the agents in Sidiou are taking action one after another, and the pictures taken from all angles through the hidden miniature phone bugs are transmitted to the Marshal's meeting room at the Navy Headquarters. Projected in front of the Warring States.

"The Vinhill family still hasn't moved. Didn't they find out?"

A high-ranking navy officer looked at Sdiou who was still the same, and said with some doubts.

He knows the power of the shadow. If Sdio is not prepared and is attacked suddenly, the shadow can destroy most of Sdio's buildings in a short period of time.

At that time, even if the Vinhill family is not wiped out, they will suffer heavy losses. Prestige hit rock bottom. Even other pirate forces, who are eyeing tigers, take advantage of this opportunity to attack Sdiou again. And the navy can take advantage of this opportunity to break into the new world in one fell swoop.


Warring States shook his head.

The Sdio sea area and even the Loxo sea area are under the control of the Vinhill family. It is impossible for the Vinhill family to not notice the shadow's big and undisguised appearance.

And they haven't responded until now, maybe there is only one reason. That is, Lorne doesn't care about shadows at all.

He didn't think that the shadow could pose much threat to him.

After this thought surfaced, Zhan Guo was also taken aback, because according to the strength shown in the report, even if he wanted to clean up that shadow, he would still need to spend a lot of effort. Moreover, even the Warring States couldn't guarantee whether he could prevent the opponent from causing damage before defeating the shadow.

Lorne, what kind of self-confidence does Lorne have to place the battlefield in his core hinterland, Sidio?

Warring States didn't know, but he soon knew.

Because, a familiar figure appeared in the screen of monitoring phone bugs.

That is, Lorne wearing a black gown.

Lorne came to the shore of Sdio, looking at the sea.

At the end of the sea, a small black dot appeared, which could be vaguely seen. This small black dot looked like a small boat.

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