Pirate Family

Chapter 1167 Destiny is a toy

Mary Gioia, Pongle Castle, Void Hall.

A thin man in black robe sat on a high void throne, holding a document and slowly examining it.

Above the main hall, four old men knelt neatly in front of him, and they dared not make any movements until the man in black robe spoke.

On the table in front of the man in black, five life cards were placed in sequence. In front of the life card, there is a clock.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

On the clock, the pointer keeps moving, neither fast nor slow, exact, and as accurate as time.

As if it was some prescribed time, the man in black suddenly stopped his movements, put the document in his hand on the table, and tapped the table lightly with his right index finger.

Huo hoo!

A flash of flame suddenly appeared on the table, and the four old men kneeling in the hall suddenly raised their heads, looking at the flames burning on the table of the man in black.

They could see a trace of shock in each other's eyes.

Because, the thing that suddenly burned was the life card placed on the far right!

The life card burned out quickly, and the paper ashes fell with the wind and scattered around the hall.

"Corpse, dead."

The man in black said slowly.

"He challenged Lorne privately, and was killed by Lorne."

The man in black said lightly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

However, these words set off a storm in the hearts of the four old men present.

The death of a five old star is definitely not a trivial matter in any place on the sea. If it spreads out, it will be enough to make the whole sea tremble.

There is no other reason, just because the one who died was a five old star.

However, none of the four old men spoke, but knelt tremblingly in front of the man in black.

They are well aware of the abilities of dead bodies. Whether the dead body really died in the hands of Lorne, or whether the miniature detonator buried in his body was detonated because of the displeasure of the black-robed man, they didn't know.

Therefore, they didn't want to express any opinions before the people in black made a final conclusion.

"He challenged Lorne privately, and was killed by Lorne."

The man in black said slowly, half a month ago, he saw the end of the dead body through his ability, but by then it was already too late.

The ship of the dead body had already appeared in the depths of the new world, and it was too late to call him back. The man in black saw that because he was too unscrupulous in the new world, the dead body quickly hit Lorne, and was defeated by Lorne head-on.

This was originally just a trivial matter, but the man in black happened to "see" the ability displayed by Lorne, the ability to plunder their devil fruits.

The ability of the dead body is too powerful, if it falls into Lorne's hands, then he will no longer be able to restrict Lorne.

Therefore, he can only kill dead bodies.

This point should be very clear before the corpse is about to die.

"On the sea, Lorne can no longer be restrained."

The man in black said lightly, it is precisely because he has seen Lorne's strength clearly that he is very clear that when the woman is unwilling to leave Marie Gioia, if he appears on the sea, one-on-one, he is likely to be Lorne fights.

He regretted his life, especially after having almost eternal life and supreme power.

Therefore, he would not do such a reckless thing, like a reckless man, go to Lorne to duel.

"Do we need to do something to kill Lorne before he grows up?"

At this time, a Five Elder Star also said that he was the one who appeared briefly on Golan Island and controlled the "plague".

"No, it's not necessary."

The man in black shook his head slowly. It was as if everything was still under his control.

"It is a foregone conclusion that Lorne will become the overlord of this era. If you go to him, if you are defeated by him, it will be equivalent to giving him your own powerful abilities."

The man in black took a breath and said.

"Then let him become the overlord of this era,"

It's just the overlord of an era. In the long years he has experienced, countless sea overlords have appeared, and these overlords are nothing more than bugs in front of the years.

Lorne, at best, is just the best of bugs.

However, it is still a bug.

"His last stage is not on this sea."

"It's in that place."

The man in black said slowly.

In this sea, he may not be Lorne's opponent, but in that place, he is absolutely invincible.

He'll be waiting for Lorne there.

The few old men below looked at each other in blank dismay. They all knew what the place the black-robed man was referring to was.

That is, the destination that all pirates dream of, the place where the ultimate secret of this world is buried.

Ralph Drew.

As a pirate, Lorne will definitely go to that place.

"Before that, let him make a fuss."

The man in black waved his hand and said casually.

Right now, he has nothing to do with Lorne, but Lorne also doesn't dare to set foot on Marie Gioia.

The location of the final battle between him and Lorne can only be Ralph Drew. It's just that Lorne probably hasn't realized this yet.

The man in black was looking forward to the scene when he and Lorne met in Ralph Drew.

After finishing speaking, the man in black waved his hand, indicating that the five old stars can retreat.

In the entire void hall, he was the only one left soon.

The man in black thought for a while, and casually threw the document in front of him aside.

There are several large characters written on the cover of this document.

"Regarding the permission of the Navy to attack the New World in an all-round way."

The person who wrote this document was none other than Admiral of the Navy, the Warring States of Buddha.

If the title of this document gets out, it will definitely shock the entire sea, and the degree of sensation it caused in the sea will not be less than the death of one of the five old stars.

One year ago, the Warring States declared a just declaration of war against the pirates all over the world. After one year, he had almost handed over all the pirates in Paradise. Choose to stay dormant and send heavy troops to station at the end of the paradise, the Chambord Islands.

The whole world thought that the Warring States Period was not ready to attack the New World, and he waited for the New World to be completely chaotic before fishing in troubled waters and getting a share of the pie.

However, the whole world underestimated him. At this time, the Navy is only one document away from fully attacking the New World.

As long as the people in black go through this document, the whole world will be shaken up.

However, the man in black casually threw this document aside like garbage.

In front of fate, this is just a trivial matter.

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