Pirate Family

Chapter 1201 Roger's Story (2)

"I'm confused, didn't we just find a small island? Why do those people worship us so much, but this feeling of being worshiped seems to be pretty good..."

"Captain Roger has got everything he wanted, rights, money, fame, and freedom. Just when we thought that Roger's era was about to begin, the captain suddenly told us a sad news, that is, he He was diagnosed with a terminal illness when he was young, and now his life is only a few months away..."

"Captain Roger took Lord Raleigh to Mary Gioia, where the Tianlong people live. It is said that there are many powerful people from the world government lurking there secretly, protecting it. For our safety, Roger The captain asked us to stay in the new world. Is this underestimating us? As pirates, how can we be afraid of death?"

"In the end, we decided to follow Captain Roger's wishes. After all, he is the captain. As a crew member, it is only natural to obey the captain's wishes. Not long after, Captain Roger and Lord Raleigh returned to the ship, he was excited. He said that he had left something on Marie Gioia, waiting for others to pick it up. Moreover, he also said that he had met an old friend, who is it that deserves to make Captain Roger so excited?..."

"A few days later, we learned from reports that a man who hadn't been seen in the sea for nearly ten years appeared again, and this time, he attacked Mary Gioia alone. Half of Pongle Castle was destroyed, and this man turned out to be Caesar! Caesar is decades younger!"

"Didn't we just meet Caesar in Ralph Drew? But Captain Roger said inscrutably that these two Caesars are not the same person. I am getting more and more confused..."

"Captain Roger said for a while that he wanted to tell us a big secret. I'm curious, what is this secret?"

"We sailed along the route of the new world, and Roger also visited his old friends all the way, as if saying goodbye, I swear I didn't cry, men don't cry..."

"After drinking with Whitebeard, Captain Roger took us to Anjibela Island, an unnamed island. Someone on board suggested that our wealth is inexhaustible anyway, so we might as well bury some of it here , in the future, there may be lucky people who dug it out by chance, and then exclaimed that they found Roger's treasure! The captain readily agreed, and everyone was very excited. But I secretly recorded myself on Lough Drew Island. The permanent pointer is placed in a small box. This is a great gift I prepared. Those who find this treasure in the future will never think that the island recorded by this pointer is actually the entrance of Ralph Drew... "

"My behavior was discovered by the captain, and Captain Roger scolded me, because the coordinates found in this way are meaningless. Pirates should care about the adventure process, not the result. Yes, I thought wrong, The captain was right, and at this time, the captain announced the big secret he mentioned before. He actually wanted to use his life to start a new era, an era of pirates! After this last journey, the captain He will surrender himself to the navy, and when he is executed, he will announce to the whole world and all the pirates about ONE-PIECE. Let all the men who yearn for freedom, look for the trace of ONE-PIECE!"

"We didn't cry, because we all know that the captain's life has come to an end. Even the most powerful doctor on the ship can't solve the captain's disease. One order, that is, no one is allowed to save himself, and everyone must live well!"

"This is our experience. I put this diary into the small box with the permanent pointer. After a while, we will sink this small box into the sea. This secret will be buried forever In history. We were very lost, but we didn't cry, babies, real pirates, don't cry."

"Roger Pirates, officially disbanded!"

This is the last line on the diary, and the ink soaks the paper. Lorne can imagine how heavy the heart of the person who wrote these words was at the end.

My captain was terminally ill and was about to surrender to the navy, but I and the others had no choice but to watch my most respected captain walk towards death step by step.

This feeling, when you think about it, is a little hopeless.

And Lorne also saw the direction of that magnificent era through these words, and looked at these once legendary figures, as if they were standing in front of him vividly, lifelike. Among them, there are even traces of his own father, Caesar.

Among them, Lorne also confirmed one thing. Before Turner told himself that they met Roger and his party in Ralph Drew. He didn't believe it at the time, but now through this record book, Lorne Make sure Turner isn't lying.

What exactly happened in this, Lorne can't figure it out now, but as long as he arrives at Ralph Drew, the answer to all this will be revealed.

And thinking of this, Lorne's expression gradually froze, because this record book also did not explain the whereabouts of Ralph Drew, but only recorded their experience in Ralph Drew!

Could it be that I ran for nothing again? Lorne's expression gradually became stiff, and at this moment, a note suddenly fell out of the diary.

The handwriting is quite heroic, and it is not the same as the person who wrote the notebook.

"I'm Roger, you should have heard my name."

"Although I know very well that after you find Lao Tzu's treasure, you will discard this permanent pointer without hesitation, because with your character, you don't even bother to find ONE-PIECE with the help of others, because your character Like Lao Tzu, what I care about is the process of adventure, not the result! But I still want to write these words. Because I am Roger!"

"ONE-PIECE really exists, and his existence is beyond your imagination!"

"If you want to find Ralph Drew, the permanent pointer is meaningless. Only by deciphering the historical text can you find Ralph Drew's door! And I put all the locations of the historical text in one place. If you want to find If so, let's go!"

"That place is in Marie Gioia's Heavenly Dragon Treasure! Hahaha, I didn't think of that! By the way, there is a woman who can be called a monster living on Marie Gioia, run away as soon as you get it!"

Just through words, Lorne can imagine Roger's heroic smile. That man is the freest man in the sea.

"I'm waiting for you at Ralph Drew! Luffy!"

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