Pirate Family

Chapter 1206 The Eternals Hidden in History

The entry of the first Pirate Emperor gave a boost to the pirates participating in this war.

Since the highest combat power of the high-level navy did not participate in the battle, Charlotte Lingling, the pirate emperor, was reckless in this battlefield, and the navy was defeated.

After harvesting the souls scattered on the battlefield, Charlotte Lingling used these souls to make more puppets, which greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the pirates.

But these have nothing to do with Lorne.

Back when Lorne and Sabo met.

"You mean, you are from the Revolutionary Army of the Red Earth Continent?"

Lorne looked at the young man standing in front of him, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

In his memory, there seems to be a young man named Sabo in the Revolutionary Army. His identity is the adopted son accidentally adopted by the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, but his real identity is the sworn brother of One Piece protagonist Luffy.

But because of something else, Sabo lost his own memory, and has been following the dragon to engage in various revolutionary causes.

"Any questions?"

The boy's doubtful voice brought Lorne back to reality. He doesn't understand what's wrong with his identity.

"No, no problem."

Lorne shook his head and said lightly. He doesn't care about the grievances between the protagonists of Sabo and Luffy. What he wants to know now is what kind of information the revolutionary army or the dragon wants to convey to him.

"Dragon sent you here, what information do you want to tell me?"

Lorne looked at the boy in front of him and asked lightly.

"As expected of a man in legend,"

Sabo sat in front of Lorne and exclaimed.

"I guessed right away that the leader of the dragon sent me!"

Lorne was expressionless, and Sabo's compliment meant nothing to him.

"You have fought the shadow before, and you should have questioned it too,"

Sabo said slowly.


Lorne did not expect that Sabo would mention this man when he came here. At this time, he had roughly guessed the intention of the other party.

"Yes, Shadow, has Mr. Lorne ever wondered whether a strong man with such strength as Shadow can never be an unknown person. Why, I have never heard of it before."

Saab talks about everything. The rising powerhouses of the new generation generally have their own rising process, such as Wu Heniao, who has the experience of going from paradise to adventure all the way to the new world. And because they are too young and lack combat experience, their control over the two-color domineering is not as good as the veteran powerhouses in the new world. If it is not for the abnormal fruit ability, they will not be ranked in the new world.

And the rootless and bottomless like shadow, who suddenly appeared in the new world, no one can find his past powerhouse, very few.

But Lorne already knew the shadow's heel, he didn't speak, and motioned Sabo to continue.

"Shadow, his real origin may not be the Pirate World, but the World Government!"

Sabo looked directly into Lorne's eyes and said slowly.

Lorne was surprised. He only learned of the identity of the shadow after he fought against the owner of the shadow, that is, the dead body of one of the five old stars. How did the members of the Revolutionary Army know about the identity of the shadow.

Now he was curious about what Sabo wanted to tell him.

"Master Lorne should be very curious about the true identity of the Five Old Stars!"

Sabo suddenly mentioned a sentence without beginning or end.

"We don't know why the five old stars are able to sit in this position. It seems that when we were born, the five old stars were already the five old stars. Over the years, we have acquiesced in their status. "

Lorne looked at Sabo in some surprise, as if it was indeed the case.

According to the information he got, the Wulaoxing seems to have always been the Wulaoxing, the Wulaoxing who rules the world government. After breaking with the world government, Lorne also investigated the intelligence of the five old stars, but the information he got was nothing except their appearance.

Thinking about it now, Lorne didn't even know the names of these five old stars, when they became five old stars, and what experience they had before they became five old stars!

A strange feeling rose in Lorne's heart.

"But according to the information we have, hundreds of years ago, there was no such thing as five old stars. At that time, there were four people who ruled the world government, and before that, there were three or two people. And I don't know when, the number suddenly increased. This person merged with the first four people and was called the Five Old Stars. The saying of the Five Old Stars has been handed down. Every ruler of the world government is called the Five Old Stars. Be a five old star."

Sabo continued.

"This was originally a very common thing, because Wu Laoxing is just a title."

Sabo paused, then looked into Lorne's eyes.

"However, the dragon leader discovered one thing by chance. That is, some of the five old stars who ruled the world government now, and the four people who ruled the world government hundreds of years ago, In terms of appearance description, there is a striking similarity."

Because the Five Old Stars never leave photos or images, Long can only guess their appearance through text descriptions, and then Long is surprised to find that among the current Five Old Stars, some people are the same as the rulers hundreds of years ago. It turned out to be very similar.

"So, we have a bold guess. Perhaps, the rulers of the world government have not changed from beginning to end. They have been that group of people since hundreds of years."

"They don't know what method they used to survive until now. And after certain conditions are met, new people will join their ranks."

Sabo's words gave Lorne a creepy feeling.

Could it be that the five old stars are ghosts that have lived for hundreds of years.

There is no past identity, not even a name, but only a code name, which is a strength so powerful that it is astonishing and suffocating, and it is the pinnacle right to rule the world government.

Who are they?

Lorne couldn't guess it for the time being, but a strange feeling emerged in Lorne's heart.

He remembered something.

The woman above Mary Joya was the first person to undergo the surgery for immortality, but in this world, was she the only one who received the surgery for immortality?

Lorne didn't believe that in this long history, the fruit of the operation was obtained by the world government not once or twice, and the woman who was performed the eternal life operation must not be the only woman above Mary Joya!

Those five old stars, perhaps also used this method, to survive until now.

There is a chapter later.

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