Pirate Family

Chapter 1219: A Swordsman Stronger than Ryoma and a Fighter Stronger than Karp

"It's a pity indeed."

The old man of Wano country also shook his head, and pulled out the saber from his waist.

"Many years ago, a genius like you appeared in Wano Country, and his name was Ryoma."

"Ryoma suppressed this era with his own strength, but no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot resist the erosion of time. He will grow old soon."

"At that time, I found him and also sent him such an invitation. Do you know how he answered me?"

The long knife was sharp and shone with a cold light, and Lorne saw his faint smile through the blade.

"Probably refused."

Ryoma died, and his tomb was buried in Wano Country,

He became the legend of Wano Country, and even his sword, the famous sword Qiushui, became the treasure of Wano Country.

Later, Kaido and Heitan Orochi captured the Wano country. At that time, Moria, who was in full swing, led his men to invade the Wano country. In the end, Moria escaped with his last breath under the cover of his loyal men. There.

However, when fleeing from Wano Country, Moria robbed Ryoma's tomb, and took out Ryoma's body and his sword from the tomb.

Then, during Lorne's deep sleep, a group of pirates attempted to invade Sdio, and Moria used Ryoma's body to revive the famous swordsman. After these people were defeated by Garrett, Ryoma's body became one of Lorne's collections as a matter of course.

Even after several ages and hundreds of years, Lorne could feel a rebellious aura standing in front of Ryoma's corpse.

Even if he dies, his era is not over.

"He is as rebellious as you, and thinks that nothing in this world can restrain him, not even death."

Said the old man of Wano country, he shook his head regretfully. He opened his clothes, and there was a scar on his chest.

"So, I had a swordsmanship competition with him. He tried his best to leave such a scar on my body. And he died at the place where we competed with swords."

This old man turned out to be a swordsman whose swordsmanship was even more superb than that of Ryoma!

If this news gets out, I'm afraid it will shock the entire sea.

Because, in the sea at this time, if you want to ask who is the strongest swordsman, all the pirates will say without hesitation that it is Mihawk Hawkeye, one of the king's seven martial arts seas. There are very few strong players in Hawke's competition. Except for Shanks, one of the current four emperors, there are only famous strong men like Vista, the captain of the white beard's team.

However, if you want to ask who is the most powerful swordsman in history, then many people will have a different answer,

Some people say that to live in the present, Hawkeye Mihawk’s swordsmanship is invincible, and some people retort that in the vast history, swordsmen like Hawkeye Mihawk should have experienced countless times. Less, he is not the strongest swordsman.

These people were arguing, but the name that was mentioned the most was this Ryoma.

Dragon Slaying Swordsman Ryoma is considered to be a great swordsman who is definitely not weaker than Hawkeye, and is even more terrifying than Hawkeye.

"This is the price for rejecting us."

The Wano country old man tidied up his clothes and said slowly.

"Ryoma is dead, and you are no exception."

But at this time, another Wu Laoxing with calloused hands snorted coldly, and glanced at Lorne with his cold eyes.

This is the eyes of the warrior.

Because after seeing the old man, Lorne thought of another person.

A man who is equally good at fighting with his fists, the naval hero Garp.

Moreover, this five old star gave Lorne a much stronger feeling than Karp. It is as lofty as a high mountain, unattainable, despite the thunder and lightning, and the howling wind, it will not move.

This is something that can only be achieved after exercising physical strength to the extreme.

This world is a very real world, that is, people will age, and after aging, their strength will gradually decline, which is something that no one can avoid.

Whitebeard is the best example. When he was young, he was invincible and won the title of the strongest man in the world. But when he was old, he could only be with the potion bottle all day long, and he couldn't even participate in a complete war.

In this regard, ability users are fine. Those who rely purely on their own body to fight have a shorter peak period of strength.

That's why, there are always newcomers stepping on the old people in the sea. It's not because the newcomers are stronger than each other, but because those old people have already passed the peak of their own strength. After that, they also become old people.

And when Lorne became famous, Garp was already past middle age. Although he hasn't shown his old age like Whitebeard, his strength has definitely declined compared to his peak.

Lorne didn't know how powerful Garp was at his peak, but Lorne probably guessed how oppressive the five old stars were in front of him.

It's like a mountain is pressing on one's shoulders, even if the opponent doesn't make a move, just this sense of oppression is enough to suffocate the weak.

Because of the immortality surgery, this five-old star looks old, but his body has remained at its peak for hundreds of years. How strong is Garp, who has maintained his peak combat power for hundreds of years? Lorne didn't dare to imagine, but he knew that he would be able to see it soon.


Facing the aggressive two five old stars, Lorne did not show a panicked expression on his face, but started to get excited.

Things are finally getting interesting.

At this time, there was another loud noise from Pongle Castle behind Lorne.

A thunderbolt as thick as a water snake descended from the sky, striking the castle squarely, and the wailing of countless strong men could be faintly heard.

On the side of Anilu, he also started to play.

And these wailing sounds suddenly stopped, and turned into cries of fear and despair.

A stream of emerald green gas permeated the Pongle Castle.

That is, another five old stars, the ability of the plague!

It seems that the Five Old Stars are not just Fist and Sword who came here, even the strong man who created the appalling plague on Golan Island also appeared.

Except for the last and most mysterious Wu Laoxing, the other four Wu Laoxing all appeared on the stage, and their purpose was to kill Lorne, the evil incarnation, on the spot!

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