Pirate Family

Chapter 1233 The Fallen Strongest


Whitebeard's broadsword hadn't hit the ground yet.

The sky also seemed to be much darker, and countless cracks in space gathered in one place, all of which converged on Whitebeard's blade.

He seemed to be holding up the whole world and smashing the whole world down.

The entire space seemed unable to bear his strength, and countless cracks appeared.

All the naval powerhouses have used their most powerful defense methods, because no one has the confidence to take the most angry blow of this peak pirate with their own flesh.

The blade was getting closer and closer to the ice.

One meter, half a meter...

And every time the blade goes down, the cracks in the space deepen. Everyone knows that the moment the blade touches the ground, these cracks will suddenly explode.

The superimposed destructive power is unimaginable.

Before, the Warring States period called Whitebeard's youthful power "almost able to destroy the world". Many navies who had just risen still didn't believe it, thinking how could someone have the power to destroy the world?

But now, when they really stood in front of Peak Whitebeard, they couldn't help but believe it.

If there is a devil fruit that can be called "destroying the world", then. They couldn't think of any fruit other than the "shocking fruit" mastered by White Beard that could have this ability?

Charlotte Lingling's soul fruit is not good, the dead Kaido's dragon fruit is not good, and even Lorne, who has multiple devil fruits, is also not eligible!

In this sea, the only person with this qualification is White Beard!

However, the moment the sword was about to touch the ground. Whitebeard's movements suddenly stopped for a moment.

Then his eyes widened. There was a hint of unwillingness.

The cracks in the space stopped spreading and slowly recovered. The frightening sense of oppression also suddenly disappeared.

White Beard's body remained on the ice, motionless, as if it were a statue.

This man, at this moment, finally exhausted his vitality.

"That guy... finally died."

Zhan Guo said slowly, he didn't know what tone he should use to say this sentence.

Is it the joy of defeating a powerful enemy? Or the regret of the death of an old friend?

Warring States didn't know, but he didn't want to know either.

Because now, there is still a war waiting for him to fight, and Charlotte Lingling is still raging in the battlefield of the New World. Since there is no strong navy to participate in the battle, Charlotte Lingling is almost infinite in the battlefield. Unstoppable!

If he doesn't rush back immediately, the navy will suffer heavy losses in this battle.

The Warring States Period began to count the losses of this battle. He originally thought that it would be easy to besiege an old white beard, but he did not expect that even if this old guy was old, he would have such terrifying fighting power. If his body If the situation is a little bit better, if he can completely release his last move, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, in this world, there are no ifs.

The legend of Whitebeard is over.

The legendary pirate, the strongest man in the world, white beard, Edward Newgate. In the winter of 1512, they were ambushed by the navy in the sea of ​​giant whales, and the two sides fought for two days and two nights.

Whitebeard was defeated and fell.

At the age of 64.

In the winter of 1512, the heart of this legendary pirate stopped beating forever.


Warring States ordered the rest of the navy soldiers to bring Whitebeard's body back to the ship, and then drove the navy warship to slowly leave the sea area.

He had to rush back without stopping to deal with Charlotte Lingling who was raging on the battlefield.

And after disposing of this crazy woman, he has another goal.

That is, the craziest and most arrogant pirate of this era.

Zhan Guo looked at the reward list on the table, and slowly read out the other party's name.

"Vynhill Lorne."

His next target is that demon floating in the sea!

However, at this time, he suddenly received a call bug.

After hearing clearly what the person inside the phone bug said, his expression changed drastically.

It became very ugly.

Almost at the same time, three amazing news broke out across the sea.

One is that Warring States, which has never appeared on the battlefield, led the main force of the navy, crossed the pirate's defense line, and attacked Whitebeard by surprise!

The two sides fought at sea for two days and two nights, and both the navy and the pirates suffered heavy losses.

In the end, Whitebeard held back the main force of the navy by himself, buying time for his subordinates.

Then, with his own strength, he independently fought against the navy!

In the end, Whitebeard fell into his own territory, the Giant Whale Sea.

The second thing is that demon wandering in the sea, vaguely, the man who has the qualifications to replace Whitebeard's title and become the pirate overlord of the new era, Vennhill Lorne.

Suddenly leading his own men, Thunder God Enelu surprises Marie Gioia.

They once again created a massacre in Maryjoa, and more than 80% of the Celestial Dragons died in this massacre.

This is something that many pirates want to do but dare not do. After all, any Tianlongren has the right to order the navy to carry out the demon-slaying order.

And the Demon Slaughter Order can easily destroy a country.

So many pirates, even if they have resentment towards the Tianlong people, they can only bury it in their hearts.

But thinking of Lorne's madness, all the pirates were relieved.

If there are only two people in this world who are not afraid of the power of the Tianlong people.

Then the first one is the leader of the revolutionary army who established the revolutionary army and openly resisted the world government, Long.

And the second one is Lorne.

As we all know, Lorne has resentment towards the Tianlong people and is quite hostile. This is not the first time he has caused a massacre in Maryjoia. The last time he attacked Marijoya, he also killed more than half of the Celestial Dragons who lived in Marijoya at that time.

That incident also indirectly contributed to the subsequent Battle of Bisilan.

Lorne, a lunatic, would not be too surprised to do anything.

The world government was furious, but it did not increase the bounty on Lorne again.

Because, at this level of pirates, the amount of bounty is not very meaningful anymore, because no one wants to kill a strong person of this level just for the bounty.

It is said that one of the Five Old Stars even came out publicly and directly condemned Lorne with righteous words, and promised that as long as anyone killed Lorne, he could get lifelong immunity from the world government, and all past crimes would be can be pardoned.

However, this so-called right of pardon is not very attractive.

After all, one's own life is much more important than the so-called right to pardon!

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