Pirate Family

Chapter 1245 Rob Lucci

Despite the fierce resistance, the Dolphin Man is obviously not Rob Lucci's opponent.

In just a few rounds, the CP-0 agent was decapitated by Rob Lucci.

His eyes were wide open. This poor agent didn't know until his death why Rob Lucci wanted to attack him. Although there had always been some grievances between the CP-9 department and the CP-0 department, But both sides are subordinate forces of the world government, so the friction has been kept within a small range.

And more importantly, due to the absolute suppression of personal strength, these frictions have always been provoked by the CP-0 department, while the weak CP-9 department can only endure silently.

The dolphin man didn't know why he died until he died. He didn't believe that Rob Lucci would kill himself because of these simple conflicts of words.

The other men in suits on the boat watched all this silently, and did not help until the dolphin man fell to the ground.

On the one hand, it is because, as CP-9 agents, they have been oppressed by these CP-0 agents for too long, and they have long complained about each other.

On the other hand, it is because...they are Rob Lucci's dead soldiers, and they have long been secretly loyal to Rob Lucci. For these lunatics, Rob Lucci, who enjoys killing for fun, is obviously more They are much more worthy of allegiance than the world government of tool people and machines.

More importantly, they are also very clear about the terrifying power that this young man in front of them possesses.

The reason why he has been staying in the CP-9 department is not because he is not strong enough to be promoted to the CP-0 department, but because he is more free in the CP-9 department.

The strength of your CP-0 department crushing the CP-9 department, what does it have to do with me, Rob Lucci?

After throwing the CP-0 agent's body into the ocean and cleaning up the blood on the deck, Rob Lucci pulled out a phone bug and dialed a number.

"Reporting from CP-9 Agent Rob Lucci."

"We were ordered to pick up the CP-0 agents who participated in the task of recapturing the big bear in the sea, and the other party engaged in battle with the ships of the Vinhill family."

"Among them, some CP-0 agents were dragged out by the cadres of the Vinhill family, while the other part of the agents sneaked into the ships of the Vinhill family and confronted other senior cadres of the Vinhill family."

"...As a result, all the agents who sneaked into the Veinhill family's ship were wiped out, asking for instructions on the next step."

On the other side of the phone bug, there was an old man's voice. The voice rang slightly, and then Rob Lucci nodded slowly.

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, he spoke slowly to all the agents in black suits on board.

"Our mission has failed, prepare to evacuate."

The ship turned around directly on the sea, and then left the group of CP-0 agents who were fighting fiercely with Ying Gongli, and evacuated the sea area directly.

After leaving this sea area, Rob Lucci came to his exclusive room, locked the door, took out another secret phone bug, and dialed the phone bug,

"I haven't heard from you for a long time. I thought you died in a secret mission."

A man's rambling voice sounded from the other end of the phone bug, and then Rob Lucci smiled lightly.

"You haven't died yet, how can I die?"

After exchanging simple greetings for a while, the man on the other end of the phone bug asked with some doubts.

"Tell me, what's the matter with calling me this time."

"Let me guess, is there any secret action by the World Government? Or, have you discovered some of their secrets?"

"None." Rob Lucci shook his head slowly, and then said lightly.

"I found someone, someone you're very interested in."


"Big Bear,"

Rob Lucci said lightly, and after a pause, he said Big Bear's full name again.

"Tyrant, Bartholomew Bear."


"what to do?"

On a boat with an air cushion floating on its side, a woman with pink hair said anxiously.

"Big Bear's body was stolen by them, what should we do now?"

She didn't resent Lola, because she knew one thing very well, these CP-0 agents came for Big Bear's body, if it was only her, it would be impossible to stop these powerful agents.

But now, she really has nothing to do. Because she knew very well what Big Bear would experience after being taken back. His consciousness was wiped out, and his entire body was transformed into a machine.

like a puppet,

She didn't want Big Bear to be transformed into this.

So now, the Vinhill family is her last resort, and only through the power of this family can it be possible to regain Big Bear's body.

"calm down."

Lola grabbed Bonnie's shoulders and tried to comfort her, but at this time, she couldn't do anything.

In terms of strength, Lola is at the bottom of the Vinhill family, and in terms of courage, she is nothing more than a technical nerd, so in this case, she can't come up with any solutions at all.

And, more importantly...they didn't even know the identity of the CP-0 agent who stole Big Bear's body, and they didn't know which direction the other party was running away from.

The sea is vast, and there is no essential difference between finding a person and finding a needle.

At this time, Sakura Miyagi returned to the boat on the moon steps.

There were a few scratches on her clothes, and her breath was a little weak, but she didn't change her expression. Looking at the anxious Lola and Bonnie, she frowned and asked.

"Did something happen?"

"Big Bear's body was stolen!!"

Before Lola could speak, Bonnie spoke first.

All her hope now rests on this cold-looking woman.

Because this young female swordsman is a great swordsman who can resist those powerful CP-0 agents with her own strength!

But Sakura Miyagi could only respond to them with a long silence.

She just paid a huge price to repel those CP-0 agents, and now she has lost most of her combat power, and there is almost no way to continue fighting, and more importantly.

She only knows how to fight, and she doesn't know anything about finding someone.

Looking at the silent Ying Gongli, Bonnie's expression was almost desperate.

Things have come to a dead end.

"Don't be discouraged, as long as they haven't left the new world, there is always a way."

Lola opened the mouth and said that she remembered Lorne's ability. Before that, Brother Lorne used his ability to find the five old stars who provoked him in the vast new world.

Now, it is also possible to find the big bear through this ability!

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