Pirate Family

Chapter 1256 Lorne's ambition

Lorne didn't speak, but looked at the dragon.

He knew a long time ago that the dragon's wish was to change the world, to subvert the corrupt world government. This goal coincided with Lorne's, so Lorne gave him a chance.

Let him prove himself and the strength of the revolutionary army.

Long did it, even though he only allowed the Revolutionary Army to launch an attack on several naval bases in the New World in a symbolic sense, but it caused the navy to be in chaos, and quickly sent heavy troops back to guard the riots. Lao Xing was also forced to go out of the mountain himself, the purpose is to stop the actions of the revolutionary army.

At this time, no force in the sea would question the strength of the revolutionary army. They have the decisive strength to influence the direction of the world!

"So, this is why you are willing to cooperate with me?"

Lorne looked at the dragon and said slowly.

"Isn't that enough?"

Long asked back. Because Erorne's father, the man named Caesar, had been together for a while, and he knew the family and Lorne quite well, even better than many senior cadres in the Vinhill family.

This family has crazy blood flowing in their bodies.

Just like the legendary D family, they are rebellious in their bones.

Long didn't believe that Lorne, who had reached the point where he was today, would not be interested in his proposal.


Lorne smiled. He held out his hand to the dragon.

Two men with the same ambition held hands tightly together.

"It just so happens that I'm also a little interested in subverting the world government."

As Lorne said, he has now seen through the essence of this world.

Because of the existence of the world government, the oppression of the Tianlong people. So there will be some people who are not willing to be oppressed in this way choose to go to sea and become pirates. And after trying unrestrained freedom, some crazy pirates began to bully and abuse the more miserable ordinary people.

It's a tragic cycle.

In order to resist the pirates, the world government has formed a navy that symbolizes justice. The pirates of each era have been screened by the navy and the sea to determine a winner.

Quite a few of these victors have found the location of Ralph Drew, but they all did not announce the news for some reason, so after Roger arrived at Ralph Drew, they will be called The first pirate in the world to reach that place.

At first, Lorne was still wondering why the pirates didn't announce it after they arrived at that place, but after seeing the five old stars and knowing the secret of the five old stars, Lorne had roughly guessed it.

The overlords of those eras should have seen the truth of the world after they arrived at Ralph Drew, and then faced the real ruler of the world government, the man named "Im".

Some of them chose to be enemies with Im, and finally died in Ralph Drew, while others chose to bow their knees and submit to Im's feet, and transformed themselves into rulers on the surface of the world government. five old stars.

In order to fight against the pirates, the world government formed a navy, and these pirates finally transformed into one of the rulers of the world government.

This has to be said to be a very ironic thing.

And this is the second cycle of tragedy in this world.

Roger is the first person who escaped alive from Ralph Drew after rejecting Im's proposal in the past few hundred years. At the last moment of his life, he chose to start this great age of voyage. The purpose is to select a real king to inherit his will and end this era of chaos.

The person he chose was Luffy. But Lorne didn't want the cycle to continue.

Because, such a world is too boring.

Pirates are a symbol of freedom. They live their lives in the sea and die in the sea. This is the destination of pirates.

Whether it was Rocks back then, Roger who surrendered himself, or Shiki and Kaido who died in the hands of Lorne, they all carried out this belief to the end.

Even Lorne had to admit that they were the real pirates.

But people like the Five Old Stars who have shed their identity as pirates and succumbed to powerful forces, Lorne thinks they are an insult to pirates.

In Lorne's view, even if he wants to hide behind justice and manipulate the world secretly, he should rely on his own strength to fight for it. Instead, rely on the charity of others.

Because of that...it's sad.

"very good."

Long nodded. Then he said slowly.

"Now the main force of the navy has been dragged to the new world battlefield. As long as your family contributes, in conjunction with the combat power of our revolutionary army, the navy can suffer heavy losses in the case of a flank attack."

"As long as the navy loses its vitality, then the world government's military strength will be unable to support itself, and it will be frantically retaliated by the pirates of the new world."

"At this time, we need you to use your power to suppress these pirates, and then hand over the endgame of the world government to us."

Long spoke out his plan in one breath. That's why he asked Lorne to cooperate.

Because most of the pirates in the new world are rebellious and rebellious. After being oppressed by the navy for so long, once they gain power, they will definitely retaliate wildly. At that time, without the check and balance of the navy, the chaos will not only be It's just a sea area in the new world.

It is Paradise, the Great Sea Route, the four seas, and even the whole world.

Therefore, Long needs a partner, a partner who can use his power to suppress these pirates who dare not make mistakes.

And after Whitebeard's death, Lorne is currently the best choice.

"Don't bother."

Lorne shook his head slowly.

"The war in the new world, just let them fight. It doesn't matter who wins or loses."

His tone was flat, as if he didn't take this war that touched everyone's heart seriously.

At this time, not only Long, but even all the revolutionary army cadres behind Long showed shocked expressions.

They didn't understand what Lorne wanted to do.

Only the cadres of the Vinhill family brought by Lorne showed a clear expression.

In this world, only Lorne has such a crazy idea.

Only Lorne can put such a crazy idea into practice.

Lorne showed a smile, and soon, he answered the dragon's doubts.

"Because no matter what the outcome, whether the Navy wins or loses, I will go to war."

"And the target of my declaration of war is not the Navy."

Lorne looked into the dragon's eyes and said so.

"Instead, the entire world government."

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