Pirate Family

Chapter 154 The So-Called Persistence and Faith

Lorne didn't know when he turned around and came back here. He put his hands in the cloak and said indifferently.

"Only ants will bark after victory, after all, they don't have many chances of victory."

The thunder and lightning in the hands of Enilu beside him was the one who shot down the bounty hunter's deadly dagger.

"You passers-by, don't you want to save your own lives? You must come to die." The captain of the bounty hunter said with a gloomy expression.

After hearing this, several bounty hunters dispersed quietly and surrounded Lorne and his gang.

"Aren't you leaving?" The fat pirate said in a trembling voice, he had already made up his mind to die.

I didn't expect someone to save me, and the person who saved me was the indifferent group just now!

"Don't get me wrong, I just find their victorious posture disgusting."

Lorne said calmly.

"Justice? Evil?"

"Who defined it?" Lorne disappeared, and at the terrifying speed of "shaved", he appeared in front of the bounty hunter captain in an instant?

"And who stipulated that pirates can't care about family members?"

Cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the bounty hunter captain, he didn't even see clearly how Lorne managed to appear in front of him in an instant.

This sense of oppression reminded him of several supernovas that had appeared in the Chambord Islands before.

This level of strength. It has exceeded the limit that he can deal with.

"A person's persistence and belief will not be discounted because of his identity!"

Lorne swung one hand lightly, very slowly, but in the eyes of the bounty hunter captain, it was a blow that he could never dodge.

All my resistance is like fishing for the moon in the water. Lorne's hand is right in front of him, but he will never be able to touch it.

will die!

The captain of the bounty hunter had only one thought in his mind!

Lorne's index finger touched his body lightly, and a small hole appeared in the bounty hunter captain's chest, and blood gushed out from the hole.

"How can this be!"

With the last thought in his heart, the captain of the bounty hunter collapsed powerlessly.

Life or death is unknown.

"If you want to stick to something, stick to it! Scoundrel!"

Lorne kicked the fat pirate to the back, and Moorman, who was dozing with his eyes closed, drew his knife instantly.

Before the fat pirate fell to the ground, the rope tied around his body broke into several pieces.

"Am I alive?"

The fat pirate struggled to get up from the ground, touched his body, and said blankly.

The audience was silent, and the residents of the Chambord Islands and the few remaining bounty hunters were all stunned. He stared blankly at Lorne, at a loss.


A second later, the residents screamed and ran into their homes in fear.

The man in front of him is simply a devil!

Powerful, crazy, brutal.

"What? Aren't you running away?" Lorne looked at the remaining bounty hunters and said playfully.

Although the aura exuded by these bounty hunters is much stronger than that of ordinary people, if it is calculated according to the power calculation method within the navy.

The Dao power of ordinary people is ten.

There are only one or two hundred of them.

In Lorne's eyes, there is no difference between them and ants.

The rest of the bounty hunters shook their heads. Although their bodies were still trembling, they still spoke firmly.

"Perhaps what you said has your truth."

"But we also have our persistence."

"We are greedy for life and afraid of death, greedy for money, bullying the weak, and we have all the dirty behaviors."

"But there is one thing, we are different from pirates." Veins appeared on the forehead of a bounty hunter, showing his inner unrest.

"That means we have a bottom line! We will never abandon a companion!"

What they said moved Lorne slightly.

Seeing overwhelming power, didn't you abandon your companions and run away?


"Then let me see your persistence." Lorne said calmly.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that they are complex enough.

A saint can have a dirty side, and a sinner can be equally touching.

Lorne admired the courage of these people when facing Lorne.

But appreciation is appreciation, and Lorne will not show mercy because of this. Because they stand on the opposite side of themselves.

"Sword Skill Air Strike!" A black figure descended from the sky. He held a strange jet knife in his hand. Grabbing the handle of the knife with both hands, he stabbed at the place where Lorne was standing.

He was so sleepy that he disappeared, and lightly dodged the blow that this man was bound to receive.

The jet sword was inserted into the ground, and the ground cracked like ice as if it couldn't bear the huge force.

It doesn't look like a sword attack, but rather like a blunt object hitting.

"Who are you?" Lorne frowned.

"Boss Kaja!"

The few remaining bounty hunters shouted excitedly when they saw who came.

This man is one of the trump cards of their bounty hunter alliance.

A super bounty hunter who hunted supernovas with a bounty of more than 100 million alone!

Virlo Kaga!

"Captain Qibi." A bounty hunter pointed to the captain of the bounty hunter lying on the ground with a choked voice.

"I see." Kaga's face was serious. "You guys have encountered an iron plate this time."

He stared at Lorne and said word by word. "The man in front of me is no ordinary supernova."

"Oh?" Lorne was aroused by Willo's words.

"Tell me."

"You are the beginning, you are the end, you are the nightmare of the pirate era!" the bounty hunter known as Kaja said seriously.

What does this say.

Lorne was stunned, and Enilo and the others were also full of doubts.

The bounty hunters were full of embarrassment. They knew that their Kajia boss had suffered from secondary illness again.

"You bastard, go to hell." Lorne decided not to waste time with this lunatic. Ready to solve it.

"Don't, don't, don't." Kaja beckoned suddenly, then took out a small book from his body and began to read it.

"I know" Kaja said excitedly, "I know who you are"

"A man called a devil, a strong man with a bounty of more than 500 million Berries."

"Enemy of justice! Vennhill Lorne!"

Lorne no longer wanted to hear the strange titles he put on himself. At this time Mooreman suddenly stood up.

He looked at the sword on Kajia's waist, his eyes full of fighting intent.

"The ace of the bounty alliance, Viro Kaja, right?"

"You are?" Kajia, a sophomore in middle school, thought for a while, then suddenly remembered.

"Aren't you the captain who lost the duel with the black swordsman?"

"Why are you still here?"

"The past is in the past." Mooreman pulled out the famous sword Black Red Blood. "I want to see how much I've improved over time."

"Big knife!" Kaja licked his lips and said enviously. "It seems that your boss really thinks highly of you."

He pulled out a long white sword from his waist and said to Mooreman.

"Maybe I'm going to disappoint you, I'm much better than you."

"To be precise, it is better than you."

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