Pirate Family

Chapter 168: Old Friend

"Long time no see, Quinn."

The old man in a platinum robe said softly. With his kind face, he seemed to be the messenger sent by God to redeem the world.

And he did, more than 20 years ago, he single-handedly expelled the demon that created the previous pope who killed the previous pope in the night of Balaam's blood.

The man named Vinhill Caesar.

He also defeated the first seat of the Ten Knights of Glory who had a scheming heart, and he was indeed a benevolent person who succeeded in succeeding to the Pope's position.

The reputation within the Theocracy of Balaam is good. Even some fanatics compare it with God.

"I guess, you don't want to see me." Prisoner Quina snorted coldly.

"I'm afraid I can't help but tell what happened back then."

"Actually, you don't have to worry, I'm dying. All your secrets will be buried after I die."

The prisoner looked at the Pope in the distance and spoke softly.

"Hmph, I don't know what it means. It seems that you are still stubborn." Ratzinger said with a straight face.

"Then I'll send you to redeem yourself."

The venerable Pope took a deep breath, and then spat out that forbidden name. The name that was so old that he had almost forgotten it.

"Saint Thomas Quina."

Seeing Ratzinger waving his hand lightly, the knights behind them raised the flintlock guns at their waists in unison.

Qi Qi aimed at Quina.

"For Holy Truth!"

The knights roared in unison and pulled the triggers at the same time. Tongues of flame gushed from the barrel.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets shot out randomly, leaving traces in the air. Shot in the direction of Quina.

However, when the bullet hit Quite's body, it was like hitting an invisible wall and being bounced away.

It's like scratching an itch. Quina yawned and said disdainfully to Ratzinger.

"Ratzinger, after all these years you still don't understand."

"Mere quantity is useless in front of absolute power!"

He stepped out, and the whole person disappeared, and appeared in front of Pope Ratzinger in an instant.

"Let me tear off your hypocritical mask."

Quina raised his fist, and aimed his black fist at Ratzinger's head.

"those who defy holy truth,"

Looking at the fists getting bigger and bigger, Ratzinger was unmoved. Said calmly.


The fist stopped an inch in front of him, and the wind from the fist messed up his white hair.

A white solid that came from nowhere wrapped Quina's body inside.

"Schuberg, you're here too."

Prisoner Quina was not surprised, he turned his head with difficulty and said to a middle-aged resolute man in his fifties below. This white thing shot out from inside his body.

This is the third Shuborg, the slow hand, among the Ten Knights of Glory of the Holy Truth!

If Lorne was present, he would definitely recognize Schoborg's ability.

in the original plot.

More than ten years later, Mr. 3 under Sha Krocdale's command, the ability possessed by Gal Dino.

Superman, candle fruit.

"I thought you were dead."

Quina's tone was somewhat nostalgic,

"We old guys, only you and blame are left."


"I don't want to see you, you traitor."

The resolute man called Shobog snorted coldly. Using force with one hand, he pulled Quina down from mid-air. hit the ground.

"Pure white suppression."

The white liquid on his body surged like a tsunami towards the place where Quina fell to the ground. Wind it into a ball.

The knights quickly walked in front of the white ball and surrounded the white ball wrapped around the criminal with their weapons.

"It seems that the victory and defeat have been decided."

In one corner, sat two strong men who were eating.

Ordin bit off a big mouthful of meat, and said to Fat Tiger regardless of the greasy mouth.

"Are you caught without a fight, or were you beaten half to death by us and thrown into prison."


Fat Tiger ate the meat, as if he was choking, and hurriedly grabbed a bottle of water and drank it.

Only then swallowed.

"You don't seem to understand a truth?"

"Huh?" This time it was Aldin's turn to be puzzled. During the brief contact, he already understood that the man in front of him was just a simple-minded person.

He fell down trying to say something.

Fat Tiger wiped his mouth and said seriously.

"You may have misunderstood, no matter whether that Quina wins or loses, I will take Ariel back."

"This is what I promised the boss."


"Quack quack!"

In mid-air, the president of the World News Agency, a giant vulture, "Big News" Morgans posed in front of the camera in a showy pose.

Then he said to the camera.

"It seems that the riots of the Holy Truth Church have ended this time, and Pope Ratzinger has successfully suppressed all criminals."

The camera pans to the ruins of the Tower of Imprisonment.

The wounded soldiers were being treated, and Pope Ratzinger walked slowly towards Ariel.

"In the world, evil will never prevail against good. Details of the following reports can be found in the newspapers of the World Economic News."

"We'll next time..., wait, what the hell is that!"

Morgans suddenly saw a blue light rushing towards him in the distance. Before he could react, he suddenly felt someone step on his head and rushed towards the battlefield.

"Wait! Things seem to have a follow-up development, let's continue to see!"

Regardless of the fact that his beloved top hat was trampled dirty, Morgans said excitedly to the camera.

As a journalist, what he likes most is this kind of "big news"!

"Why did you betray the church?"

Ratzinger walked towards Ariel step by step, with a compassionate expression on his face.

"It was the church that raised you two sisters."

"Now the church wants to get a little return from you, can't it?"

Ratzinger said calmly, trying to reach out and grab Ariel's shoulder.


But at this moment, Ratzinger frowned, subconsciously trying to block it.

But it was too late, a young man wearing a black cloak suddenly appeared, knocked Ratzinger into the air with a punch, hit a stone slab, and smashed the slate into pieces.

Black domineering is still wrapped around his hands.


The little girl Ai Ruili, who was already in despair, couldn't help but yelled when she saw the man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Lorne standing in front of her made her feel at ease like never before.

Ai Ruili was about to say something when a voice suddenly sounded in her heart, and then she closed her mouth blankly.

Not a word.


The surrounding guarding knights only reacted at this time, and pointed their flintlock guns at Lorne.

reprimanded loudly.

"Cough, cough, cough," a topless boy suddenly appeared in the sky, surrounded by thunder, like a god.

He played with the Razer in his hand and said with a smile.

"I advise you not to make a move,"

The Thunder Snake in Anilu's hand flew out suddenly, smashing a big hole in the ground.

He looked down at the knights under his feet and said indifferently.

"If you shoot, you will really die."

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