Pirate Family

Chapter 170 80%

"Isn't it fixed yet?"

"Big news" Morgans said anxiously.

The video camera he was holding was gray, and the alphabet phone bug used for emergency was also sleepy.

It was a rare thing for someone to attack the Theocracy Balan on the Red Earth Continent, and Pope Ratzinger turned out to be a person who could manipulate blood.

What a blast this is! Morgans believed that as long as this news broke out, his dream of gathering and dominating the press would be within reach!

On the battlefield, Ratzinger weakened the armor surrounding him, and his strength decreased a little, but his speed reached an unimaginable level.

With one hit three, there is no fear.


Ratzinger's blood sword swung out and slashed at Quina's arm.

Even though the jet-black armed domineering covered the entire arm, the huge power left a long white mark on Quina's arm.

Ratzinger frowned after failing to succeed in one blow. A blood-red hammer appeared in his other hand and knocked Quina away with one blow.

"Thunder Spear!" A mass of lightning appeared behind Ratzinger, and Enilu threw a thunder spear with one hand, piercing Ratzinger's heart.

penetrate his whole body.

"A person who can't even fully control the domineering color of the weapon?" Ratzinger pulled the Thunder Spear out of his heart.

Lei Jian scorched the blood on his arms and heart, but he didn't realize it.

Ratzinger crushed the Thunder Spear, and said with disdain.

"Relying on the natural ability, do you dare to appear in front of me?"

Bloody wings appeared behind Ratzinger, piercing Enilo.

Then with a wave of wings, Enilu's whole body was divided into two sections.

"However, the reaction is quite fast. Has the rapid elementalization avoided this fatal attack?"

Enilu's two-section body turned into lightning and quickly retreated, condensing into a single figure beside Lorne.


Enilu spat out a mouthful of blood, wiped it carelessly, and said in a deep voice.

"It's a little difficult to deal with."

The Ratzinger in front of him surpassed everyone in terms of speed, strength, and arrogance.

Coupled with the fruit ability that he may still be hiding, it is really tricky.

"Now it is your turn."

With a wave of bloody wings, Ratzinger instantly appeared in front of Lorne.

"The remnants of the Vinhill family!"

Lorne dodged Ratzinger's blood sword, frowned, and said.

"I don't understand what the remaining evils are not evils!"

"I'm Vinhill Lorne!"

In the field of micro-sensing, Lorne's melee combat reaction power is infinitely magnified, and with the help of the priest's fighting technique, his performance is much better than others in a short period of time.

"Are you only dodging?" Ratzinger taunted, "It's impossible for you to defeat me!"


Lorne's eyes lit up, and he swung his pitch-black fist, detonating the gas point buried in Ratzinger's body.

Bang bang bang!

Numerous explosions occurred in Ratzinger's body countless times, blood was burst out from his body, and was sucked back by his ability.

After he knocked Lorne away with one blow, he squatted down slowly and coughed loudly a few times.

Opponents who don't know the knack of priest Lorne's fighting skills. Faced with such a weird technique, it is easy to fall for it.

This is the first time Ratzinger has been injured since he unleashed his abilities after the war.

"What a young hero." Ratzinger gasped loudly, using his ability to forcibly heal his internal wounds.

Then slowly stood up. As if remembering something, he said with a smile.

"Same as Caesar back then."

Lorne frowned, he hated people mentioning Caesar in everything, keeping you like this is like negating his efforts.

In fact, Lorne was able to do this, and he thought he had nothing to do with his father.

While Ratzinger was healing, Enilo and Quina had come over and surrounded him.

Form a triangle encirclement with Lorne!

"It seems that 60% of the power can't do anything to you!" Even though he was surrounded, there was still no trace of panic on Ratzinger's face.

"And what about eighty percent power?"

The bloody armor covering his whole body was a bit thicker, his eyes were bloodshot, and he no longer had the holy kindness of the Pope, but was like a demon!


He roared, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning! People can't catch the trace.

The first to be injured was Enel, and before he could react, Ratzinger's body appeared in front of him.

The domineering fist wrapped in black armor mercilessly hit his body.

Like a torrential rain, Enilo didn't even have a chance to resist, and was smashed into the ground by this terrifying force!

And Quina's face was also gloomy, as if remembering something unpleasant.

Black domineering covered his body, and subconsciously raised his hand to block Ratzinger's whip kick.

The whole person was directly swept away by this attack, smashing several stone slabs in succession before stopping.

"It seems that you are old and can't bear this kind of attack." Ratzinger stopped, looked in the direction of Quina and laughed.

"When you and I competed for the position of pope, you could bear 100% of my strength! Quina!"

At this time, Larsiya, who was lying on the ground and regained her physical strength slightly, was a little confused after hearing Ratzinger's words.

Didn't Lord Ratzinger expel Vennhill Caesar, who killed the previous pope, on that bloody night, and then assumed the position of pope under the admiration of the believers!

What is the fight for the Pope?

Who is this old man named Quina! ?

"It's just relying on my own fruit ability to be domineering." Quina climbed up from the ruins, patted the dust on his body, and said disdainfully.

"If you don't use that ability, shall we try again?"

"Or, who was beaten by Caesar back then and had no power to fight back?"

"Have you forgotten?"

"Shut up!"

As if he had been mentioned something against the scales, Ratzinger frowned and flapped his wings. With the help of this thrust, he instantly appeared in front of Quina, with the bloody long sword raised high. Cut off the neck of the old man in the prison robe.

"People with serious crimes should be beheaded!"

Quina didn't dodge, looked straight into Ratzinger's eyes, and said calmly.

"I wanted to die a long time ago, but."

Quina stood up straight and looked at Ratzinger with disdain.

"Do you dare to kill me?"

As soon as he said that, Pope Ratzinger seemed to have remembered something, forcibly retracted the sharp sword in his hand, and kicked Quina away.

Then he said reverently.

"It's a pity that God pities everyone, and will not give you the death penalty."

His terrifying smile, matched with his pious words, some,



And Quina got up as if nothing happened, looked at Ratzinger with disdain.

He said two words softly.


Thank you book friend Ji Kongxuan for the monthly pass.

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