Pirate Family

Chapter 173 Chapter 173 200%

"Quack quack!"

Above the ruins of the Tower of Imprisonment, "Big News" Morgans flapped his wings desperately, trying to get out of here.

As a journalist, his combat ability may not be very good. But it has an extremely keen sense of smell and a strong sense of domineering.

This has helped him avoid many disasters.

In Lorne's illusion, Ratzinger accidentally revealed the secret of the past. He showed this devilish posture, making it clear that he would not let any enemy out.

But the hood hanging over Balaam was like a cage, and no one would be let out.

"Quack quack!"

Behind Morgans, followed by a news bird with dull eyes and a video camera around its neck, screaming at a loss.

"It can only be resigned to fate." Morgans gritted his teeth after trying to no avail, and turned to look in the direction of the battlefield.

Since I can't leave! Then work hard to make the best news!

This is the consciousness of journalists!


"It's been a long time since I've used this stance."

Ratzinger held out a hand and looked at it. The arms that were originally white as jade turned black and red.

It was covered with blood vessels, and a layer of black armor made of coagulated blood.

"Let me try this long-lost power!"

Ratzinger lightly stretched out a finger, aiming at Lorne.

"Blood deprivation!"

Lorne only felt that the blood in his body seemed to be out of his control, as if a wild beast started to gallop through his veins.

bang bang bang!

After several violent explosions, blood oozed out from the pores of Lorne's skin and gathered on the top of Lorne's head.

Form a sharp sword!

Due to excessive blood loss, Lorne felt a faint and fell to the ground.

"What you have will be taken away!"

And Ratzinger waved lightly, and the sharp sword fell towards Lorne's head.

"Blood Damocles!"

At this time, Lorne couldn't escape this simple attack at all.


A thunder shot from a distance. Smash this bloody blade into pieces.

Before, Ratzinger used 80% of his strength to smash Anilu into the ground, but failed to kill him.

Thor, back from the underground!

"Annoying ants, why haven't they died yet?"

Ratzinger remained motionless, countless blood turned into feathered arrows and shot out from his pair of bloody wings.

"You said before that I was too dependent on ability?"

Looking at the blood arrow that was about to be shot, Enilo showed a disdainful expression on his face.

He walked towards Ratzinger step by step, and the blood arrows shot through his body as if they were shot at a ball of lightning.

Instantly vaporized by the ultra-high temperature.

Enil walked up to Ratzinger and looked up at the pope in blood helmet.

Said with a look of disdain.

"Why don't you rely on your own ability?"

"Since both of us are like this, let's see who is more capable!"

After these few battles, Enilo had an epiphany.

I am different from Lorne.

Lorne's own abilities are not offensive in any way. He must exercise his body desperately, strengthen his physical skills, and rack his brains to develop his abilities.

And myself?

Enilu smiled, his body suddenly swelled and exploded, turned into a huge thunder tiger, and rushed towards Ratzinger.

"Thunder Tiger!"

Thunder is one of nature's most powerful natural punishments, and Enilo only needs to strengthen the power of Thunder.

If ten million volts can't solve the opponent, then one hundred million, one billion!


Ratzinger snorted coldly, and urged the blood wings behind him to wrap himself up.

The blood wings entangled in the armed color present a strange black-red color.

The white Thunder Tiger pounced, and pressed down the black and red blood cell!

The blood continued to evaporate, causing a faint smell of blood to appear on the battlefield.

"Your partners are all capable."

Quina pulled up Lorne who had fallen to the ground. Seeing Lei Hu showing off his might, he said enviously

Lorne didn't feel so dizzy at this time. Ratzinger never used this "Blood Damocles" after shooting Lorne once. It must have extremely harsh activation conditions, or consume too much , making it impossible for him to launch a second time in a short time.

Otherwise, a "Blood Damocles" will be presented to everyone present. The battle ended immediately.

"But be careful with his abilities."

Quinn said solemnly.


A chill hit, and Lorne shook his head, trying to keep himself awake.

He had been suspicious before.

Why is Ratzinger able to pull out that sticky tape-like thing from his body, which is clearly a blood fruit?

According to Lorne's memory, this ability is 80-90% similar to Brin's memory fruit in the original book.

By extracting the memory in other people's bodies, the purpose of distorting other people's consciousness is achieved!

"Ratzinger has a special ability," Quina said solemnly, "that is, he can temporarily plunder the enemy's ability by tasting the opponent's blood!"

"As long as he doesn't get too far away from the ability user he plundered, he can use the ability of the enemy he plundered last time indefinitely!"

Quina took a deep breath and continued.

"And the ability he is plundering now comes from me,"

"Memory fruit."

"I see." Lorne nodded, he finally understood the reason why Ratzinger turned into a demon so confidently.

As long as the insiders are controlled within a certain range, he can modify the memories of those people one by one.


The thunder and lightning dissipated, and Enilo gasped, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Ratzinger's 200% strength seems to be bluffing, but in fact he uses most of his strength to control his internal injuries.

Because of his old age and frailty, and the fact that Lorne's hallucination killer accidentally killed himself.

His current physical condition is not optimistic.

In fact, the difference between the 200% in the injured state and the complete 80% is not that big.

Moreover, the high temperature of lightning has a natural restraint effect on blood.

The combination of various factors resulted in the feat of Enilo overpowering Ratzinger.

"Everything is over, even if you are the Pope among mortals, you are still just a mortal after all."

"And I'm a god!" Enilu turned around and gave Lorne a victory gesture. He smiled at Lorne.

"This time, I won!"

"It's finally over." Lorne breathed out. He was afraid that Ratzinger would suddenly be in a 400% state. With his current state, he might really be difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, Ratzinger fell into the deep pit at this time, and his life and death were unknown.

Lorne felt that his breath was very weak.


Quina, who was already relaxed next to him, suddenly roared.

Because he felt that the ability of memory fruit returned to him.

This shows his ability to target someone!

He said loudly to Enilo.

"Be careful, Ratzinger may not be dead yet!"

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