Pirate Family

Chapter 180 It's all for meeting again

There seemed to be a quarrel in the pharmacy in front, and Lorne just wanted to pull Anxi away, thinking that more things are worse than less things.

But at a glance, he saw a burgundy curly hair in the crowd.

Lorne's mind moved, as if he had thought of something. Then he pulled Anxi and rushed up.

Could it be her?

Among the crowd, a strong man with big shoulders and round waist was holding his hands on his hips, looking domineeringly at a girl in front of him, and complaining.

"With this little money, it's not enough to buy some expired medicine!"

The girl with burgundy curly hair seemed a little embarrassed, holding a wallet in her hand, and stood there blankly, at a loss.

As the princess of all nations, why did she ever need money? All the things you want can be taken away directly with just a greeting.

This time when she went out, she was very smart and prepared a wallet, which was enough to spend in the paradise.

But now the wallet in her hand has a small opening, and she should have met a pickpocket who was in the Chambord Islands and walked away.

"Is this the paradise you told me was very, very good?" A woman with lavender straight hair came out suddenly, protecting the girl with wine red curly hair behind her, and said coldly.

"I think it's all scum."

"Another little girl?"

The strong man's eyes lit up when he saw Bu Lei's arrival. With this temperament, which royal family sneaked out?

It's just a pity that it was disfigured by a hole and couldn't be sold at a good price.

The brawny man thought to himself that he belonged to a professional slave organization, which was responsible for conflicting with the target he was looking for.

As long as the target couldn't help but take the lead, the slave capture team members ambushing around would swarm up and arrest them.

"It's not impossible to ask me for this medicine."

A lewd smile suddenly appeared on the strong man's face, and he wanted to continue to provoke the two girls.

"As long as the two of you accompany me for a while."

"You shameless bastard!"

The girl with burgundy curly hair said angrily, a trace of domineering gathered in her hands.


And the girl with lavender straight hair didn't say a word, and shot directly.

The seemingly weak fist turned pitch black. This is one of the hallmarks of domineering mastery in armed colors.

"It's this time!"

The brawny man was ecstatic, he secretly made a gesture, and suddenly a group of people wearing leather clothes rushed out from around them, holding special slave guns in their hands. Aiming at girls with wine red curly hair and girls with lilac straight hair.

"Catch them."

The burly man roared, and there were shots of slave arresters all around. These two women must have been caught, right?

The strong man closed his eyes and began to think. How to sell these two girls.

But they didn't hear their screams for a long time, and then, a sharp pain came from the strong man's abdomen.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and the scarred girl hit him hard in the abdomen with her pitch-black fist.

He looked at himself indifferently.

And the subordinates who were ambushing around did not know the reason, and pointed their guns at their companions one after another. Slave nets net them all together.

The strong man pursed his lips, wanting to say something. A black-haired boy suddenly appeared behind him, and he hit the strong man's neck with precision, knocking him out.

The boy held a little girl by the hand, and said softly to the girl who was already standing in front of him.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"It's grown so big, I almost didn't recognize it."


The girl named Garrett was ecstatic, and rushed towards Lorne amidst the surprise of Bree and Anxi.

She had imagined countless times that her Lorne would meet again,

For example, when Lorne was in danger, he suddenly appeared and repelled the enemies with a few hits.

Then say something chic, now let me protect you.

Or in the early morning mist, hold a small boat and quietly go to Adela, the country of flowers.

Give Lorne the most beautiful flower.


But all of this is no match for Lorne's light words, long time no see.

"Brother Lorne, long time no see."

Garrett raised her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I miss you so much."

The girl buried her head in the boy's chest, and Lorne felt a little wet on the chest of his clothes, but he didn't know if it was sweat or tears.

"Why are you here?"

After dealing with the episode of the slave catcher, Lorne followed Garrett towards the hotel.

On the way, Lorne suddenly asked.

Garrett can be said to be the first close person I met in this world. Without her, I might have died on that isolated island long ago.

After the farewell of the warship of the yellow ape Polusalino, it has been so many years in a flash, and the little girl at that time has grown into a slim beauty now.

"Hmph! You big liar!"

Garrett said arrogantly.

"Didn't you say you wanted to come to Wan Guo to find me?"

"Uh, this."

Lorne was at a loss for words for a moment. After escaping from the prison in Advance City, he was busy developing his power and didn't have time to take a look at Garrett.

In fact, as long as Lorne dared to step into the new world, Shi Ke would regard this as a challenge to himself.

The current Lorne doesn't have the strength to confront Shiji head-on.

"Back then Katakuri brother didn't bring you back, and little Garrett was sad for a long time."

Bree on the side suddenly spoke, and looked at Lorne curiously by the way.

This bounty is super high, almost on par with Brother Katakuri.

And he was so young and frightening. People outside had already started rumors that Lorne might be the second man to ascend the throne of Pirate King after Roger.

When Garrett first came home, she had been haunted by dreams and dreams about what kind of abilities this man could not forget.

Now it seems that he is just an ordinary person, except for being a little handsome.

"I don't have it!"

The secret was exposed by her sister, Garrett blushed and denied it, speechless.

On the contrary, Lorne breathed a sigh of relief, and Garrett finally skipped this topic. Lorne felt more exhausted than fighting Ratzinger again.

"But this little girl." Garrett suddenly squatted slightly, showing a forced smile at Anxi.

"Is it brother your child?"

Women's thinking is always a little strange.

Anxi shook her head in a daze, trying very hard to understand what "your child" was.

On the contrary, Lorne stroked Garrett's head a few times and smiled angrily.

"How old are you, still so childish?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this."

Lorne's expression gradually became serious.

"Why are you going to buy medicine? Is anyone injured?"

Lorne is a little worried. People in One Piece World are generally more physically fit, and some minor injuries can be recovered by themselves.

"It's because." Garrett hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Garrett brought Lorne to the door of a small hotel. After handing over, he let go and took Lorne upstairs.

"We just met someone."

The door opened, and a woman in a white coat lay on the bed.

There was a huge gash on her face. Destroy her beautiful face.

She didn't move, just sat quietly on the bed.

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