Pirate Family

Chapter 183 Lorne's Discovery

Maybe it's the calm before the storm.

On the way back to Adela, Lorne did not encounter the stupid pirate group who jumped out to provoke the protagonist as in the story.

Those newcomers who had just entered the great voyage subconsciously chose to avoid it after seeing the flag on the Proverb.

After all, the Misty Moon only represents one faction in this sea.

The Vinhill family has risen at an exaggerated rate in recent years.

The one billion reward offered by the Navy Headquarters made Lorne's name resound throughout the sea.

Few newcomers who are just about to challenge the great route have the courage to challenge this kind of super pirate.

Although, Lorne never referred to himself as a pirate.

"Smearing a little sunscreen on here."

The top deck of the Proverb. Garrett was lying comfortably on a chair basking in the sun.

Because this open-air deck is only open to girls, Garrett's clothes are particularly cool, showing off her youthful body.

And a little guy, holding up a sunscreen that was taller than his whole body, applied it vigorously on Jiarete's fair and tender skin.

"Little Luna,"

Anxi looked enviously at Garrett's good figure, and followed Garrett's example to lie down.

"Annie wears sunscreen, too."

Bu Lei looked at the two little girls and said helplessly.

"You two, trouble Luna with everything, can't you move yourself?"

"it does not matter!"

The little knight said out of breath.

"This is the practice necessary to become a warrior!"

"And Luna also has an exclusive massage recipe! Sister Bree, do you want to try it?"

"I won't let it go."

Bree shook her head and said softly.

"All right."

Little Luna seemed a little lost, with her little face drooping.

However, the little human race's mind is simple, and she quickly put these unpleasant things aside.

"Let you often use the exclusive secret script of the Luna family."

“Super comfortable chain back massage!”

The little knight yelled, and then Garrett and Anxi's smooth backs slammed up.

Da da da da da!

The little knight said proudly to Garrett and Anxi while bouncing.

"This is a massage technique specially developed for the acupoints of big people! Be comfortable."

A few minutes later, three young girls were lying side by side on the topmost open-air deck.

Said with a full face.

"so comfortable."


"They seemed to be having a good time."

On the lower plywood, Enilu, who was snoozing, suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head and said with a smile.

"Girls are always easier to get along with."

Lorne sat aside, holding a book while answering Enelu's question.

"Then the little girl with wine red hair invited you just now, why didn't you go up?"

"If it was you, it should be easier to get along with girls, right?"

"Because I have more important things to do."

Lorne closed the book, and on the dark cover were written the words "Compendium of Devil Fruit Abilities".

This is the experience summed up by a knowledgeable pirate, which includes almost all the devil fruit ability users who have appeared since Roger's time until now.

"What's the use of looking at these things?"

Anilu scoffed at this. In his opinion, this kind of book, which can only be briefly introduced, is not much different from carpet literature.

It's all useless.

"I've been thinking about a question before."

Lorne closed the book and said seriously.

This book was found by chance when he was shopping with some little girls.

Books are not treasures, and the contents inside are naturally not classified.

Many of them come from hearsay by book authors. There are many places that are not detailed.

"what is the problem?"

Enel said in a low voice.

He knew Lorne's character, which was pure lunatic, paranoid.

When this kind of people calm down and start thinking, it is their scariest time.

"Actually, many of the names of the so-called devil fruits are incorrect."


"Like the current admiral, Polusalino."

"His ability is to turn his body into light, possessing the same speed and power as light."

"But his fruit is called Shining Fruit."

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

Enilo asked, the capabilities of the three navy generals have already been announced. When you mention them, you instinctively think of their fruits.

"That's the weird point."

Lorne raised his voice slightly.

"Being able to manipulate light, shouldn't it be called the fruit of light, or the fruit of light is more appropriate?"

"Why is it called the Shining Fruit?"

"Although Polusalino is always shining when he is fighting, it is true. But the name of the shining fruit always makes people feel that it is not so formal."

"It feels like someone was blinded by the dazzling light after seeing the fruit ability for the first time."

Lorne put the book down and said in a strange tone.

"Ah, what is this! It caught my eye! I'll just call you the Shining Fruit."

"So," Enilu's face became serious.

"It does feel wrong, like it's artificial."

"and this."

Lorne opened the book and found a picture, which was a tall and hearty man.

"Whitebeard, Edward Newgate. The most terrifying pirate in the world, the one with the ability to shake the fruit..."

Lorne read the words under the picture. When they reached the Zhenzhen Fruit, they stopped.

"It can cause vibrations, shouldn't it be called a shaking fruit, or an earthquake fruit? Isn't it too strange to call it a shaking fruit?"

Whitebeard was one of the well-deserved kings of the sea after Roger's death. He conquered the world with unparalleled power, and even the ambitious Miss Crocodile was defeated by him.

As a strong man who has traversed the sea for decades and has come out of countless battles, his ability has long been no secret.

Pirates who grew up after the age of great voyages, when they think of Whitebeard, they will naturally think of his destructive power and the shaking fruit.

"So, what do you want to say."

Anilu felt that he had vaguely grasped some context, but it was so short.

"From ancient times to the present," Lorne said with a smile, pointing to the book.

"All ability users, after acquiring abilities, will subconsciously imitate the development method of the previous owner."

"Or make a fuss about the ability description on the so-called devil fruit illustrated book. I want to find a devil fruit that suits me."

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

Enilo asked rhetorically, although he also somewhat dislikes people who imitate others, thinking that this is stealing other people's achievements.

But he has to admit that learning from the previous owner is indeed a skill to quickly master abilities.

"But," Lorne suddenly showed a weird smile.

"How do you know that the previous owner's development direction must be right?"

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