Pirate Family

Chapter 185 The Woman from Beihai

People from Beihai?

Lorne thought about it for a moment, and he didn't seem to know anyone from Beihai.

The only one connected to the North Sea was Khalil's munitions upgraded to one level.

"Was it Vinsmoke or Don Quixote?"

Lorne asked, in the entire North Sea, there are only two forces that he can remember.

He doesn't care much about the others.

"You'll find out when you go and have a look." Agatha made a fool of herself.

"Not the one you hate."

"Then what about Don Quixote?"

Lorne smiled and said that everyone in the family knew about his past. He and the head of the Vinsmoke family, Gage, had a lot of grievances.

In Adela's meeting room, a green-haired girl in casual clothes was sitting on a chair, playing poker bored.

The playing cards were unpredictable in her hands, and she threw them into the sky at will.

The poker cards were like feathers flying all over the sky, she randomly grabbed a card. The other hand, fast as a phantom, grabs the other cards.

"Papa papa!"

The door was slowly opened, and Lorne walked in while applauding.

"Nice technique. What should I call you, please."

The green-haired woman smiled slightly and raised the poker in her hand.

It is a Q of Hearts.

"You can call me Queen of Hearts." The green-haired woman said with a smile.

"Very well, Miss Heart."

Lorne pulled out the chair, sat in front of her, propped his body with his hands, and said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter with you coming to me? We don't seem to know each other."

"You don't know me, but I know you." Hearts blinked and raised eyebrows at Lorne. Said playfully.

Her eyes are very special, the pupils are like a combination of several rings.

"The fastest rising prisoner in the world, one of the masters of the paradise."

Heart picked up a newspaper, pointed to the headline with her slender fingers and said.

"The future emperor."

"If you're just here to chase stars, then the two of us may not be able to chat."

Lorne said in a deep voice, and then acted as if he wanted to leave.

"What if I brought you good news?"

Heart supported her face with one hand, stared at Lorne, and said in a stunned manner.


Heart's words aroused Lorne's interest slightly, and he sat up straight.

"Get to the point."

"Mr. Lorne started out as a munitions business."

Heart waved gently on the table with one hand, and a weapon made of ice and snow condensed on the table.

Those who can?

Lorne frowned slightly. He didn't feel the aura from the woman just now, so he subconsciously thought that the woman was a weak person.

It's just acting as a microphone between the two forces.

Unexpectedly, this woman was hiding such a skill. Seeing that she didn't care, she didn't seem to care that her ability was exposed.

Is there something to rely on, or is there too much trust in the Vinhill family?

The ice weapon is just a model, but it is modeled after the laser weapon of the Vinhill family.

This kind of weapon, which originated from the sky island of Bika Island, has always been in short supply at sea.

"What do you want to say?"

Lorne stared at Hearts and said coldly.

"What is the most taboo thing about arms dealers, Mr. Lorne should know better than me

With a wave of Heart's hand, the ice and snow weapon model turned into a puddle of water and flowed onto the table.

"Are you educating me?"

Lorne snorted coldly.

Of course he knew what the hearts were alluding to, that is, he instructed Khalil to secretly support Vinsmoke's two enemies, the kingdom of Tofel and the kingdom of Nikanya.

The reason is simply that he hates Gaji.

"In front of the famous big pirate Lorne, how dare I? I was just expressing my thoughts."

Heart said a little weakly, but Lorne found through his perception ability that this woman was still calm and composed.

What gave her confidence?

"Tell me your purpose, I hate beating around the bush."

Lorne snorted.

"If you just want to be Vinsmoke's lobbyist, I advise you to stop here."

"I might be tempted to do it."


A snow statue of a man appeared in Heart's palm, who was the current Patriarch of Vinsmoke.

The look of Vinsmoke Gage.

"Who will take care of this kind of garbage?"

Heart said disdainfully, with a light pinch of her hand, Gaji's snow statue turned into a pile of pieces.

"On behalf of my master, I want to cooperate with you."


Lorne was a little puzzled, he didn't know what the woman was referring to.

"For the arms business, even if Mr. Lorne has mastered such a rare thing as laser weapons, he only dares to sell them in remote areas all over the world, and he does not find customers in the paradise and new world in the rich land. The reason is simply because, "

Hearts stretched out two fingers.

"The first is the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. Mr. Lorne is being watched closely by them. These things are not easy to sell in Paradise and New World."

"go on."

After listening to Heart's words, Lorne became slightly interested.

"The second reason is that the countries that need these weapons are generally in the midst of war, and their own country's force is no longer sufficient to suppress them."

"The world is huge, but most of the world's resources are concentrated in the seemingly small new world and paradise."

"Missing these two places is tantamount to missing everything."


Lorne played with a queen of hearts and said with great interest.

"So, how are you going to work with me?"

He sells arms simply because it's the fastest way to accumulate capital.

Originally, Adela's so-called underworld bosses had a great reputation, but they didn't dare to touch these things at all.

Lorne rose rapidly through this gap.

Now that there is capital, the arms business is not so important.

"We provide the name, and the ship with our name will not be interrogated by the navy."

"What are your names?"

Lorne narrowed his eyes and repeated the woman's words.

In this world, the only ships that can not accept the navy's interrogation are the ships of the allied countries of the world government, the car of the Tianlong people, and the traitor of the pirates, the king's Qiwuhai.

If it is the first two, then there is no need for this woman to come and talk to me.

So it could only be?

"Your master is the one from Qiwuhai under the king?"

Lorne said in a low voice.

The current king is Shichibukai, Hawkeye Mihawk is a lone ranger, and Tyrant Bear is erratic.

Moonlight Moria had just experienced a disastrous defeat, hiding somewhere and licking his wounds.

And Sha Crocodile met himself again.

Then it could only be the mysterious madman who most resembles Lorne.

The man called Tian Yasha.

"The young master of my family is the man who is destined to rule the entire pirate world!"

As if thinking of something, Hongtao's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and her face was a little crimson.

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

Realizing her gaffe, Hongtao quickly apologized, but still read out her young master's name out loud.

"Don Quixote Doflamingo!"

In fact, it can't be updated, I'm really sorry.

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