Pirate Family

Chapter 193 Xiaojia's super power

"Xiao Jia"

Lorne gently stroked Garrett's hair, just like back then.

"Did you know you have a superpower?"

"Super power?" Garrett didn't react for a while, although Charlotte Lingling had the habit of collecting devil fruits for her descendants with excellent potential to eat.

But Garrett didn't like the abilities of the devil fruits her mother gave her, so she never ate them.

"I haven't eaten a devil fruit?" Garrett replied with a blank face.

"It's not a devil fruit." Lorne shook his head and said.

"As long as you are in danger, I will appear by your side."

"Whenever, wherever."

Lorne withdrew his hand and said calmly, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

The breeze blows away Garrett's freshly combed hair, and her face has already turned extremely red.

Then she covered her face and ran towards the boat shyly.

Brother Lorne is confessing his love, right? definitely is!

Garrett was extremely flustered at this moment, and she didn't know how to answer.

After watching Garrett run away, Lorne restrained the smile on his face. Turn around and look at the new pirates who fell on the ground.

"My lord, thank you."

Seeing this harmless young man, Nana felt a sense of apprehension in her heart for no reason.

This boy was ten times scarier than the scariest person she had ever seen!

She squeezed out a forced smile, and lowered her head respectfully.

"Don't say compliments."

Lorne said indifferently, as a former priest, he had heard too many compliments from believers.

He's tired of hearing it.

"One Piece World, there has never been any help for no reason." Lorne walked to the side of the woman in tights, and stretched out his hand to support her chin.

"So, what are you going to take, to buy your own life?"

Garrett ran back to the boat, and waited on the boat for a while with the sea breeze blowing.

When Lorne came back late, his face was still a little red.

"Why are you so slow?"

Garrett sat on the deck and complained.

"I just dealt with some things, so I was delayed for a while."

Lorne handed Anxi in his arms to Garrett. The little girl seemed to be really sleepy. She rolled over in Garrett's arms and continued to sleep against Garrett's chest.

As one of the Four Emperors with the most children, the daughter of Charlotte Lingling, Garrett has a lot of experience in taking care of her younger siblings.

She took out a blanket and covered Anxi with distress, for fear that she would catch a cold.

Only then turned to ask.

"whats the matter?"

"Something between pirates." Lorne recalled the solemn promise made by the female pirate in tights, and the corners of her mouth curled up a little. Then lightly start the boat.

Amidst the buzzing sound, the boat left Whiskey Hill and headed towards Twin Point, the entrance of the Great Passageway.

In Lorne's memory, there lived a crew member of One Piece Roger, ship doctor Kulokas.

Although I don't know what's the point of looking for him, since I'm here, I still have to go and have a look, maybe I can get some clues about Roger the Pirate King.


New world, a certain sea area.

At this time thunder and rain. Torrential rain symbolizes the fury of nature.

A young man in a black leather jacket stood at the bow of the boat. His left hand seemed to be cursed, with blood vessels bursting, showing a strange black color.

Behind him, there is a woman in a cheongsam holding an umbrella to protect him from the rain.

The boy looked ahead indifferently.

Ahead was a ship reduced to scum, its flagpole crumbling.

One flag is the pirate group's own pirate flag, the three-knife skull.

On the other side, three bones intersect to form a rice character, and there are two huge horns on the top of the skull.

In the New World, this flag only means one thing.

"We are Kaido's people! How dare you?!"

In the wreckage of the ship, a one-eyed man wearing a feather cap struggled to get up, pointed his hand with an iron hook at the boy in black leather, and said tremblingly.

The pirate in front of him is just a rookie who has just entered the new world, how could he be so strong? !

The power he was proud of was easily defeated by him. And from beginning to end, he didn't use his weird left hand.

In the current world, are newcomers so powerful?

"Kaido?" The young man muttered to himself, gently stretched out his left hand, aiming at the defeated dog in front of him.

"If he wants to avenge you, tell him to come to me!"

The boy said calmly.

"Remember, my name is Yaze, ghost-handed Yaze! If a ghost wants to take revenge on me, don't mistake me."


As if sensing something, the one-eyed man roared in despair.

The whole ship exploded suddenly, and the flames reflected on the youthful face.

"Get rid of this rubbish, my bounty should go up a bit more, right?"

The boy turned around suddenly and asked the woman in the cheongsam beside him.

"The bounty for this one-eyed claw seems to be 200,000,000 (two hundred million) Baileys, which is slightly higher than your captain."

The cheongsam woman analyzed.

"But the world government should re-evaluate your strength after getting the news that you defeated this one-eyed claw so easily."

"At that time, 300 million, or even 400 million is not impossible!"

"Is it only three or four hundred million?" The boy pouted, a little dissatisfied.

"It's still a lot worse than that man, not even his initial bounty."

"When will we reach his level?!"

The young man looked at the distant sea and muttered to himself.


New World, Ten Thousand Nations Seas, Cake Island.

A tea party is being held at this time. This is one of the Four Emperors, bigmom, Charlotte Lingling's favorite hangout.

Every time she will carefully prepare, and invite a large number of strong people, everyone talked and laughed at the tea party, having a good time.

At least she thought so!

"Ma Ma Ma!" At the very center of the tea table, there was an extremely tall and obese woman who stuffed a dessert into her mouth with one hand, and then let out an exaggerated laugh.

"From this point of view, mother is indeed the most powerful woman in this sea!"

Beside her, sat a fat man who was eating and drinking, and the fat man crazily stuffed dessert into his mouth while complimenting him.

"Only with my mother can I feel the feeling of home!"

"Mama!" Charlotte Lingling seemed very happy to hear the fat man say this. She waved her hand, and the waiter behind her immediately brought new desserts to the table.

"Eat more! Ariel! If you eat more, you can help me open up the territory!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly.

The tea party ended and the guests dispersed. Ariel was just about to return to his territory, but he found a tall man leaning on the side, as if he was waiting for something.

"Are you waiting for me? Master Katakuri!" Ali patted his head. asked suspiciously.

"Yes, Ali." The man called Katakuri slowly opened his eyes.

"I have something to tell you."

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