Pirate Family

Chapter 196: Germa's Counterattack


"It's not a celebration banquet!"

The accompanying soldier shook his head and said with some horror.

"The capital of the Kingdom of Kenya has been raided!"

"The sneak attacking forces are flying the banner of the Vinsmoke family."


The middle-aged man roared in disbelief. The capital of the Kingdom of Kenya, in the belly of the two countries.

Why did the Vinsmoke family dare to sneak attack there? Not to mention how they got across the front line.

Even if they were lucky enough to occupy the capital of the Kingdom of Nikania, they themselves would be encircled by the two countries.

With the continuous support of troops from the two countries, this group of lone troops will not last long.

Is this the tactic the Vinsmoke family has been hiding for so long?

The middle-aged man shook his head. He once had an intersection with the current head of the Vinsmoke family, Vinsmoke Gage.

He didn't believe that this wise man would make such a stupid move.


"Blue, blue, blue."

At this time, the surrounding phone bugs rang frantically, and the attendant operator frantically answered a call.

It's just that after hearing the news from the other end of the phone, the whole person froze in place.

"What's wrong?" The middle-aged man asked anxiously.

"Could it be that the capital of the Kingdom of Tofel was also raided?"

"No." The servant shook his head blankly.

"That's good." The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. He was the one who was anxious just now. They knew the strength of the Vinsmoke family.

What did he use to attack the capital of the Kingdom of Tofel?

"All the small islands under the Kingdom of Tofel and the Kingdom of Kenya have been raided."

The attendant operator said blankly.

"At the same time, the raiding forces were flying the banner of the Vinsmoke family."


The middle-aged man said incredulously.

"Where do they get so many troops?!"


Beihai, the headquarters of the Vinsmoke family.

In fact, this is not a fixed place, because there is no relationship with the country. The Kingdom of Germa ruled by Vinsmoke is a kingdom built on the shells of a huge group of snails.

Where the giant snail colony is, there is the Kingdom of Germa.

At this time, inside a tall building, the building exudes the smell of formalin. Inside, countless petri dishes are placed neatly and filled with emerald green liquid.

Vinsmoke Gage, wearing a white coat, was reading a document.

In front of him lay a dead body.

To be precise, it is an experimental body.

"The samples are too small, and we can only do so far in the experiments on the ancestry factor."

Next to Jia Zhi, a scientist also wearing a white coat adjusted his glasses and said slowly.

A few years ago, Gage used his family's power to rob the experimental body of his former colleague, Vegapunk.

But when he was about to succeed, he was cut off by the current admiral, Polusalino the Kizaru.

A whole ship of experimental bodies was confiscated by the navy, except for the last one that was fished out from the bottom of the sea.

"Using the existing conditions to comprehensively strengthen the clone's physical fitness, I want to end the war in the North Sea in a short time."

"Then put pressure on the Naval Headquarters through the power of the entire North Sea."

"As long as I get the part of the information in Vegapunk's hands, I will..."

In the middle of speaking, Vinsmoke Gage suddenly fell silent for a while, put the information in his hand on the table, and asked slowly.

"Forget it, I won't mention things that are too far away."

"By the way, what happened to that disobedient guy?"

"Master Sanji still quite rejects the experiment of transforming people."

The assistant shook his head and said with a little regret.

The Human Transformation Project is the highest crystallization of the Vinsmoke family's technology, and it is the ladder to God!

Why doesn't Master Sanji understand?

"Hmph! Just give this disobedient child a good beating!" Gaji snorted, and then continued.

"Forget it, let's just ignore this traitor."

"I will also join in the research. After all, I also participated in the original research."

"The blueprint of life, after all, I still need to draw the last part."

Gage put on white gloves, lightly pressed a button on the table, and the emerald green liquid in all the petri dishes in front was sucked clean.

A naked "person" inside was exposed.

These "people" closed their eyes, as if they were sleeping peacefully.

And on the front petri dish, there is a boy's body, eyes closed, seems to be sleeping.

Gage, first as a scientist, and then as the king of the Kingdom of Germa. He looked at the petri dish in the front, as if he was looking at a mountain of wealth, his eyes were full of light. A fanatical smile appeared on his face, and he said foolishly.

"When I finish drawing the design of this life, what are the four emperors, what are the three generals."

He held out a finger and said disdainfully.

"It's all a joke!"

"The ultimate power of people is not some domineering devil fruit."

"It's science!"

The door of the laboratory was slowly closed. The kingdom of Germa became silent.


The capital of the Tofel Kingdom, Tofel City.

A handsome middle-aged gentleman ran towards the port in a state of embarrassment under the guard of his subordinates.

He is the arms dealer of the Vinhill family, Khalil.

He had just had a meal with King Tofel in the palace. Victory in the Huborne Sea area on the front line.

King Tofel has even prepared the celebration banquet, as long as the general who defeated the Wensmoke army returns to the capital, he can start celebrating the upcoming victory.

But at this time, a group of tough soldiers rushed in. They had experienced many battles and were fearless of death. And with the banner of the Vinsmoke family.

The elite guards of the Kingdom of Tofel are as vulnerable as children in front of them.

After a while, these Vinsmoke family troops attacked in front of the palace.

If it weren't for the loyalty of the family's warriors, they would have fought their way out with all their might.

Khalil is probably about to be trapped in the palace.

"Here they are! Catch them!"

Just as Khalil had just run out of the palace, another group of soldiers from the Germa Vinsmoke family discovered them.

These soldiers were holding a strange weapon, which Khalil had seen just now.

"It's the arms dealer Khalil," a leading soldier picked up the phone bug in his arms and reported.

"We're making arrests."

Germa's soldiers picked up their strange weapons and aimed at Khalil.

"Master Khalil, be careful!"

Seeing the weapons of the Germa warriors, the dead soldiers of the Vinhill family changed their expressions. Subconsciously guarding Kalil behind him, he picked up the laser weapon and pointed it at the enemy.

"The arrest operation has begun, pay attention, Mr. Gaji said that one should be kept alive."

The laser gun in the hands of the Vinhill family warrior emitted blue and white laser light, which directly hit the Germa family warrior's body.

Piercing a blood hole.

But these Germa warriors didn't seem to care about the death of their companions, and the energy of the strange weapons in the hands of the remaining Germa warriors had already been accumulated. Yellow electromagnetic shot out from the barrel.

Intertwined together, like a big net, it hit the body of the Vinhill warrior.

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