Pirate Family

Chapter 198 Distorted Illusion

Songka Island is located in the southern part of the North Sea, adjacent to the entrance of the Great Sea Route.

Its status is just like Rogge Town, which is known as the "island of beginning and end" in the East China Sea.

Every pirate who starts from the North Sea and wants to conquer the great route will pass by here.

When Lorne walked out of the bar, this small island with a long history and many stories had been covered by artillery fire.

Numerous burly soldiers of the Kingdom of Germa, armed with high-tech weapons, landed on this small island to wreak havoc.

"what happened?"

The sound of gunfire woke up Anxi who was soundly asleep. The little angel rubbed her sleepy eyes and said blankly.

A very small female knight stuck her head out from Anxi's wings, wanting to see what was happening outside, but after seeing the roaring artillery fire outside, she hid in Anxi's clothes in fear went inside.

"Our little knight is afraid?"

Seeing this scene, Lorne joked with a smile.

"Who, who said that Luna was scared."

After hearing Lorne's words, the little knight got out of Anxi's clothes without admitting defeat. He proudly held his head up.

Although her trembling tone was not convincing, it was right.

Seemingly getting used to the sound of gunfire, Luna became more courageous. Pretending to be indifferent and saying.

"What, it's not scary at all, Luna is..."

At this moment, a bullet passed by and flew past Luna's head.

The bullet was not much smaller than her head, and it tore several strands of Luna's hair.

The little knight fell into a sluggish state, and it took him a while to react, his body became a little stiff.

"As expected of a little knight, how brave."

Lorne gave Luna a thumbs up. With his perception ability, he had already discovered the bullet. However, after confirming that it was just a false alarm, no action was taken.

For Lorne's praise, Luna turned around stiffly with a blank face, and then,

Get into Anxi's clothes.

Lorne: "..."

Even An Xi couldn't stand this stupid and cowardly look, she grabbed the little knight out of her clothes.

Luna was still talking about it.

"Wow, the outside world is scary, and the bullets are scary."

"Luna, be brave!"

Anxi lifted her good friend up and put it in front of her, and said seriously.

"Yes, are our soldiers so timid?"

"Could it be that our little warrior is so timid?"

Lorne pulled Anxi gently, avoiding a fatal bullet, and said with a smile.

"Not even Anxi."

"Who said Anxi was timid!"

"Who says Luna can't compare to Anxi!"

Lorne's words made the two little girls explode at the same time and blurted out.

The two cute little girls eased the tense atmosphere on the battlefield a lot.

At this moment, the obese intelligence agent No. 56 ran out of the intelligence room panting.

Seeing the flames of war raging outside, his legs went limp and he fell to the ground, unable to move. Then he lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

The calmness of Lorne and the others quickly attracted the attention of Germa's soldiers. A group of soldiers spotted Lorne and the others, raised their electromagnetic weapons and walked towards Lorne.

"Surrender, or die."

The leading soldier said in a hoarse voice while aiming at Lorne.

But Lorne was unmoved. As if he hadn't heard the soldiers' warning, he walked towards the port.

"It seems that you want to die!"

The soldier captain said indifferently, raised the electromagnetic weapon in his hand, aimed and pulled the trigger.

The electromagnetic beams gathered into a net, smashing the place he aimed at.

"The enemy has been eliminated."

The smoke dissipated, and the place hit by the electromagnetic wave turned into ruins. Captain Germa took back the gun in his hand and led his men back to the original team.

"In the end what happened?"

No. 56, lying on the ground, witnessed the whole process. The soldier captain ran over suddenly, chattering into the air. As if the negotiation failed, he picked up the laser gun and fired wildly at an open space.

Then, as if he had succeeded, he left in a hurry.

And the black-haired boy who was supposed to be the enemy ignored these soldiers from the beginning to the end.

Seems to be a thigh!

No. 56, who was lying on the ground, suddenly remembered the information about that boy, the boy who easily defeated the Admiral of the North Sea Pirate without making a move.

Follow him, maybe you will be able to live!

Thinking of this, No. 56 made a decisive decision and slowly crawled towards Lorne and the others.

"It's not like you."

Garrett walked beside Lorne, holding Anxi's little hand, and said suddenly.

"Oh? What's different?" Lorne asked with a smile.

"What do you think I'll do?"

This made Garrett momentarily at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer. She originally wanted to ask Lorne why he spared the lives of that group of soldiers. Because one of the things Lorne hates the most is when someone points a gun at him.

But after thinking about it, isn't it Lorne's character to move at will and be capricious?

A neurotic lunatic is the most conspicuous label on Lorne.

"I think you'll kill them and die painlessly in the illusion."

Garrett said honestly, as the daughter of the great pirate, she does not reject killing.

In her heart, Lorne, who followed her own heart and did whatever she wanted, was the brother in her memory.

"It's very similar to what I do." Lorne said with a smile. Garrett was indeed the person who knew him best.

"But suddenly I don't want to do it anymore."

"That would be boring."


Jarrett didn't react for a moment, no one could follow the lunatic's train of thought, including the people who knew them best.

At this time, several people had already reached the port, and the Germa soldiers who occupied the port, as if they hadn't found them, let Lorne and others shuttle freely.

This is the same trick that Lorne used to control the Sea King octopus to pull Hubern's flagship into the sea.

Lorne calls it "Twisting Visions."

This move, which was separated from "Illusion Killer", can distort the target's perception and turn it into its own puppet.

If the role of "Illusion Killer" is to guide and let the enemy see the picture they want to see.

Then "Twisted Vision" is a modification, it is to let the enemy see the picture that Lorne wants them to see.

The only similarity between the two is that the effect on the strong is not very good.

It's easy to see through.

But for those weak-willed enemies, it can be said that there is no disadvantage.

For example, now, what the Germa soldiers saw was a few leaves fluttering in the wind, passing by their side.

All the ships in the port are under the control of Germa warriors, and no one is allowed to go to sea.

It's just that Lorne's purpose was never to escape.

The group of them walked to Germa's warship. Lorne snapped his fingers, and the warship slowly lowered a piece of wood.

A soldier with the appearance of an officer opened the deck door and bowed slightly to Lorne.

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