Pirate Family

Chapter 200 The War of Frevans

North Sea, North Central, Frevers.

The country is known as the "White Towns". The main reason is that, under the ground of this country, there is a precious mineral called "Perbolic lead".

Trees become white and flawless because of this "popper lead".

But I don't know if it is because of this mineral, the citizens living in Frevans often suffer from a strange disease.

It's called "Frevans Syndrome," or "Peter's Disease."

The skin and hair of people with this condition will become paler over time. Once this symptom occurs, it means that life is not long.

Because of this disease, doctors held a high position in Frevers.

Inside the manor of a beautiful little house in the center of Long Street in the capital of Frevance.

Two children, a man and a woman, were playing.

"Don't bully my sister!"

At the door of the house, a middle-aged woman looked at her two children and said with a smile.

But the two naughty little guys didn't listen to the woman at all and continued to play.

When the woman saw me, she could only smile helplessly.

In this disease-cursed capital, her husband and children are intact, and she is content.

At this time, a doctor in a white coat hurried in from outside.

"What happened?" The wife couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw her husband in a hurry.

In her memory, her husband has always been a calm man.

"Hurry up and pack your things, we're leaving the country."

The husband took his wife's hand and said anxiously.

"I have word from Ser Ira that war has broken out!"

Because of the "Perb lead disease", several surrounding countries have blocked all the exit routes of Frevans, and any residents who want to leave Frevans will be shot and killed by neighboring countries.

This situation continued for a long time.

Just now, he got the news from his patient, Sir Ira, that the king of Frevans finally couldn't bear it anymore and had declared war on the neighboring country, and the war had broken out.

This is going to be a battlefield.

So the doctor hurried home, ready to leave this place of right and wrong with his wife and children.

As a highly respected doctor of Frevanstad, he has accumulated a wealth of assets and connections.

As long as you sneak around, you will be able to leave here.

He thought so.

But the war spread far faster than he expected, and he hadn't left Frevans' land yet. I met a large group of soldiers from neighboring countries.

The group of soldiers seemed to be afraid of being infected, wearing heavy gas masks.

After seeing the doctor's carriage passing by, he raised the weapon in his hand, and didn't even give the doctor's family time to talk, and the tongue of fire sprayed.

Shoot the entire carriage into a hornet's nest.

"Don't talk! Don't move!"

The doctor yelled at his two children. He could only subconsciously protect his two children. The bullet passed through the bodies of the doctor and his wife, and the blood flowed from their bodies and flowed to the two children. on the little guy.

And these two little guys only remembered the doctor's words in their hearts, and they bit their lips tightly to prevent themselves from making a sound.

After the bullets were fired, the soldiers put away their guns and walked towards other places without even checking whether the people in the carriage were dead.

after all. "Frevans Syndrome" is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that soldiers dare not gamble with their lives.

After confirming that the soldiers had left, two bloody little guys crawled out of the carriage.

Behind them were the corpses of their parents, blood staining the ground beneath their feet red.

The two little guys looked around blankly, at a loss.

At this time, a nun happened to pass by. She was wearing the missionary attire of the Holy Truth and came to this country to preach.

After seeing the two little guys, the nun was taken aback and hurried to them.

The nun wiped off the blood stains on the two little guys with her clothes, revealing their immature faces.

She looked less than ten years old, the nun asked distressedly.

"God of the Holy Truth, may I ask what happened."

The two little guys told their experiences intermittently, which made the nun feel a little at a loss.

The illness in this sea area seems to be much more serious than I imagined.

I can only ask the Pope what to do. After all, she is the embodiment of an angel!

However, these two little guys who have just become orphans must be properly placed.

For example, the orphanage of the Holy Truth Church.

"Poor little ones, Holy Truth will bless you."

The nun asked, wiping the faces of the two little ones.

"Are you willing to follow the Holy God of Truth?"

The same scene is constantly playing out all over Beihai. As long as there are two neighboring countries, there are more or less conflicts.

And these contradictions seemed to be ignited at the same time, and the flames of war ignited throughout the North Sea.

And among them, a family can be vaguely seen, contributing to the flames.


Great Route, Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

The current Admiral of the Navy known as the wise general, the Warring States of Buddha, was holding a phone bug at this time, and was scolded by the other end of the phone bug.

"This is the King's Qiwuhai plan that you agreed to at the beginning!"

"This Doflamingo, who sits in the North Sea, not only does not help us quell the war between the Vinsmoke family, Tofel, and Nikanya! He even adds fuel to the flames, disrupting the situation that has finally calmed down!"

The Warring States of Buddha seems to be wrong, and has been silent in the face of the reprimand from the other end of the phone bug.

After scolding enough over there, the Warring States of Buddha said slowly.

"The Qiwuhai plan under the king is not decided by me alone. It is the choice of the world government above, and I just stamped it."

"But it turns out that this plan is wrong!" The other end of the phone bug said coldly, showing his restless heart.

"Moonlight Moria first, then Sha Krocdale!"

"The so-called Qiwuhai under the king is vulnerable in front of those big pirates. Why is Wu Laoxing still obsessed with it?"

"Actually," Buddha Warring States was silent for a while before continuing.

"If those big pirates were eliminated so easily, wouldn't it be too much of a slap in the face for us?"

"Wuluoxing and the others, what they saw from these two wars is the potential of Qiwuhai under the king."

"Whether it's Moonlight Moria or Sha Crocodile, they have shown unparalleled war potential."

"The higher-ups feel that this plan is correct. What they need is more powerful pirates to join the navy."

"Doflamingo won't be in the North Sea for long, and the higher-ups will soon exert pressure to force Doflamingo to enter the New World and compete with the pirates for territory."

"I believe that with your wisdom, you can understand that the higher-ups have never regarded the Qiwuhai under the king as their own power, but just used them to fight against the pirates."

"As long as they are strong and willing to fight against the pirates, the higher-ups won't care about their past."

"What do you mean?" The other side realized something and asked.

"The higher-ups have identified several new candidates for the Qiwuhai under the king."

The Warring States of Buddha said in a deep voice.

"Be prepared."

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