Pirate Family

Chapter 205: Like Trash

Lorne shook his head and looked at the man in front of him who was 90% like him.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said sarcastically.

"Is that what you call God me?"

Then he waved his hand, like a general directing the soldiers to launch a general attack.

Under the influence of the illusion, the Germa warriors regarded Lorne as their supreme commander.

Electromagnetism shoots out from the barrel, overwhelming the sky. Overwrite Gage and that clone.

Gaji looked at these "traitors" indifferently, the clone grabbed Gaji's body and disappeared instantly.

This human clone is Gaji's painstaking effort, the technical crystallization of the "Bloodline Factor Theory" jointly researched with Vegapunk, and the "work" of Gaji's vain attempt to spy on the power of God with human power.

Although it is an unfinished product, unable to think independently, it can only obey Gaji's orders like a robot.

But with the power of crushing level, it is enough to solve most things.

At this time, Gage gritted his teeth and pressed a button on his body, and the indicator lights of the combat uniforms of the group of Germa warriors who "betrayed" Gage suddenly began to flash frantically.

From green light to red light.

The soldiers raised their heads blankly and looked at Gage.

"Go to hell!" Gage yelled.

Boom boom boom boom!

The combat uniforms worn by countless soldiers blew themselves up, and gunpowder smoke enveloped the battlefield.

"You really are a ruthless person."

As early as when Gage pressed the button, Lorne guessed what Gage was thinking.

Then he randomly controlled the two captives who had been peeping in the dark for a long time with malicious intentions.

The two captives rushed to Lorne and the others with wild eyes, blocking most of the shock waves of the explosion with their bodies.

"My subordinates, if you say no, don't."

Lorne's body came out of the smoke, and the battlefield was already littered with corpses.

It's just that those Germa warriors looked calm and calm.

Die for the Vinsmoke family, this is the result they have already thought about.

Whether in reality or fantasy.

"what a pity."

Lorne said regretfully.

"Ahem, cough, what a pity!"

Gage's voice came, and the clone took him to hide behind the warship, avoiding the impact of the explosion.

"This kind of traitor, death is not a pity!"

"And you have to pay the price you deserve!"

The clone disappeared entirely.


Lorne raised his hand. Blocking the clone's heavy punch, the huge force made him take a few steps back.


At this time, the sound of howling wind caused by the speed was long overdue.

After a failed blow, the clone, like an innate warrior, instinctively withdrew its punches, borrowed strength in mid-air, and kicked from the side with a sweeping leg.

Directly kicked Lorne away who couldn't dodge.

"A mortal is a mortal after all, how could he peep at the might of God!"

Seeing Lorne, who had always been calm and calm, being frustrated for the first time, Gage roared triumphantly.

This annoying ghost who seemed to control everything was finally defeated!

"So-so strength, but good speed."

"This shouldn't be just my clone, right?"

Lorne's calm voice came, and he stood up unscathed.

When the clone came to Lorne from Gage, he barely gave Lorne time to react.

The attack fell.

You must know that this is the speed achieved by the clone purely by virtue of physical strength, not the technique of "shaving".

If we simply compare this, Lorne himself would be ashamed.

When Lorne was knocked into the air by the clone, several controlled captives immediately used him.

The clone could hit him only because Lorne wanted to test how powerful the clone was.

Otherwise, when Lorne's "micro-sensing field", what is the "time lag" for?

This clone has only brute force, and does not know the technique of exerting force at all.

And the movements are too stiff, not like a person, but like,


Even if he doesn't use his perception ability, he can dodge all the attacks of the clone with his weak knowledge and arrogance.

Is this the kind of thing Gage relies on?

Lorne was disappointed.

But Gage couldn't believe it, he shouted hysterically.

"Kill him, number zero!"

There was a strange light in the eyes of the clone known as Zero, and his skin was slightly cracked, revealing black metal from inside. There were small black holes pierced all over his body, and the barrel of the gun came out of the small holes.

"This is God's ultimate war mode! You will regret it! Lorne!"

Gage roared, at this time he was at the end of his rope, and the so-called ultimate war mode of this clone was his last hole card.

If none of this can defeat Lorne, then perhaps the path he once pursued,

it is wrong?

"Frankly, I'm disappointed."

Lorne shook his head, and his whole body instantly appeared in front of the clone, with jet-black armed colors wrapped around his fists.

"Quick, quick! Fire the bullets!"

Gaji quickly ordered, and countless bullets were fired from the barrel of the clone, locking on Lorne.

"I thought you could have developed this level of technology by yourself."

In Lorne's view, the combat power of this clone is not much different from the px pacifist in the original book.

The former was made by Gage with the resources of the Vinsmoke family, while the latter was made by Vegapunk with the power of the navy, plus the dedication of the tyrant Bartholomew Bear with the help of a king under the Qibuhai.

And still more than ten years later!

If this is the case, then Lorne will have to re-evaluate Gage's scientific research strength.

He may be a genius who is not inferior to Vegapunk at all, and can even surpass it!

It's a pity that the clone in front of him is just a stronger robot.

Lorne said, bowing down, his body fluttering like a piece of paper, even if it was close at hand, the clone's bullets couldn't hit it at all!


Lorne punched directly through the clone's lower abdomen.

The mechanical parts in the abdomen were flying in a mess, and Gage opened his mouth wide, unable to believe that his supreme masterpiece was so vulnerable.

"How dare you call yourself a god with such broken copper and iron? Just despise the strong in the sea."

Lorne's fist was taken out of the clone's lower abdomen. There was a sizzling sound from the robot.

The arc flashed, and the clone fell. All that remained was Lorne's disdainful eyes.

"What do you think we are?"


Jia Zhi knelt down weakly, stared at the front with blank eyes, and said bitterly.

Lorne's punch crushed his self-deception. Is the power of technology so vulnerable to the real strong?

You know, the monsters that Lorne gathered on the sea are still far behind!

"Frankly, I'm disappointed."

Lorne didn't know when he walked in front of Gage. Time had passed, and his former enemy was so weak.

Perhaps, he has become stronger?

"What else do you want to say?"

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