Pirate Family

Chapter 217 War Fortress

And the last sub-island, Lorne called it Damocles.

This is the only fort that can be separated from the main island and move freely. All the weapons manufactured by the arsenal and the research institute are loaded in this fortress. And it is equipped with a receiver specially responsible for receiving Lorne's perception ability.

This was specially designed by Lorne to make up for his lack of attack ability.

With Lorne's super-sensing ability, he locked onto the target and launched an attack from an altitude of more than 10,000 meters.

The overwhelming firepower fell from the sky.

Like the sword of Damocles hanging high above the human head, it suddenly fell, bringing disaster.

Lorne called this God's punishment.

Of course, all of this is still under consideration. The current air kingdom is nothing more than a framework, like a paper tiger that will collapse when touched.

The soldiers of the kingdom obviously knew Lorne, Enilo and the others, so they opened the city gate on their own initiative without asking.

The inner city was empty, and a bunch of stone cutters were placed in rows, working uninterruptedly, and the cut clouds were collected by a group of workers on the empty island and transported to various places.

"Agatha really moved the entire Sky Island here." Lorne said, with Agatha's character, she wouldn't let the coolies of the Sky Island natives go to waste.

Instead of letting them idle, it is better to make a little contribution to the family. This is not considered oppression. In fact, the hard life of Bika Island has formed a submissive character under the oppression of God and the high priest for hundreds of years.

Anxi, a yes girl, and Enel, a moody girl, may be the best leaders they have ever met.

"Hi, boss, you are finally back!"

As soon as Lorne entered the city, a tall man with bald tattoos came over and gave Lorne a bear hug.

"You have been here for a long time."

Even after getting the news that Lorne had returned, Jody was still a little excited.

Of course, it is also possible that he is idle. After all, his most essential identity is a pirate. Letting pirates engage in construction projects, even supervision, is a torment for him.

"Boss, what are you doing in the North Sea? That sea of ​​the weak is so boring."

Jody muttered, suddenly complaining.

"Such a big thing has happened in the new world. Clouds are moving in all directions, and undercurrents are surging. The whole world has turned its attention to Wano Country, and only our Vinhill family is at a loss."

"You haven't fought for too long, your bones are rusted."

Lorne knew quite well about this subordinate who followed him at the beginning.

Jody didn't want to hear about dreams or the future, he didn't want to know, he only cared about whether he had nothing to fight.

"There is a reason for this," Jody continued after thinking about it. "Actually, the main reason is that the paradise is too boring, so weak that I want to sleep."

"My fault," Lorne nodded and said seriously.

"So what I'm going to announce next is about the new world."

As soon as these words came out, Jody's face showed a little expectation.

"That's right," Lorne said suddenly,

"Where is Fat Tiger, isn't he with you?"

"Forget about him," Jody sighed, seemingly helpless.

"Since that Ordin came, these two foodies have been mixed together. Don't be surprised when the boss sees him later."

"Because he's like a..."

"Boss, you are finally back!"

At this time, Lorne saw a ball rolling out from the back of the house. To be precise, it was a fat person who looked like a ball and rushed out.

I haven't seen you for a few months, how did Fat Tiger become so fat? Just when Lorne was wondering, Fat Tiger also realized that it was still a little difficult for his short legs to support the body forward.

"Boss, wait!"

Fat Tiger said suddenly, and then took a deep breath. His fat body began to shrink like a deflated balloon, and finally returned to the shape when Lorne first met him.

Although compared to normal people, it can still be called obese, but it is much better than a ball.

After doing all this, Fat Tiger jumped up and rushed towards Lorne.

"Boss, I miss you so much." Lorne moved his body slightly to avoid the lump of meat falling from the sky.

"Call all the cadres in the family," Lorne said in a deep voice.

"I'm going to make an announcement."

At night, in the main hall of the central palace of the Sky Kingdom.

All the senior cadres of the Vinhill family were present, including

Ackerman Agatha, Queen of the Mist.


The little angel Anxi and the little knight Luna sleeping in her wings.

Thor Enel.

Butler Coffel.

Arms dealer Khalil.

The deputy commander of "Dark Moon", Hill Allowin.

Combatants Carlos Jordi, Fat Tiger, Moorman, Aldin.

At this time, they were sitting in front of a huge round table, which was filled with all kinds of delicious food and wine.

But the main seat was empty.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Wearing a slim robe, Lorne strode to sit on the main seat.

All the people present are his family members, so there is no need to make it very formal. We all sit together and have a meal.

"Boss, if you come later, the food will be cold. If it is cold, it won't taste good. If it doesn't taste good, it will be wasted!"

Seeing that Lorne finally took his seat, Fat Tiger couldn't help but said.

"Waste is impossible to waste," Ordin, a good friend, couldn't help tearing down Fat Tiger's desk,

"Is there anything in this world that you fat tiger can't eat?"

"You, a guy who eats every time you eat and only grows bigger, have the nerve to talk about me?"

The fat tiger said angrily, it's okay to insult itself, but not its appetite!

All the people present watched the performance of these two live treasures, with a slight smile on their faces.

This is what family feels like.

"Okay, okay." Lorne said after seeing that it was almost done.

"I called everyone this time because I have something important to announce."

Lorne tapped the table with one finger and said softly.

"I want to see the new world."

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall fell into silence, and no one answered Lorne's words.

"Why, don't you want to go?"

Lorne frowned and said, this is different from what he expected.

"It's not that I don't want to go." Agatha, who was sitting on Lorne's right hand, said with a smile on her face.

"I feel that your heart is in a mess. This style is not like yours."


Lorne asked suspiciously.

"Let me speak for you," Agatha turned around and said to the senior cadres of the family.

"If it was you before, you would say that."

"This paradise has been conquered by us, and the next goal is the second half of the great voyage."

With a firm gaze, Agatha stretched out her hands.

"I want to visit the new world."

"Anyone of you want to take a look with me?"

After a brief silence, Agatha spoke slowly.

"Let the name of the Vinhill family resound in the new world!"

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