Pirate Family

Chapter 231 War

Above the sky, Lorne stood on the deck of the Golden Proverb deep in thought. The cadres of the Vinhill family behind them are on standby, ready to join the battle at any time.

"The turnaround is here!"

Lorne squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, a cake boat appeared on the sea.

Below, the battlefield of Marlin Vandor.

"Bigmom reinforcements? You actually teamed up with that crazy woman!"

Warring States looked into the distance, when he saw the flag, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said coldly to the deep pit below him.

At this time, Kaido once again climbed out of the deep pit against the shock wave of the Warring States of Buddha.

"It's impossible for you not to know about my relationship with that woman Lingling."

Kaido struggled to stand up, "So, if you want to kill me, go for it!"

"You don't need to say it!" Sengoku once again exerted force, and a huge shock wave shot out from his hand, hitting Kaido's shoulder heavily. Kaido's legs bent slightly, and the ground under his feet cracked instantly. But he struggled with his legs for a while, and slowly stood up straight. This time Kaido was not crushed into the earth!

"Is it too exhausting to transform into a Buddha form?"

Seemingly seeing the fine sweat on Sengoku's forehead, Kaido said sarcastically.

"Go on, you are one of the few people who can make me feel pain! Don't let..."

Before Kaido finished speaking, a man in a navy cloak jumped down and punched Kaido hard. Sengoku took the opportunity to send out another shock wave to push Kaido into the ground.

"Thank you, Garp." Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the man beside him.

"I'll leave Kaido to you. I'll go and settle the matter on the battlefield."

Garp waved his hand towards Sengoku, and he disappeared in an instant, appearing on the battlefield.

Looking at Garp who disappeared, Sengoku showed a trace of envy in his eyes. He was already old and his body began to decline. Physical fitness is far less than when it was at its peak.

And that kid Karp is still the same as when he was young, so lively.

I'm really envious.

At this time, the ice block that sealed Jack just began to shatter, and Jack, who turned into an ancient mammoth, rushed out of the ice block with a roar.

"I'm going to tear you apart!" Jack roared angrily, but suddenly saw an old man with an indifferent face standing in front of him.

Garp swung out a fist, and the black fist that was not entangled by the armed color hit Jack's lower abdomen fiercely, and then a large mouthful of blood spewed out of Jack's elephant mouth, was repelled by Garp for tens of meters, and hit the ground. The profile of the Beast Pirates.

Is this the strength of a hero?

All the people present swallowed their saliva and opened their mouths wide. Garp's strength is too terrifying. This is simply beyond the reach of human beings!

After throwing a punch, the morale of the marine soldiers was even higher, and they slashed at the pirate in front of them. and

Garp turned around without any sense of accomplishment, and walked towards Quinn.

Seeing the old man walking slowly, Quinn's forehead was dripping with sweat. He wanted to back away, but found a black figure blocking him.

"Your opponent is me, old man."

A tall man in a black uniform and a mask suddenly appeared and blocked Quinn.

"When I first heard the news about you, I couldn't believe it." Garp said with regret in front of Jhin, the leader of the three disasters.

"You are Wei's favorite student. You used to believe in justice more than anyone else. How did you become like this?"

"Turned into the most hated person you've ever been, Ken."

"Justice?!" Jhin laughed loudly at Garp as if he had heard the funniest joke.

"What a high-sounding word!"

"Also, please correct me, my name is not Ken now, but Jhin, the leader of the three disasters!"

"Justice is not in other people's mouths, but in your own heart." Garp shook his head.

"Wei told me before that your character is too extreme and you can easily go astray, so he dare not tell you many things."

"I didn't expect it. You still became like this in the end."

"After Wei finds out, he will be very disappointed with you."

"You don't deserve to mention the teacher's name!" Jhin said angrily.

"After that incident, does the navy still have the face to discuss justice?"

"Even your son, didn't he choose to leave the navy?"

"The Navy, in my opinion, is nothing more than a place of filth."

"Since I can't convince you," Garp said regretfully, shaking his head.

"Then use my iron fist of love to let you know what justice is!"

"It's just what I want!" Jhin's body gradually became ferocious. As an animal-type ability user, he chose the most proficient half-beast transformation from the beginning.

"Let you see the results of my cultivation."


The pitch-black sharp claws collided with the fist of love, and the resulting shock wave repelled all the surrounding soldiers and pirates, and a small blank area appeared on the battlefield!

Trembling, Jack got up from the ground, looked around the battlefield in a daze, and found that Garp was fighting Brother Jhin, he felt relieved. Then rushed towards the very center of the battlefield.


"I said Senior Xiong."

On the edge of the battlefield, Yaze, the ghost hand, was riding on the head of a strong pirate, talking nonsense while teasing the pirate.

"What is the meaning of calling us by the Navy Headquarters? It seems that we don't need us, and the Navy Headquarters can win."

"have no idea."

Xiong casually slapped a pirate over and said calmly.

"Oh! It's indeed the teaching of Senior Xiong!" Yaze looked flattered, and then knocked out the strong pirate with a punch.

"I'm going to find something interesting to do."

Yaze looked at a swordsman pirate on the battlefield with a cruel smile on his face.

This pirate seems to be called some kind of volley six sons, and his strength should be pretty good, right?

Doflamingo was sitting on the battlefield. A pirate wanted to sneak up on him and slashed at his neck with a big knife.

Doflamingo in front of him seemed unaware of all this, and was indifferent to the sneak attack of the pirates.

He was about to be injured. There was a look of ecstasy in the pirate's eyes.

The head of Shichibukai Doflamingo, I just accepted it with a smile!

The pirate was ecstatic, he had expected that he would become famous because of killing Doflamingo. But when the knife in his hand was about to touch Doflamingo's neck.

He suddenly couldn't move, as if something pulled his hand, preventing him from swinging the knife in his hand.

"Ants are ants after all." Doflamingo frowned, as if to sentence the pirate to death.

"No, don't!" The pirate found that his hand was not under his control, and the knife in his hand was slashing at his neck, terrified.

With a knife across, blood spattered. Doflamingo sat motionless.

"Is this the Qiwuhai under the king?"

A pirate held a knife and walked over with a smile on his face.

"The third seat of the six sons of Lingkong, come to ask for advice."

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