Pirate Family

Chapter 336 Two Things

The fat man seemed to be quite authoritative. As soon as he spoke, the tit-for-tat atmosphere at the table eased.

The girl Stracey snorted coldly and turned her head away.

"Well, well! Little Stracey, you are still so playful." Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting in the front seat, noticed this little episode, lowered her head, and said kindly.

Then he turned his head again and glanced at Miss Crocodile sitting next to him.

"The same king, Qi Wuhai, you are much more courageous than that Doflamingo. He has never dared to set foot in the world, for fear that I will eat him."

Sherlock Lingling clapped her hands, and a teapot placed in front of her suddenly moved, and jumped in front of Miss Crocodile as if alive, and filled her with a cup of tea.

"But you are still really generous. It's just a tea party. Do you need to bring so many gifts?"

"As expected of someone who dared to challenge that old man with white beard."

Charlotte Lingling narrowed her eyes and said with a smile on her face. Miss Crocodile did not come alone this time, and she even brought a bark full of gifts.

"This is just to thank the two ladies of your family, the eighth daughter Sherlock Bray, and the eighteenth daughter Sherlock Garrett for their life-saving grace."

Ms. Crocodile said calmly that Druitz has monopolized the tobacco industry for so many years, and the accumulated wealth is extremely terrifying. After his death, all these wealth were inherited by Miss Crocodile. So sending a little gift is not important at all.

As Lorne said before, when money reaches a certain amount, it is really just a number.

Which of the bigwigs in the new world is not as rich as a country? What really distinguishes them from the weak is their rate of conversion of wealth into resources.

Thinking of that man, Crocodile couldn't help thinking of the burgundy curly-haired girl who followed him before. She took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"By the way, where is Garrett? I heard that she has returned to Wan Guo, why haven't I seen her?"

"Do you want to see little Garrett?"

"She's the main character today, so of course she's going to be the finale. After all, today's two events are related to her."

Charlotte Lingling narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

Here comes the important point, all the mafia bosses at the dinner table pricked up their ears and listened attentively. They got the news long before. This tea party of BIG.Mom is to announce an important matter.

"This is the first thing," Charlotte Lingling took off a piece of cake in one bite. Then he said contentedly.

"The Charlotte family decided to elect a fourth general to protect the brothers and sisters in the family."

"Little Garrett is one of the candidates for general star this time."

"And the second thing," Charlotte Lingling swallowed the cake with a happy smile on her face.


The tea party at Cake Island is a rare prosperity, just like the New Year in the Kingdom of Flowers, it is a day worth celebrating.

At least, on the surface.

On the Long Cream Street of Cake Island, a black-haired boy in a priest's black robe is preaching the doctrine.

As Lorne said, because of her childhood experience, Charlotte Lingling had a kind attitude towards the Holy Truth Church. After learning that the church decided to enter the world, she not only did not stop her, but also opened the door for convenience. He personally built a magnificent church for the Church of Holy Truth.

The boy is the bishop of this church. In fact, he should be wearing a red bishop's robe, but because he felt that his qualifications were not enough to convince the public, he took the initiative to wear a priest's black robe and made his posture very low.

"My lord priest, is there really a god in this world?" A girl wearing a panda head and a veil covering her face asked sincerely in front of the boy.

"If there is a God, why would He let this sea suffer?"

"Because I don't want to control it, or I can't control it."

After the girl finished speaking, she lowered her head slightly, with a sly look in her eyes. Her question seemed simple, but it contained two deadly pitfalls.

If God doesn't want to take care of it, then He is not merciful,

If God cannot manage, He is not omnipotent.

Sure enough, after she uttered her words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly froze. The crowd of onlookers were silent, staring at the young man, waiting for his answer.

If the young priest's answer is not good, then his preaching today will be considered invalid.

"Actually, I have thought about this question before," the young man said slowly after pondering for a moment.

"The answer my mentor gave me was that God cannot be questioned. Once questioned, God will take back His favor."

"This kind of statement seems to be logical and autonomous, but it is actually untenable." The young man talked eloquently and calmly.

"Because this stands at the commanding heights of logic. Everything I say is right. If you question me, then you will make a mistake. This is too absolute and does not conform to my understanding of God."

The girl with long flaxen hair froze. She looked at the boy and wanted to say something in her heart.

Is this how you develop believers?

But he still didn't change his face, and continued to listen to the young man's high-spirited talk.

"I think God should be merciful, not so cruel. After thinking about it, I finally got the answer."

The boy stood on the steps of the church, and the sunlight projected on him through the glass windows of the church, making him feel a little more holy out of thin air.

"All these sufferings are just a test, a test given by God."

"Only those who have passed the test can be regarded as believers of God, and they can go to the true, good and beautiful heaven after death."

The boy opened his hands, as if he wanted to hug the residents of Cake Island. He opened his eyes slightly and said slowly.

"So, do you have the awareness to become the people of God?"

The girl looked at the faces of the surrounding residents who were slightly flushed with excitement, sighed slightly, and silently withdrew from the crowd.

The young man's missionary mission this time was very successful. Many people became registered believers of the Holy Truth Church.

The boy had been busy for a long time before he finished dealing with this group of believers. He raised his head and found that the girl with the panda head was sitting on the pew in the church. She hadn't left yet, looking at the boy with interest.

"Excuse me, is there anything else you can do?" The boy held a book, walked up to the girl, and asked slowly.

"I feel that you don't believe in the Holy Truth, why do you still stay here, do you have any intentions?"

Sure enough, it was discovered! A trace of surprise flashed in the girl's eyes, but she didn't panic when her secret was discovered. Instead, he raised his head, stared straight at the boy, and said slowly.

"You're right, I do have something to do."

"Someone wants to see you."

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