Pirate Family

Chapter 338 Provocation and Moriah


Sakaski's fist turned into magma, and he punched the conference table hard, melting it.

Zhan Guo frowned and didn't speak. Are people from this mysterious force provoking?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Sakaski took a deep breath and his expression returned to calm, but under the table, his hands were tightly clenched into fists.

"Let's continue."

In the phone bug, the man coughed, and then there was a "brubulu" sound.

"It should be dialing the phone bug." Zhan Guo keenly judged, "So, the greeting just now, did you know that we have the technology to restore the phone bug's communication?"

Zhan Guo tapped the table with his index finger, without saying a word, his brows were furrowed, and after a while, he chuckled.

"What a conceit."

The phone bug continued to ring, and after a while, Zhan Guo heard a crisp ringtone, and understood that it was the mysterious man who got through the phone.

"Let me take a look at your mysterious veil!" Zhan Guo suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a gleam of light in them.

"Ahem, did I disturb you?" A hoarse male voice came from it.

"Hello, Master Kaido, I want to do a business with you."


"Compared with the process, I pay more attention to the result. Let me talk about what we want first."

Warring States heard a rattling sound, as if part of the old-fashioned film record player was destroyed, and it was completely unclear.

After a while, Sengoku heard Kaido's furious voice.

"These things are not something you newcomers can eat!"


The sound of recording the phone bug stopped abruptly here, and Zhan Guo frowned, unable to relax for a long time.

At this time, Sakaski took out a projection phone bug and handed it to Sengoku.

"This is the picture taken by the recording officer of the Wrath of Justice. It should be the real face of that man."

Warring States took a look, and saw a blond navy with a delicate and immature face, standing in the corridor, making faces at the surveillance phone bug.

Behind him, is a group of sailors who are gradually leaving.

After making funny faces, the blond boy turned his back to the monitoring phone bug and slowly left. When he was about to enter the blind spot of the phone bug, Zhan Guo saw that the golden color on his hair gradually faded and turned into pitch black.

"It's really mysterious enough." Zhan Guo cursed with a smile, and then muttered to himself.

"New Haiwei Alliance?"


The great route, paradise, and the sea area of ​​the Devil's Triangle, this is a sea area shrouded in thick fog all year round. Legend has it that this is a kingdom of ghosts. As long as any living person enters here, he will gradually get lost in this dense fog. Become a ghost ship floating in the sea, empty of people.

At this time, in the center of the Devil's Triangle sea area, there is an island, to be precise, a giant ship as big as the island is docked there.

If someone sees it, they will be able to recognize it. The owner of this huge ship is one of the famous kings of the Shichibukai, the great pirate, Moonlight Moriah!

The island is eerie, with tombstones scattered around the periphery of the island.

In the middle of the island, there is an ancient castle that looks like a skull. A fat man with a height of nearly seven meters is standing busy in front of an operating table.

"By changing the shadow of the target, the connection between the shadow and the body can be used to affect the entity of the target!"

Moria said with a frenzied expression. He first tore off the shadow of the arms of an adult male in front of him with one hand, and then took two shadows in the shape of cat's claws from the cabinet next to him to connect them.

Immediately afterwards, a strange situation happened. The arms of the adult male corpse lying in front of Moria suddenly broke, and then a pair of cat scratches grew out of the male's arms.

"Success!" Moria said with a big laugh, his eyes were bloodshot, but he didn't feel tired at all.

"This is the real usage of the shadow fruit. By cutting the shadow to transform the human body, as long as I continue to strengthen it, I will be able to create the strongest puppet!"

Moria laughed wildly.

"When the time comes, Kaido! Lorne! All of you arrogant bastards will submit to my shadow army!"

At this time, there was a slight sound from a door next to it, and Moria frowned. He calmly took out a black cloth and covered the mutated corpse.

"Ah~ sorry." A pink-haired little girl about ten years old in black goth pajamas came out of the room yawning.

She held a doll with stitch marks all over her body in both hands, looked at Moria with her head tilted, and asked in a childish voice.

"Mr. Moria, what happened just now?"

"I just discovered something, did you accidentally disturb Perona?" Moria put away all the hostility on his face, and said with a smile.

"Perona, go to sleep!"

This little girl is named Perona, and Moria picked it up by chance after losing all her companions in Wano Country. At that time, Perona was still a baby who could not speak, and Moria was underestimating her life at that time. After hearing Perona's cry, she wanted to slap her to death.

But for some unknown reason, he didn't do anything for a long time, but instead picked her up and raised her alone.

Only in front of this little girl, Moria, the hero, will show his tender side.

"Is that so?" Perona tilted her head and thought about it, and felt that it was important to sleep, so she walked up to Moria and said with a bow.

"Good night, Mr. Moriah!"

He walked to the corpse behind Moria and saw that the corpse was covered with a black cloth. He thought he was asleep, so he said in a low voice.

"Good night, Mr. Corpse!"

At the end, she looked at the scattered "parts" that Moria placed on the side cabinet, and said seriously.

"Goodnight everybody!"

Perona's series of movements are extremely smooth, as if she has rehearsed countless times. In fact, she does it every night before bed, and it's become a ritual.

Moria stood aside, silent.

This Perona has extraordinary firmness, she is not afraid of these corpses at all, but regards them as her friends. Moria didn't know whether this was good or bad.

Wait until Perona returns to the room. Moria walked up to the corpse again.

"The sharp claws of cats cannot improve the combat effectiveness of individual zombies."

Moria removed the cat's claws from the man's body and restored adult hands.

"How about putting the shadow of a person in the body of an animal?"

With an idea, he took out a well-preserved black cat carcass from the cabinet, and then took out a black shadow from a jar and stuffed it in.

This shadow originally belonged to a strong man who is very good at speed. With the agility of cats, it might have a miraculous effect.

But at this time, the doorbell of the castle rang.

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