Pirate Family

Chapter 340 Pirate

The black zombie cat ran wildly in the foggy cemetery with Perona in its mouth.

Whether there is the howling of the wind behind him and the faint cry of a woman can be heard, which is particularly eerie.

"The cat ran forward, catch it!"

At a corner, Perona heard someone shouting, and immediately covered her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound. Although she couldn't understand what happened, she knew that once she was caught, it would bring huge trouble to Mr. Moria.

The black cat stopped, and then climbed up the wall with Perona in its mouth. Its legs were thick and powerful, and its claws were extremely sharp. In addition, Perona was only a little girl in her teens, so she was relatively light. So the black cat climbed the wall very fast, and before the pursuers could react, it climbed onto the roof.

"Damn it, we must not let it escape!" The pursuers surrounded the house, but when they went upstairs, they found that there was not even a single cockroach in the house, not to mention people.

The black cat and the little girl seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

In the port of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, the black zombie cat took Perona to hide in a small boat, sticking out its head to observe the situation on the shore.

"What happened, can you tell me now?" Perona stroked the black cat's head and asked suspiciously.

"Why do bad people appear in our house?"

In fact, people like her and Moria who like to hide in gloomy cemeteries and play with other people's corpses are the "bad guys" in most people's minds, but in Perona's pure world view, these intrusions The people in their family are bad people!

The black cat raised its head and tilted its head. Its face was full of stitches, which was extremely terrifying, but what didn't match its terrifying face was that its glasses were clear and transparent, as if filled with stars.


In fact, it doesn't understand what happened. Since its birth, the first mission it received was to protect the girl behind it.

When necessary, it can even betray its creator, abandon the ship and escape!


The central castle of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship has been reduced to ruins at this time.

A fat and bloated man lay in the ruins, panting heavily.

Beside him, the corpses of countless pirates or marines piled up like a mountain!

"It's really tenacious, as expected of the veteran Qixia Wuhai!" Huo put his hands on his waist and walked up slowly.

"The power of dozens of shadows gathers together, this power cannot be underestimated."

"Unfortunately, I won."

He stretched out his hand, and a lavender light glowed on his hand, touching Moriah's body. The latter still wanted to resist, but the severe pain in his body made him cough up blood.

"Don't be afraid, you'll be fine soon."

Huo said lightly, his tone seemed to carry a charming magic power. Moria struggled violently at first, but gradually calmed down after hearing Huo's words. When Huo took his hand away, Moria's The eyes became dull.

Just like Helen before.

"Finally we have subdued a strong man, and our plan can move forward again." A man with white wings descended from the sky and slowly landed beside Huo.

He was carrying a sniper rifle nearly two meters long. He was the one who threatened Moriah in the air just now. If it weren't for his crucial bullets, they would never have won so easily.

"Sure enough, as the intelligence said, after losing to Kaido and Lorne one after another, Moria's confidence suffered a devastating blow, and the domineering spirit of both colors declined to varying degrees,"

"And the crucial domineering arrogance seems to be lost."

Huo pondered for a moment, then said lightly. He is a person who is very good at summing up, his arrogance is just an appearance for others to see. In fact, Huo is extremely cautious, and he will never make a move if he is not sure.

The reason for the raid on Moria this time is because they have mastered all the weaknesses of Moria, coupled with pre-emptive strikes, they gained the upper hand through the number advantage.

"But there is one thing I don't understand," the man with the spear asked suspiciously,

"This Moria obviously has many opportunities to escape, why did he stay here and fight us to the death?"

"Maybe it's because we are afraid that we will be disadvantageous to that little girl, and that once he escapes, we will chase that little girl without hesitation."

Huo remembered that in order to protect the little girl, Moria even used her own body to resist Sinio's bullet. That little girl should hold a lot of weight in Moria's heart, right?

"Ridiculous! As a pirate, I have such a heart of compassion, bound by the so-called fetters. No wonder I have suffered successive failures."

Sineo said sarcastically.

"But after defeating this man, our name of 'New Pirate Alliance' will definitely resound throughout the sea! Who is our next target?"

Sinio took out a map from his body, on which the names of several people and the forces under their command were listed in scattered circles.

"Now in Paradise, it can still be called a powerful force, and these should be the only ones left."

"Bounty Hunters Guild, Black Isle, Seven Nations Alliance..."

"And," Sinio pointed to a small island represented by flowers on the map.

"Adela, the country of flowers, is one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king, the base camp of the 'devil' Lorne, on the surface it is a resort full of flowers."

"Secretly, it is indeed Lorne's military factory. 'Devil' Lorne and 'Tian Yasha' Doflamingo have almost monopolized all the arms business in the world."

"But!" A cruel smile appeared on Sinio's face, "Now Lorne himself is far away in the New World, besides, there was news of a decisive battle between him and Kaido's strongest Calamity Jhin, and now his life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown !"

"It's a good opportunity for us to do it!"

"The wealth of a country makes people drool just thinking about it!"

"This is indeed a very tempting proposal," Huo smiled slightly, but shook his head.

"After we defeated Moria, we have been targeted by the navy. Once we make a move, the navy will definitely send general-level powerhouses to encircle us."

"It's not worth taking such a big risk for a little Pele," he said.

Huo pointed to a name on the map with a cruel smile on his face.

"If we want to do it, we will do it big!"


The winter of 1508 in the lunar calendar of the sea came very early. Although spring, summer, autumn and winter are just the four seas, once this season comes every year, the temperature in most of the sea areas of the paradise will start to drop.

Wearing a padded jacket, Jingyuan walked out of the gate of the Navy Headquarters with a heavy heart. The navy at this time is in the middle of winter just like the weather.

Although he had just defeated the Golden Lion Shiji, one of the Four Emperors, he had swept away the shame of the execution war.

But before they gained a firm foothold in the new world, several news came.

First of all, Lorne, one of the seven martial arts under the king, duels with Jhin in the New World, but his whereabouts are unknown.

Secondly, Moonlight Moria was defeated by a man named Huo!

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