Pirate Family

Chapter 343 Letter from the Church

After hearing the data of Solang's improved Golden Proverb, all the artisans present took a deep breath.

This old guy has really brought out all the skills of pressing the bottom of the box.

After seeing the admiring eyes of the people around him, Solang enjoyed it very much. He glanced at Lorne proudly. This man was still as calm as usual, and he couldn't help frowning.

Has this short-sighted brat not understood the importance of Lao Tzu?

"Have you finished?" At this moment, Lola's dull voice sounded in Solange's ear.

"Actually, you don't have to let me." Lola touched her head shyly.

These words made Suo Lang involuntarily angry, he slapped the table heavily, and roared angrily.

"You think I'm telling you, do you really understand what this thing means?"

"Do you really understand the theories I just said?"

Suo Lang blew his beard and stared angrily, belittling Lola to nothing. The little girl had never seen such a battle before, she was too frightened to speak.

"Please pay attention to your tone, Craftsman Solange." Lorne, who was the referee, knocked on the table and said with a frown.

His voice was not loud, but everyone present could clearly hear the displeasure in Lorne's tone. The whole conference room fell silent instantly.

"Hmph! A child who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth," Suo Lang muttered into the air. Then he turned his head to stare at Lola and said sarcastically.

"Then I want to see what you have designed,"

"Isn't it an unfinished product?"

Lola glanced at Lorne, and in the latter's encouraging eyes, slowly took out her blueprint.

"I also created the design of the Golden Motto." Once she entered her field of expertise, Lola became more confident, she talked.

"But my philosophy is slightly different from that of Mr. Solange."

"Although I thought of strengthening the hull to avoid the problem of the Golden Monument disintegrating in the air. But after thinking about it, I still gave up."

"You thought of it when you said it," Solang said sarcastically, "Then I said that I can create 'Pluto'."

Pluto is a legend among shipbuilders. It is said that it can easily destroy a small island with one blow.

Lola ignored Solang's ridicule and continued.

"Because high-purity sea iron is one of the few limited-supply resources in the family, I infer that the price of this kind of thing must be extremely expensive."

"My thinking is very simple," Lola spread out the drawings.

"The biggest problem at high altitude is air resistance and the pressure difference between inside and outside. If this problem is solved, can a perfect spaceship be made?"

"It's simply impossible. Humans can't create a perfect streamlined body. Because of the strong power, the resistance encountered by the Golden Monument at high altitude is even greater than that in the sea."

Solange said firmly. It was because he couldn't make a perfect streamlined body that he was stuck at the last moment and thought of other ways to make up for it.

"Why do you need a perfect streamlined body?" Lola tilted her head and said, "Just move the power system of the spaceship from the side to the bow, and increase the gravity of the bow, so that it can perfectly resist the resistance at high altitude. .”

As soon as Lola's words came out, all the craftsmen were stunned. Why didn't they think of such a simple question.

"There is also the problem of excessive internal and external pressure," Lola pointed to the device placed on the side of the Golden Motto.

"After removing the power system, the two sides of the Golden Proverb were released. I installed two pressure converters on these two sides, which can convert the pressure on both sides into power, so that the driver can be unscrupulous in the high altitude. Accelerate without worrying about sudden disintegration."

"According to my calculations, if the materials of the first version of the Golden Mantra are matched, the average speed of the new version of the Golden Mantra designed in this way can reach more than 40 knots, and it is uncertain when it breaks out."

After Lola finished talking about all her designs, the entire conference room fell into a deathly silence. The craftsmen looked at Lola in shock,

Is that human being? How old is she, and she has only been exposed to the design of the Mantra for a few days?

Why can they overcome the problems they can't solve so quickly?

Suo Lang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, without saying a word, his strength is stronger than other craftsmen, so he knows more clearly that all the designs of this girl are correct!

Total defeat!

Solang felt a deep sense of frustration in his heart, but before he could continue speaking, he heard Lorne's gloomy voice.

"It seems that the outcome has been decided right?" Lorne looked at Solange with a strange arc on his face.

"It seems that I have to 'treat' you well, Mr. Solange."


Suo Lang's continuous behavior like a clown had already angered Lorne, and this time, Lorne finally caught him.

However, Lorne did not execute Solange in the end. On the one hand, he had made contributions to the family after all, and executing him rashly would chill the hearts of other people who worked for the family.

On the other hand, it was Lorne who didn't want Lola to feel any guilt, thinking that Solang was killed by him.

Late at night, in a secret room in the palace.

Lorne closed his eyes, humming a little song while soaking in a vat of emerald green liquid.

At this time, the blood that was replaced by the emerald green liquid became much less. Lorne estimated that he would be able to fully recover after coming here once or twice.

There were two knocks on the door of the room, and a woman in a black lady's suit came in. She held a lot of documents and walked behind Lorne.

For this man's habit of bathing naked, Violet was no stranger to it.

"It seems that you are very happy today," Violet joked when Lorne was humming a ditty.

"Is it because you got rid of that Solang?"

"It's just a reason," Lorne said with a laugh. "Another reason is that the little girl Lola gave me a big surprise."

"A spaceship with a speed of more than forty knots, this really makes me drool."

If a sports car in the previous life was a man's romance, then in this life, a powerful boat is even more a man's romance.

This is even more so for their pirates.

"Then congratulations," Violet smiled slightly, and then took out an envelope with ink pads that hadn't been opened yet.

The envelope is gilt and decorated with white angel wings.

Ink pads stamped with a person's name.

Saint Thomas Quina.

"But I'm here to report two things to you."

"The first is that you have been paying attention to the matter of Cake Island. There is already some news. This is the information from the Holy Truth."

Violet handed the envelope to Lorne. The ink pad has not been opened, which means that except for the person who wrote this and the person who opened the envelope, no one else knows the contents of the envelope.

"The other thing is that Lieutenant Admiral Peach Rabbit of the Navy came to Sidio Island, and she brought a message from Marshal of the Warring States of Buddha."

Violet said slowly, with a dignified expression.

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