Pirate Family

Chapter 354 Fate

The defense that Mary Joya was so proud of was useless in front of these men.

They arrived at the top roof of the castle with little effort.

This place is called "Dragon Treasure House", and it is the place where Tianlong people store the "heavenly gold" offered by all over the world.

But a few people were familiar with the wealth, and walked up the mossy stairs.

Their destination is higher.

"These things are probably more than the combined tax revenue of the world government over the years."

The man who hid his whole body in the cloak turned his head, looked at the "Dragon Treasure House" under his feet, and sighed.

"What a waste."

"This is why I hate Tianlong people." The old man in a dark red suit said lightly, with a hint of disgust in his expression.

"Professing to be a god, but it's just a group of moths attached to the world government."

This is not the first time he has come to Marie Gioia, but every time he comes here, he has not left a good impression.

Caesar did not join the discussion between the two, even though he, the former Draconian, had the most say on these matters.

But because of that incident, he has already sealed this identity deep in his memory.

"Here we are." Caesar said lightly. At this time, everyone came to the stone gate with some history on three sides.

Caesar stood in front of the first stone gate, wiping the moss on it with his hands, his face full of nostalgia.

"This is what Roger put in Mary Joa. The last historical landmark we are looking for is here."

The dragon nodded, and then stretched out his hand from the robe. Suddenly, the weather changed in the sunny and sunny Mary Joya, and a hurricane blew out from the dragon's hand, blowing the stone door open.

revealing what was stored inside.

At this time, the Tianlong people living in Mariejoa didn't know what happened. They thought it was just a sudden change, and then vented their anger on their slaves.

Only a thin figure sitting on the void throne in front of nineteen long swords suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his head, his deep eyes passed through the wall, and looked in the direction of the "Treasure House of Heavenly Dragon".

The corner of his mouth curled up in a sarcastic arc.

"Is the challenger of this era finally coming?"

"But you are destined to lose to the 'past'."

The thin figure stood up, and the mocking voice echoed in the hall.

"Because, this is fate."


A great route, a paradise, a certain sea.

Warring States slapped the pirate ship in front of him to pieces. Then the navy swarmed up and captured the unconscious pirates.

Ever since the "New Pirate Alliance" defeated Moonlight Moriah, one of the King's Seven Martial Seas, and became famous on the great route. An order was issued from above that this group of people must be arrested and brought to justice.

Because no matter how decadent Moonlight Moria is, he is still the Shichibukai under the king after all, and the meaning of the existence of the Shichibukai under the king is to shock the pirates so that they dare not act rashly.

Now, Moonlight Moria was defeated by a newcomer, and the prestige of the Shichibukai who had been operating for many years was affected. If it weren't for the few from the new world to stand in front.

I'm afraid that Qiwuhai under the king will become a joke of the whole sea.

After successive setbacks, the reputation of the navy, or the world government, has been questioned. They urgently need to catch a few provocateurs to make an example to others.

However, this "New Pirate Alliance" is more cunning than foxes. They seem to know that the navy is going to attack them. After defeating Moonlight Moria, they never ventured out on the sea again.

Once the navy gets the news that they are suspected of appearing and sends people there, they will be attacked by suicide attacks by several pirate groups.

These pirates who were brainwashed by Huo used their lives to delay him.

Warring States just went out to do a job, and encountered at least three waves of attacks. Although Sengoku didn't pay attention to the strength of these pirates, but thinking of the "New Pirate Alliance" that was more cunning than loach, Sengoku felt a sense of powerlessness.

Are you really old? Is it no longer possible to suppress this sea?

Perhaps after going back, it is time to start looking for a successor.

"Blue, blue, blue."

At this time, the phone bug that Zhan Guo carried with him suddenly rang, and a young woman's anxious voice came from the phone bug.

"It's not good, Marshal of the Warring States Period."

"What happened, Lieutenant General Yuyuan?" Sen Guo heard the voice of Taotu Yuyuan, and at the same time, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Jingyuan has a trust." The other side whispered.

"After I arrived at Sdeo Island, I found that the residents and facilities here were in order, so I guessed that Vinhill Lorne, one of the Shichibukai under the king, should still be alive."

"But I've been here for almost a week, and I haven't seen Lorne for a long time."

Ginger Park slowed down and continued.

"I have two guesses."

"The first is that he was injured, which may be more serious than we thought, and he has not recovered yet."

"He didn't want to show us his weak side."

"But I vetoed this guess, because not only did I not find Lorne on Sidio Island, but I didn't even see the senior cadres of the Vinhill family!"

Speaking of this, Warring States already understood, and he said the second guess that Gion hadn't had time to say.

"His attitude was more determined than we thought. He didn't give us a chance to dissuade him at all."

"At this time, he may have arrived in the sea of ​​​​ten thousand nations."

He could almost foresee how violent the storm would be.

After thinking for a while, Sengoku took out a phone bug.

"Sakaski, I have a task for you."


The great route, the paradise, Adela, the country of flowers.

The port is full of ships of all kinds. They are not merchants who come here to trade, but noble parents who pick up their children from school.

Yes, parents.

Although it has only been opened for less than a year, Adela's Future Academy has conquered the residents of several surrounding islands through its novel teaching concepts.

The systematic teaching method of different teachers is far more effective and cheaper than aristocrats hiring a tutor.

So some ordinary nobles are very happy to send their children here to learn some skills.

On the east beach of the Kingdom of Flowers, a little girl in a dress and a cool summer dress are playing.

They are Anxi and Rebecca. After the initial period of discomfort, they gradually got used to this kind of life in school.

Although I am often scolded by the teacher, this kind of fulfilling life is much more interesting than the previous life alone.

"Sister Anxi!"

At this time, Rebecca, who was making clay figurines on the beach, suddenly saw a black boat floating on the sea level.

When the two little girls walked over to take a look, they found a little girl about ten years old in gothic pajamas lying on the boat with a big black cat in her arms.

If you don't move, life and death are uncertain!

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