Pirate Family

Chapter 364 I'm Laughing

Lorne has always been a domineering person, or in other words, everyone standing on the top of this sea is a domineering person.

It is impossible to get to this point without a self-respecting heart.

"Then what should we do now?" Agatha asked softly. Xiao Jia didn't want to go with them, so it was impossible for them to kidnap her.

This is the territory of the Four Emperors!


Lorne didn't answer Agatha's words, but snapped his fingers, and the eyes of a cake castle maid next to him became dull, and then walked step by step in the direction where Garrett and the others left.

At this time, Lorne walked to a tavern called "Happy Gourmet" next to the Cake Castle and sat down.

"Sir, what would you like to order?"

A waitress walked over respectfully with a menu.

"Three steaks marinated with cherry tomatoes, and a bottle of Aphrodite's heart, thank you."

Lorne said gently, making people feel like a spring breeze.

But the waiter's eyes showed a little more respect, Aphrodite's heart, the taste is sweet but not greasy, often considered by the old drunkards to be the wine drunk by girls.

However, this kind of wine can stimulate the taste buds and bring out the taste of steak to the extreme, which only experienced gourmets can understand.

There is no chef who would not like this kind of diner who can appreciate his own cooking level.

Agatha sat directly next to Lorne. Of course, she didn't feel that Lorne chose to enter this restaurant just because he was hungry.

At this time, no one can eat.

Lorne waited until the waiter turned around before looking at the mirror-smooth glass next to him, as if talking to himself.

"Xiao Jia,"


Cake Island, Ring.

The four winners of the trials sat on one side of the ring, silent.

Charlotte Lingling was sitting on a high platform beside her, looking at her children with loving eyes while eating this food.

Crocodile and Stracey sat next to her in silence.

There's also a giant vulture joking with the girls next door while sipping on Cake Island's signature drink.

As for the other bigwigs in the underground world, they seemed to smell danger, and found a reason to leave last night.

In fact, Ms. Crocodile was also puzzled. She was forced to stay here because she was worried about little Garrett, but why did the other two refuse to leave?

Fortunately, Morgans said that he was the boss of the World News Agency, and this cake island was about to break big news, so he was not willing to leave.

But this Stracey, like a little girl who is really looking forward to someone else's wedding, pesters herself all day long about little girls.

It's annoying!

"Well, well, my children, are you ready?" Charlotte Lingling looked at the few people beside the ring and said with narrowed eyes.

"You can start anytime."

Among the four, a female swordsman with an extremely slender neck stood up and nodded slowly to Charlotte Lingling.

As the eldest of the four, she is much more mature and stable than the other brothers and sisters.

"In that case, let's start!" Charlotte Lingling said with a smile.

Armand and Snug stood up slowly, the first match was a duel between them.

Garrett had a calm face, not caring about the outcome of the battle at all, as if it had nothing to do with her.

What's more, today's match is just a formality, and even the champion has already been decided by the mother.

It's Brother Snug.

Sure enough, although Armand's swordsmanship in the ring looked extremely fierce, after deliberately avoiding the opponent's vital points, his killing intent was far less intense than before.

It was just a few symbolic gestures before he was defeated.

Garrett stood up slowly, and the next step was the match between herself and brother Mondor.

Wait a minute, pretend to be invincible and admit defeat directly.

But at this time, a girl wearing the clothes of a cake castle maid stumbled to Garrett's side and gently grabbed her arm.

She opened her mouth lightly, and a hoarse voice came from it.

"Xiao Jia," Lorne said softly, looking at his own face reflected in the mirror.

"You're so silly."

"Do you know that the lowest and most helpless time in my life was not during the few years in the city, not when I escaped from the city, when Shi Ji was like a mountain weighing me down, let alone When Luxor and Jhin had a decisive battle before, I didn’t even know if I could survive.”

"It was at the very beginning, when the two of us were trapped on that isolated island."

"That's the real despair, without a glimmer of hope."

"Without you, I might have died there long ago." Lorne smiled self-deprecatingly. His gaze in the mirror became firmer.

"Do you think your way of hurting yourself will make me happy?"


Garrett looked at the maid in front of her, and was about to speak, but the maid gently covered her mouth.

"Shut up," the maid said softly.

"At that time, I swore that I would protect you for the rest of my life."

"A man's oath cannot be tarnished."

"I know you have difficulties. Maybe someone is threatening you with my life, so you have no choice but to submit."

"Don't try to deceive me." The maid brought her nose closer and sniffed Garrett.

"Because mood swings don't lie."

"Now you just need to answer me, are you willing to come with me?"

At this time, all the grievances of Garrett finally broke out together, and she finally cried out. It turned out that he was so important in brother Lorne's life.

She remembered the desperation when she was on the isolated island. Two ten-year-old children supported each other. As soon as they escaped from that place, they encountered vicious pirates again.

That is the real impasse.

Compared with that, what is now?

"I am willing." Garrett said softly, tears ran across her cheeks and fell to the ground, fleeting.

However, there was a smile on her face at this time, not the heartbroken heart that was as dead as before. It's a smile called happiness.

If brother Lorne dies, then I will die with him.

It's infinitely better to die with someone you like than to linger for a lifetime with someone you hate.


The maid said slowly, with a domineering smile on her face.

"I'm going to get rid of those who blocked us now, Xiao Jia, you must,"

"wait for me!"

After the maid finished saying this, she was taken aback for a moment, then opened her eyes in a daze, and said in doubt.

"Me, why am I here?"

At this time, when she saw Garrett in front of her, she didn't know when tears were streaming down her face, and she asked with concern.

"Master Garrett, why are you crying?"

"No, I didn't cry." Garrett wiped away the tears on her face and smiled charmingly.

"I'm laughing."

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