Pirate Family

Chapter 368

Most people would be shocked when they suddenly saw a person standing not far away smiling at them in such a foggy environment.

But Jhin is not an ordinary person, his experience in the city of advancement has made his heart as firm as steel. After seeing Lorne, a raging flame burned in his one eye.

"All the grievances between you and me, let's end here." Jhin waved his hand, and an invisible halo condensed on his left hand.

Flames burned on his shoulders, like a god in an ancient mural.

Facing Lorne, he didn't dare to hold back at all, and immediately sacrificed his strongest state.


Needless to say, Jhin slammed a fist wrapped in flames towards Lorne fiercely. It went straight through his chest. The blood spewed out and dyed Jhin's arm red.

Is it fake again? !

Jhin withdrew his hand, and the moment it penetrated the opponent's chest, he already knew that Lorne in front of him was a fake.

So where is the real Lorne?

A chill welled up in Jin's heart.


The wailing of the ninjas continued to be heard behind him, as well as the sound of sharp swords cutting off limbs and gushing blood.

"Lorne's target is Master Heitan Orochi!" Jhin Wave's calm face finally showed a trace of panic.

He made a mistake.

He thought that with Lorne's character, he would deal with Heitan Orochi and the others after getting rid of himself as an enemy first.

So they left the main force and wanted to lure Lorne out, and the two fought to the death.

But unexpectedly, Lorne's real goal turned out to be Heitan Orochi who stepped out of Wano Country for the first time!

"Hurry up and protect the general!"

The ninjas turned their backs on Heitan Orochi and surrounded him, then picked up the dagger in their hands and looked around vigilantly.

The surrounding fog is shrouded, as if there is a beast hiding in the fog, peeping at them, this feeling is desperate.

From time to time, there are ninjas with lower mental quality, unable to bear the huge psychological pressure, and Lorne takes advantage of it. He raised his butcher knife to his companions.

The scene was once chaotic!

"How could this happen!" Heitan Orochi looked anxiously at the dwindling number of ninjas who were killing each other. These are his elite, the capital to dominate the Wano country.

Although because of Kaido, even if they are all lost, it is impossible for anyone in Wano Country to threaten his status.

However, he must be more checked and balanced by Kaido, and he can't do whatever he wants like before.

This is something that the black charcoal snake who is used to being the emperor of the earth cannot tolerate.

"Isn't this the old woman's base camp? Why hasn't reinforcements arrived after so long?"

"Is she really on the same level as Kaido?"

Seeing the ninjas falling down continuously, Heitan Orochi was so anxious that he couldn't help cursing regardless of whether he would offend Charlotte Lingling.

"It may not be that simple."

The squinting Sleeper Kushiro drew his knife lightly, and after beheading a controlled ninja, he looked around and said calmly.

"We may have fallen under the spell of the sorcerer of the High Seas."

"Here, maybe it's not the cake island anymore." The Sleeping Crazy Lang looked around and said a shocking fact.

"What?!" Heitan Orochi exclaimed, thinking of the surprisingly long spiral staircase, he became uneasy.

If this isn't Cake Island, then where is it?

"Are you all right?" Jhin emerged from the mist, looking anxiously at Heitan Orochi and Sleeper.

"I just heard screams coming from here."

"It's fine for the time being." Sleeper Kushiro walked towards Jhin with a smile.

"But I found out that we should have been trapped in this place by a sorcerer's sorcery."


"And there is only one way to break the black art, and that is." Sleeping Kushiro stood in front of Jin, squinting his eyes, revealing a cruel smile.

"Kill that sorcerer!"

Sleeper Kushiro held the famous sword Onimaru Tsuna with his hand, and a sword energy flew from bottom to top, towards Jin's neck.

"Heavenly first-class Juhe!"

Drawing swords and slashing is a compulsory course for every Wano country swordsman. By putting his body and mind into his sword, braking with stillness, and striking first, he bursts out with astonishing power.

This is the essence of drawing the sword. A powerful swordsman will not let his opponent see the moment he draws the sword.

Sleeper Kushiro is extremely confident in his swordsmanship. At such a close distance, even a strong man at the level of the three disasters will be injured if he is not prepared.

"Jin" didn't seem to be too surprised when he saw the sleeper attacking him. He turned his body slightly and avoided the attack with an extremely clever posture.

"How did you tell that I'm not Jhin."

"Jhin" looked at the sleeping madman, and said calmly.

"Actually, I don't know if you are Lord Jhin," Sleeper Crazy Lang looked at the man in front of him, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile.

"Now that I know that you can manipulate other people's perceptions, then I am wary of anyone."

"After all, I'm just a dog raised by the General, and the dog's duty is to protect the safety of its owner!"

Seeing that Sleeper Kushiro called himself a dog, he didn't show any shame on his face, but was extremely proud. It seems that the dog of the black charcoal snake is something glorious.

"But now, I can already conclude that you are not Lord Jhin."

Sleep Kushiro stared straight at his opponent.

"If Master Jin is real, he will definitely fight back after I make a move, instead of talking to me here now."

"Your prudence has cost you your last chance to escape." Sleeper Kushiro drew out his famous sword, Onimaru Tsuna, and the dark blade reflected "Jin"'s eyes as calm as an abyss.

"You can't escape, Lorne." A man in a dark uniform. A man with wings on his back came out of the thick fog and looked at his opponent. Surround this fake "Jin" front and back.

His eyes are full of fighting spirit!

But at this moment, that fake "Jin" laughed hehehe, looked at the two of them coldly, without any fear in his heart.

"Do you think that the two of you are determined to eat me?"


A bolt of thunder flashed across, illuminating the entire mist, and a thunderbolt slammed fiercely at Heitan Orochi's ninja troops.

This poor elite troop was completely wiped out before it could make a move. Turned into coke in one place.

A shirtless teenager stood opposite the black charcoal snake. looked at him coldly.

The body of the fake "Jin" shrunk a few times, turning into a boy in a black cloak.

Facing the two powerful men of Wano Country alone, he was not afraid at all, with a cruel smile on his mouth.

"Also, when did I give you the illusion that I'm only one person?"

The first round is over.

The second round begins.

Jhin + Sleeper Kushiro VS Lorne!

Enilo vs Heitan Orochi!

Thank you Lobster Superman for the monthly pass!

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