Pirate Family

Chapter 387: Choice

Ignoring the newspaper's exaggeration or slander against him, Lorne flipped through the newspaper to see if there was any other news worthy of his attention.

Unexpectedly, on the other side of the newspaper, a headline was written in a font no less than that describing Lorne.

"Legends become reality? Dragons really exist in this world!"

Below the caption is a murky image that appears to have been taken from the sea.

It was a small island surrounded by countless skulls and dilapidated pirate flags, it was extremely gloomy.

There are white buildings on the small island, but they seem to be under attack by some forces. There are guns on the buildings.

But this is not what Lorne cares about. What really attracts Lorne's attention is that on top of this building, there is an animal with wings on its back and thick limbs roaring, and flames are sprayed out from its ferocious mouth .


This was everyone's immediate reaction when they saw this creature.

The article didn't describe much, it just said that this is a secret naval base that was suddenly attacked by unknown forces. This photo was taken when the naval base was under attack.

Many people just regard this as an anecdote, as a topic of conversation after dinner.

But Lorne knows that in this world without PS, photos mean that there is a high possibility that they are real.

Besides, Lorne happened to know this island.

"Punk Hazard!" Lorne squeezed out these words from his teeth.

"Inform Agatha and let her communicate with all the intelligence departments under the Vinhill family. I must know what happened to Punk Hazard in the shortest possible time."

Lorne said quickly to Violet, Violet rarely saw Lorne take anything so seriously, nodded, and ran into the cabin

"Why do you care so much about this?" Garrett asked suspiciously as she supported Lorne to sit on the sofa on the deck.

"I didn't know where the Navy hid Vegapunk before, but now I realize that he has been in this Punk Hazard all along!"

Lorne took a sip of water and said slowly.

In this world, only Vegapunk, who claims to have mastered 500 years of technology beyond the times, can breed a giant dragon!

Because cultivating such a huge monster requires a kind of technology.

How to meet the huge consumption of powerful life forms?

This technique has plagued Gage for decades, if it could be solved. Then the strength of his clone army will be improved by leaps and bounds, and Lorne will immediately get a terrifyingly powerful and absolutely loyal army.

The information was quickly sent to Lorne. This was the information obtained by the intelligence officers of the Vinhill family from the navy. After comparing it with the information of other forces, it was confirmed that it was extremely authentic.

"On the evening of January 17, 1509 in the lunar calendar, a group of forces raided Punk Hazard."

"After a brief resistance, the scientists of Punk Hazard were captured one after another, and Dr. Vegapunk himself disappeared."

"After analysis, the forces that attacked Punk Hazard are more than 90% likely to be the New Pirate Alliance, which was famous in the paradise before."

"Is it the new Pirate Alliance again? This faction has been quite high-profile recently." Lorne smiled slightly, and thanked them for helping him find Dr. Vegapunk.

"Look for news about this new pirate alliance," Lorne said lightly.

"They took something they shouldn't have, and they must return it!"

There was an inexplicable chill in Lorne's tone, and everyone present understood what he meant.

The demons in this sea are eyeing this new Pirate Alliance.

"Blue, blue, blue."

At this time, the phone bug Lorne put on the table suddenly rang.

This phone bug is specially used to contact the world government and Wangxia Shichibukai. Garrett walked over to pick it up under Lorne's gesture.

Sure enough, Sengoku's old and tired voice sounded from the other end of the phone bug.

"Lorne, you brat, you caused me a lot of trouble!"

"Troublesome?" Lorne lay on the sofa and crossed his legs. Said indifferently.

"I think it's pretty good."

"Don't talk to me in that foolish tone," said Zhan Guo on the other end of the phone bug, angrily.

"The higher-ups are already thinking about whether they want to cancel your title of Qiwuhai under the king!"

Sure enough, the world government was extremely afraid when they knew that they were married to the Charlotte family. I am afraid that I will fall to the side of the pirates.

After all, the power of Lorne's level is enough to affect the situation of the battle.

"But you still suppressed it, right?" Lorne said with a smile, directly dismantling the words of the Warring States Period, without caring about his face at all.

"After all, I am still somewhat useful. There are not many people in this sea who can replace me."

On the other end of the phone bug, Sengoku was silent. He couldn't refute what Lorne said.

At this time, the Vinhill family controlled most of the arms business in the four seas. It can be said that without Lorne's arms support, many countries in the four seas would be overthrown by the rebels.

It sounds ridiculous for a country to be so dependent on a pirate, but it is true.

This is also the helplessness of this era.

Not to mention, Lorne and many gangsters, such as the clown joker in the underground world, the tobacco king Crocodile, the golden emperor Tezolo, etc., and now with the fourth emperor Charlotte Lingling, if you move him, you will It is equivalent to moving their entire interest chain.

This price is unbearable even for the Warring States Period.

Lorne was also silent, because Warring States had no intention of mentioning his father, Caesar, to him.

And I didn't get anything about Marie Joya being attacked from the newspapers or intelligence.

Even the majestic Charlotte Lingling has not received this news.

Is the world government planning to block that news? What happened to Mary Joya that day?

Father, why did you turn white overnight?

Lorne buried this question in his heart. He didn't suspect that Stracey had lied to him, because he didn't feel that she was lying, and there was no need for her to lie.

"You can think so too." After a while, Zhan Guo said slowly.

"By the way, there are two more things."

"First, the murloc Tiger has been haunting the Loxor waters recently. This is your and Doflamingo's territory. I hope you can resolve this matter."

"Secondly, the World Conference is about to be held. As the king of Sdio, you are eligible to participate in this conference."

"World Conference?"

Lorne was silent for a moment, the group of Tianlong people regarded him as a thorn in his side, and his father had repeatedly made troubles with Marie Gioia, so he might not get any good looks in the past.

However, Lorne thought of one thing, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly.

"I'll be there."

Thank you for the 1500 reward from book friend Su Yifan!

There is nothing to repay, and more will be added tomorrow!

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